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Advanced Plasma Reconstruction Automation: Requirements and Guidelines

Learn the strategic requirements and flexibility needed for automated plasma reconstruction in the context of the IMAS programme. Understand the levels of complexity and speed required for effective data analysis. Explore the functional and non-functional requirements for successful implementation.

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Advanced Plasma Reconstruction Automation: Requirements and Guidelines

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  1. IMAS requirements towards Automated Plasma Reconstruction O. Sauter IM Design Team, CRPP-EPFL 10 June 2011

  2. Outline • From the IM programme strategic requirements: • Plasma/diagnostics reconstruction used throughout the project • Flexibility/extensibility: various levels of complexity/speed • Requirements (SR09) The IM Programme shall develop a plan, jointly with the Diagnostics and CODAC Divisions, for establishing a suite of tools for comprehensive plasma reconstruction.

  3. Plasma/diagnostics reconstruction used throughout the project x x

  4. Flexibility: various levels of complexity/speed • The IMAS shall provide a flexible and extensible process for automated data analysis • Various levels of sophistication of the models used for data processing, plasma reconstruction, cross-validation, heating and CD calculations shall be defined and extensible

  5. Operation Support – Plasma Reconstruction Reconstruction of various plasma quantities from diagnostic analysis (interpretative analysis). Four typical levels are identified. Not IMAS (although "IMAS" modules) Quasi-real time In between pulse In between day/automated data validation 8-10 June 2011

  6. Use Case point of view The number of levels and their detailed definition shall evolve with time and model improvements. At this stage three levels are foreseen to support plasma operation, corresponding to Levels 2-4 of the Use Case categories: 8-10 June 2011

  7. Functional Requirements The automated data processing shall be similar to present typical use, except in a more formal and automated way. Typically, the processes need: An accurate equilibrium plasma reconstruction (free boundary and may be aided by a 1½D transport code) A projection of the diagnostics on the equilibrium A calculation of the various heat and CD sources An iteration of the above processes, until convergence, and a cross-comparison used to better define the diagnostics results and the plasma parameters Each of these phases (a) to (d) shall have different levels of modules for the different levels of the automated process. The iteration may not be present in the level 2 case. Automated visualization shall be provided (for control room and data surveillance) A large part of the checking that the systems, data, diagnostics are properly running during plasma operation shall be based on the outputs of this automated process. Therefore specific visualization shall be easily available and interactivity shall be enabled in order to check specific data or systems. For the level 2 case, the flow of data from the tokamak should be accessible in "real-time", thus a specific get function shall be required (QRTGET) 8-10 June 2011

  8. Non-Functional Requirements • The automated data processing shall be executed within IO and outside IO in a transparent way (assuming the DAs can provide the relevant compilers and hardware). • The level 2 case requires fast execution with data flowing just outside the POZ. The IO shall reserve, during pulse execution, the adequate CPU power. (Note that it should be relatively easy within 10-15 years) 8-10 June 2011

  9. TCV automated data chain • Equilibrium reconstruction • Profile projection and fitting • Iohmic + Ibs vs Ip => checks Zeff • Automated TORAY-GA run for all time points • ce(r), te, HH scaling, etc -> to data model -> to data model -> to data model -> to data model -> to data model • Used in between pulses for next pulse design • Trigerred robust "modules" being developed • Same modules used for pulse planning, analysis, etc • Triggered GUI to be developed for rapid and "safe" use • Triggered many users to use these tools…-> thus making the modules even more robust… also because relies simply on data model 8-10 June 2011

  10. TCV pulse planning / between pulse analysis Also for planned shots Click to insert new launcher angles Click to run Toray-GA Click to see results Easy+robust => used by all expetimentalists/modelers/PhD students 8-10 June 2011

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