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Welcome. To The Wellington Allen Gymnasium. BARNETT JUNIOR HIGH ATHLETICS. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle. Barnett Coaching Staff. Coach Howard. BIOGRAPHY. DEGREE : Bachelor of Science MAJOR :
Welcome To The Wellington Allen Gymnasium
BARNETT JUNIOR HIGH ATHLETICS We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.Aristotle
Coach Howard BIOGRAPHY DEGREE: Bachelor of Science MAJOR: Community Health & Kinesiology and minor in Nutrition. COLLEGE: University of Kansas HIGH SCHOOL: L. D. Bell HOBBIES: Community Service Gardening, Exercising BEEN A BEAR: 5 years • Sports: Head Volleyball • 7th/8th Head Volleyball • 8th Girls Cross Country • 7th/8th Track Assistant • Girls P.E./Athletics/AVID
BIOGRAPHY Coach Allen DEGREES Bachelor of Science Master of Education MAJORS: Physical Education / Health Athletic Administration COLLEGE: Springfield College Springfield Massachusetts HIGH SCHOOL: Peabody High School, Pittsburgh, PA HOBBIES: Fishing and Cars BEEN A BEAR: 17 years • Sports: Athletic Coordinator • Head Boys Basketball • 8th Basketball A/B Team • 7th/8th Football • 7th/8th Track (LJ/TJ) • Boys P.E./Athletics
Coach Penney BIOGRAPHY DEGREE: Bachelor of Science Education : Kinesiology COLLEGE: University of North Texas HIGH SCHOOL: Allen High School HOBBIES: Playing sports, shopping Hanging out with friends and family BEEN A BEAR: 2 year • Sports: Girls Assistant Coach • 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball Assistant • 7th Girls Cross Country • 7th/8th Girls Track Assistant • Girls P.E./Athletics
Coach Unrue BIOGRAPHY DEGREE: Bachelor of Arts MAJOR: Communications/ Kinesiology and Science COLLEGE: West Texas State University HIGH SCHOOL: Abilene Cooper High School HOBBIES: Fishing, Grilling, Movies, Softball, Gardening BEEN A BEAR: 12 years • Sports: Boys Assistant Coach • 7th/8th Football • 7th A/B Basketball • 7th/8th Track (Discus) • Boys P. E./Athletics
Coach Robinson BIOGRAPHY DEGREE: Bachelor of Arts MAJOR: Political Science COLLEGE: University of Hawaii HIGH SCHOOL: Valley High School Sacramento, CA HOBBIES: Running Triathalons BEEN A BEAR: 3 years • Sports: Head Football Coach • 7th/8th Football • 7th Basketball A/B Team • 7th/8th Track (Shot Put/Pole Vault) • 8th Grade History/Athletics
Coach Thornton BIOGRAPHY DEGREES: Bachelor of Arts Masters Sports Management MAJOR: Kinesiology COLLEGE: Louisiana State University HIGH SCHOOL: Bowie High School HOBBIES: Running, Shopping, Reading BEEN A BEAR: 3 year • Sports: Head Girls Track Coach • 7th/8th Volleyball Assistant • 8th Girls Cross Country • 7th/8thGirls Track • 7th Grade Science Teacher/Athletics
Coach Ray BIOGRAPHY DEGREE: Bachelor of Science MAJOR: Health Physical Education and Recreation COLLEGE: Langston University HIGH SCHOOL: Booker T Washington High School HOBBIES: Gardening, Basketball BEEN A BEAR: 3 year • Sports: Head Girls Basketball Coach • 7th/8th Basketball • 7th Girls Cross Country • 7th/8th Girls Track Assistant • Girls P.E./Athletics
Coach Dozier BIOGRAPHY DEGREE: Bachelor of Arts Liberal Science MAJOR: Kinesiology COLLEGE: University of Texas at Arlington HIGH SCHOOL: Eastwood (El Paso, Texas) HOBBIES: Cooking, gardening and fishing, Traveling BEEN A BEAR: 15 years • Sports: Head Boys Track Coach • 7th/8th Football • 7th/8th Boys Cross Country • 7th/8th Grade P.E./Athletics
Physical Education /Athletic Fee • There is a required $10 fee per semester ($20 for the year) for students enrolled in physical education or athletics
Eligibility An individual may participate in UIL competition or contest as a representative of a member school if he/she • Is a seventh grade student less than 14 years old on September 1 • Is an eighth grade student less than 15 years old on September 1 • Is a full-time day student at the school he/she represents • Did not repeat seventh or eighth grade for athletic purposes
Eligibility Cont. • Will be suspended from participation after a grade evaluation period in which the student receives a grade lower than a 70 on a 100 point scale in any class • A suspension continues for at least three weeks and is not removed until a review of the students grades reveals that ALL grades are equal to or greater than a 70 on a 100 point scale • Beginning the seven grade year, having been promoted from the sixth to the seventh • Beginning the eighth grade year, having been promoted from the seventh to the eighth
Steroids • Steroid use is prohibited by state law. • State law prohibits the possession, dispensing, or administrating of an anabolic steroid. • Barnett Junior High will never promote a player using steroids, human growth hormones, or any other supplement.
Boys Athletics Girls Athletics
Athletic Dress Code (Boys) • The boys will wear a plain white T-Shirt or a white Barnett T-Shirt • The boys will wear plain Black Shorts • They should have a pair of sweats for cool weather • They should have a pair of gym shoes and a pair of cleats • NO JEWELRY will be worn in athletics • Grading is based on suiting out properly and participation • Jewelry, gum, tardiness to roll call, and behavior will result in citizenship mark reduction
Lockers • Each student will be issued a locker for athletics • It is the students responsibility to lock all of their belongings in their locker • After they place all of their items in the locker and close it, they MUST spin the dial in order for it to lock • We do not share lockers • Students should not give their combination to anyone • If your locker is not working properly you must report it to your coach
General Information • 7th grade has four teams. Two equal “A” teams and two equal “B” teams. • 7th grade will have no trick plays, no stunting on defense and we can only run one formation on offense. • 8th grade has two teams. One “A” team and one “B” team. We can run anything we want, but we will try to resemble what Bowie High School does. • All players will have equal playing time on all teams except 8th grade “A” team.
Basic Rules • Players will not wear any jewelry at any time during practices or games. • Players may wear skull caps, but will not be allowed to wear bandanas. • For every unexcused practice a player misses, he will sit for half the game. • Every time a player is late for practice he will receive additional exercise. If this behavior continues it will result in losing playing time.
Equipment • We will provide all the equipment needed to play football except for cleats. • No player will be issued equipment until we receive a notarized physical. • The players must use our equipment. The reason for this is we get our equipment checked and certified for the player’s safety. • We will have an early equipment day set up before school starts. Once school starts we will issue equipment from 6:00am to 6:30am for 7th graders. After practice for 8th graders for 30 minutes • There will be no visors worn on the helmets unless it is a prescription visor.
7th Grade Practice • Starts the 1st day of school • All players must have a notarized physical turned in before they can do anything in practice. • Locker room will open at 6:OOam • Players on the field at 7:00am • Practice will end in time for players to make it to their 1st period class. We will not have practice the morning after a 7th grade game. Usually that will be Wednesday mornings.
8th Grade Practice • Starts the 1st day of school • All players must have a notarized physical turned in before they can do anything in practice. • Practice will be after school and will go to 5:30. Tuesdays we will practice until 4:30 due to 7th grade games, and 5:00 Fridays due to scouting for the Bowie. • Water, water, water – we will keep your kids hydrated.
Game Day • In 7th grade we will play on Tuesday nights at 5:30 and 6:30. Two teams will travel and two teams will play at home. The times will alternate each week between “A” team and “B” team. • 8th grade will play their games on Wednesdays. “A” team will play at 4:30 and “B” team will play at 5:30.The times will NOT alternate each week between “A” team and “B” team in 8th grade. • 8th grade games all players travel together. • We provide schedules to all players.
Game Day • If you want to take your child home after the game we must see the parent before we will allow that player to leave. • We have a large number of players who we have to get ready for a game and get them focused to play the game. Sometimes we will only have 20 minutes to do this. • After games it is our responsibility to get all players and equipment to the bus or back into the school. We are asking that if you have any questions or concerns about anything please contact us the next day by email or phone. • Your questions are important to us and we do want your input. We want to have time to answer your questions and concerns with our undivided attention. • We cannot be successful without strong parent support.
Early equipment pick-up Friday, August, 19th. from 9-11:30a.m. Must have notarized physical to receive equipment.
Boys Basketball • 8th Grade Head Coach – Coach Allen • 7th Grade Coaches – Coach Robinson - Coach Unrue • Season – Late October to Late January • Must have a notarized physical to participate.
Basketball General Information • 7th Grade will have four teams of 10 plus a couple reserves • Two A-Teams and two B-Teams • You do not have to be in athletics to try out • Try-outs will last 4 days • Practices will start at 7:00am • Doors will open at 6:30am • The day after a game - No early morning practice • Teams will play one game a week and have two tournaments during the season • Seventh grade is equal participation and will not play for a championship
Basketball General Info. Cont. • 8th Grade will have two teams of 10 • One A-Team and one B-Team • You do not have to be in athletics to try out • Try outs will last 4 days • Practice will last from 7th period to 6:00pm • Friday practice will end at 5:00pm • Teams will play one game a week and have two tournaments • The A team will play for a championship and the B team is equal participation
Boys Track & Cross Country • 7th and 8th Grade Coach- Coach Dozier • Must have a notarized physical in order to run.
Cross Country -Season begins early February -There will be 4 meets then the City Meet -Practices will begin after Christmas break -Do not have to be in Athletics to run -There are no try-outs, all participants on the team will run on meet day
(XC cont) -Runners will be split into an A and B group “A” group consist of 10 runners, top 5 runners score points for team according to finishing place “B” group number is unlimited -7th Grade competition distance is 1mile for A and B -8th Grade competition distance is 1.5 miles for A and B Only “A” group runs at city meet (10 runners per grade)
TRACK -Season begins in late March -There will be 4 meets then the City Meet -Practices will begin in mid February -Do not have to be in Athletics to run -There are no try-outs, all participants on the team will run on meet day
(track cont) -Athletes can choose participate in… 3 running events and 2 field 3 field events and 2 running Or 5 field events -In the First 3 meets, there is a maximum of 5 participants for each event, the last 2 meets and the city meet a maximum of three per event are allowed
Sportsmanship • The score of any athletic event is generally forgotten over time, but the actions of the players, coaches and spectators are remembered. The next time you attend a junior high school game, think of how history will remember you. Good sports show you how to play the game.
The Athletic Booster Club • The athletic booster club is made up of parents • The booster club does the concession stand for games and raises money for the program • All money raised goes to purchase equipment and other items for the students