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Phrases. Out of the window – kroz prozor What else? – Šta još? To have a cup of coffe – piti kafu To have a shower – istuširati se To brush teeth – prati zube To have breakfast (lunch, dinner) – doručkovati (ručati, večerati). Phrases. To go home – ići kući
Phrases Out of the window – kroz prozor What else? – Šta još? To have a cup of coffe – piti kafu To have a shower – istuširati se To brush teeth – prati zube To have breakfast (lunch, dinner) – doručkovati (ručati, večerati)
Phrases To go home – ići kući To come to see (to go to see) – doći, ići u posjetu To watch television (TV) – gledati televiziju In fact – u stvari To go to bed – ići na spavanje
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) FORM Affirmative (Potvrdni oblik) se tvori dodavanjem nastavka –s ili –es na glagol u 3. licu jednine, a za ostala lica upotrebljavamo infinitiv glagola bez TO: I speak English very well. He speaks English very well. She hurries to work every morning.
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) Nastavak –s ili –es se izgovara na tri načina: /z/ iza zvučnog glasa (samoglasnici, b, dd, g, m, n, v): goes, rains, shows /s/ iza bezvučnog glasa (f, k, p, t): talks, shops, puts /iz/ iza /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /ks/: catches, kisses, fixes, kao i za –ies: carries, hurries, worries
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) Negative (Odrični oblik) se tvori od pomoćnog glagola DO ili DOES (za 3. lice jednine) + NOT + infinitiv glagola DO NOT = DON’T DOES NOT = DOESN’T It does not (doesn’t) rain a lot in November. We do not (don’t) watch horror films. Mary doesn’t drive a car.
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) Questions (Pitanja) tvorimo inverzijom, tj. zamjenom mjesta pom.glagola i subjekta: Does she like tomato juice? No, she doesn’t. Do you put sugar in your tea? Yes, I do. Does John spend a lot of time abroad? Yes, he does. Do we often go to the cinema? No, we don’t.
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) USE • Da govorimo o radnjama koje redovito obavljamo (navikama, rutinama): Peter goes to work by bus. I drink coffee every morning. My friends learn English.
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) 2. Da govorimo o trajnim stanjima, opštim istinama i osjećanjima: I have two dogs and a cat. We like animals. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The Smiths don’t enjoy big parties.
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) 3. Da govorimo o budućim zvaničnim događajima ili rasporedima koje ne možemo promijeniti: The summer term begins on the 15th of February next year. The train leaves at 6.25 a.m.
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) TIME ADVERBIALS Uz ovo glagolsko vrijeme često koristimo slijedeće priloge vremena: always, usually, regularly, every morning/night/day, often, sometimes, occasionally, from time to time, twice a week, rarely, seldom, once a month, hardly ever, never.
Grammar 1. Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vrijeme) I always walk to school. He regularly swims and plays tennis. I have a haircut once a month. From time to time my family go for a picnic in the forest.
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) FORM Affirmative (Potvrdni oblik) se tvori od pomoćnog glagola TO BE u prezentu (AM, IS, ARE) + glavni glagol s nastavkom –ing: I’m/am sitting on the sofa. We’re/are thinking about our holidays. He’s/is walking to school this week.
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) Negative (Odrični oblik) tvorimo dodavanjem rječice NOT na pomoćni glagol + glavni glagol s nastavkom –ing: He is not (isn’t) working. They are not (aren’t) going to school today. I’m not (am not) learning English.
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) Questions (Pitanja) tvorimo inverzijom: Are you planning to go abroad in summer? Yes, I am. Is she wearing your tie? No, she isn’t. Is Mary sleeping at her friend’s? Yes, she is.
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) USE • Da govorimo o radnjama koje se dešavaju u momentu govora: I’m reading some grammar explanations. (now, at this moment) We are listening to our English teacher. (now, at this moment)
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) 2. Da govorimo o radnjama koje se dešavaju redovito, ali u ograničenom vremenskom periodu (privremene rutine ili navike) i ne neophodno u momentu govora: We’re training every day this week to prepare for our next match. I’m eating only fruit and vegetables at the moment. (while I’m on a diet, not necessarily at the actual time of speaking)
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) 3. Da govorimo o budućim događajima koje smo već unaprijed odredili ili dogovorili (naši lični planovi ili aranžmani): I’m getting married in June. (we have already made this arrangement) We’re going to the theatre tonight. (we’ve got the tickets)
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) Special rules for the spelling of –ing forms • Kada glagol završava na suglasnik + e (write, smile, come), ispuštamo –e pri dodavanju nastavka: writing, smiling, coming • Kada glagol završava na jedan samoglasnik + jedan suglasnik (put, run, sit), udvostručujemo posljednji suglasnik: putting, running, sitting; osim iza –w i –x: knowing, fixing.
Grammar 2. Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vrijeme) TIME ADVERBIALS Uz ovo vrijeme možemo koristiti slijedeće priloge vremena: Just, now, at the moment, at present. I’m just having a quick dring. We’re having lunch at the moment/now. At present, many scientists are working on a cure.