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Westward Expansion 9/23/13 – 10/12/13

Westward Expansion 9/23/13 – 10/12/13. Unit 3. Monday, Sep. 23 rd Warm-up. Predict what you think the unit “Westward Expansion” will cover. What events do you think are included in this unit? We’ll talk about it after the Pre-test. Cover page for the unit . Westward Expansion 1800-1840

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Westward Expansion 9/23/13 – 10/12/13

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  1. Westward Expansion9/23/13 – 10/12/13 Unit 3

  2. Monday, Sep. 23rd Warm-up • Predict what you think the unit “Westward Expansion” will cover. What events do you think are included in this unit? • We’ll talk about it after the Pre-test

  3. Cover page for the unit • Westward Expansion 1800-1840 • Include 2 pictures • Add color

  4. September 23rd, 2013Warm-up • One President during the Westward Expansion period is ____________________________. • The name of the war during this period is_________________________________. • One area of land that the U.S. acquired during this time is ___________________________.

  5. The Louisiana Purchase • Jefferson wanted to control the Mississippi River. • bought it from France • Almost doubled the size of the country. • Could the President buy new land? This was an issue that needed to be addressed by Congress.

  6. Why did Jefferson send Lewis and Clarke? • Find a river route to the Pacific. • map the country. • To survey its natural history.

  7. September 25th, 2013Warm-up • Name two things you learned from yesterday’s lesson. • One thing I learned was… • Another thing I learned was…

  8. Vocab summary work On the next blank page, do these 3 activities to familiarize yourself with the vocab words • write the 11 vocab words in alphabetical order. • Make a chart and organize the words by 1 word, 2 words and 3 words • Make another chart separating the words into events & non-events

  9. Northwest Territories • After the Revolution, Americans began settling the Northwest Territory. • US army was sent in to force Natives to give up their land. • In the Treaty of Greenville (1795), Natives gave parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan to the US.

  10. Florida • Secretary of State John Quincy Adams negotiated a treaty with Spain, giving Florida to the United States. • Adams-Onis Treaty, signed in 1819.

  11. Texas Independence • Spanish invited Americans to colonize the land of Texas. • Americans had to agree to certain things: • surrender their American citizenship • Swear allegiance to Mexico • Adopt the Roman Catholic religion • Hold the land for 7 years

  12. Texas Independence • Many Americans did not honor the agreement. • Mexican government sent troops to occupy Texas. • Fighting erupted and the Mexicans are winning until Santa Anna, the Mexican President, was captured. • They negotiated Texas Independence

  13. Important People

  14. September 26th, 2013Warm-up • Quickwrite: Why do you think the U.S. is trying so hard to acquire all of this land? What do you think they are hoping to gain from all this? • 20 words. Circle the word count when you’re done.

  15. Quiz • Which of the following is true of why Jefferson sent out explorers to the Louisiana Territory? • To see if there was a water route to the Pacific. • To map the country. • To mine the gold in California. • A and B. • Which of the following is true of why Jefferson wanted the Louisiana Territory? • He wanted to control the Mississippi River. • He wanted a better position for future takeover of Mexican land. • He wanted to weaken the French. • He wanted a political advantage over his opponent in the political race.

  16. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for the Americans to be able to live in Texas? • They had to surrender American Citizenship. • They had to swear allegiance to Mexico. • Must fly a Mexican flag on their property. • Must adopt the Roman Catholic religion. • What is the correct definition of suffrage? • The right to vote. • The right to own land. • The right to own a gun. • The right to run for political office. • Which of the following happens after Texas gains independence? • It is immediately adopted as the 14th state. • With its new Independence it decides to rejoin Mexico. • It becomes its own nation named the Republic of Texas • Mexico immediately reclaims Texas as part of Mexico.

  17. Causes? • Mexico was upset at the annexation of Texas. • President Polk’s belief in national expansion. • Polk’s desire to settle the boundary between Mexico and U.S. • Mexico’s refusal to meet with U.S. delegate.

  18. Mexican American War • Polk claimed the Mexicans invaded U.S. territory: Declared War. • Californians took control and declared themselves independent. • American troops took over the capital of Mexico. • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848. • Gadsden Purchase, 1853

  19. Friday, Sep. 27th, 2013Warm-up • Name one cause of the Mexican American War. • Explain why we bought the Gadsden Purchase.

  20. Gadsden Purchase • Southerners wanted a railway to the west coast. • They realized it would help them expand their trade. • Purchased the land for 10 mill.

  21. Oregon Territory • Oregon settled mostly by Americans but was jointly owned by U.S. and G.B. • Polk claimed “54̊° 40° of fight.” • Settled with a treaty that set the boundary at the 49th parallel.

  22. Alaska • The U.S. was looking to expand into the Pacific. • Russia was recovering from a war and offered to sell Alaska to the U.S. • Thought it had potential for fur, timber, and metals. • Later, gold and oil were discovered.

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