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Potential for collaboration for EU- Uzbekistan/Central Asia: First conclusions for discussions

Potential for collaboration for EU- Uzbekistan/Central Asia: First conclusions for discussions. Svetlana Klessova, inno AG Project Coordinator. 17 May, 2010 Tashkent,Uzbekistan. ISTOK-SOYUZ approach. The ISTOK-SOYUZ Project: Contributes to the definition of

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Potential for collaboration for EU- Uzbekistan/Central Asia: First conclusions for discussions

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  1. Potential for collaboration for EU- Uzbekistan/Central Asia: First conclusions for discussions Svetlana Klessova, inno AG Project Coordinator 17 May, 2010 Tashkent,Uzbekistan

  2. ISTOK-SOYUZ approach • The ISTOK-SOYUZ Project: • Contributes to the definition of • cooperation strategies with the • addressed countries of Eastern • Europe and Central Asia • Provides recommendations on cooperation priorities for the five countries: Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan • Provides recommendations on cooperation potential in four Central Asia countries: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan ISTOK-SOYUZRecommendations to the European Commission

  3. ISTOK-SOYUZ methodology

  4. Overview of key results in four Central Asia countries(Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgzstan)

  5. Focus on Express Diagnostic in Uzbekistan

  6. Focus on Key findings and Recommendations in Uzbekistan • It is recommended that the European Commission undertakes awareness raising and cooperation actions, so as to increase the currently low visibility of the EU initiatives. • It is recommended that the EC undertakes actions in the suggested areas, as to increase the EU involvement in the emerging markets in the country • It isrecommended to the European Commission to orient its actions (if any) to the identification of the needs in terms of ICT R&D in Uzbekistan. • It is recommended to the EC to implement collaborative actions, addressing the needs of update and improvement of the R&D base.

  7. Conclusions • “The cooperation potential exists and both EU and Central Asia could benefit from possible further collaboration, especially with Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.” • Collaboration between EU and Uzbekistan could be enhanced but efforts need to be provided. • There are needs for ICT R&D application areas (water management, industrial automation, energy management etc.) • “The insufficiency of specific ICT R&D competences and critical mass, in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, need to be overcome, so as for the both, Europe and Central Asia, to build a collaborative dialogue for ICT support and to explore mutual opportunities in the sector.”

  8. Our questions for discussion: • What are your first impressions? Do the key findings on ICT collaboration potential match your knowledge about the situation in Uzbekistan/Central Asia? • What are the needs of the ICT R&D in Uzbekistan/Central Asia? • In your opinion, does the cooperation potential exist in the field of ICT R&D? If yes, please indicate… ( Svetlana, peut-être on peutimprimer les questions et les donner aux gens à la Conf de répondre? Peut-être on aura un peu plus de feedback?) • Do you find other recommendations relevant? • Do you have suggestions for future actions or help from the ISTOK-SOYUZ project? • …?

  9. Contacts details Svetlana KLESSOVA, inno AG ISTOK-SOYUZ Project Coordinator Address: Place Joseph Bermond Ophira 1 - BP 63 06902 Sophia Antipolis, France Phone: +33 4 92 38 84 26 Fax: +33 4 93 65 41 35 E-mail: s.klessova@inno-group.com Nikolay PAKULIN, ISPRAS ISTOK-SOYUZ Project Expert Address: 25B kommunisticheskaya str., Moscow 109004, Russia Phone: +7 495 912 53 17 (4443) Fax: +7 495 912 1524 E-mail: npak@ispras.ru

  10. Thank you for your attention!

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