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9 -10 - 13

KEY CLUB MEETING. 9 -10 - 13. Introductions. President Johanna Back Vice President Noah Eckberg Secretary Maddy Carpentier Treasurer Haley Dahl Publicist Sam Wondimu. Webmaster Emily Benson Governor Katie Lundquist Teacher Advisor Ms. Tollefsrud Kiwanis Advisor

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9 -10 - 13

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KEY CLUB MEETING 9-10-13

  2. Introductions • President • Johanna Back • Vice President • Noah Eckberg • Secretary • MaddyCarpentier • Treasurer • Haley Dahl • Publicist • Sam Wondimu Webmaster • Emily Benson Governor • Katie Lundquist Teacher Advisor • Ms. Tollefsrud Kiwanis Advisor • Larry McFadden

  3. What is Key club? • Service organization that provide volunteers for events and projects throughout the community • Member club of the International Key Club Organization • Over 266,000 members involved in over 15,000 clubs in 31 countries

  4. Rules of Key Club • Complete at least 40 total service hours by the end of the year • Minimum of 20 key club hours • Sign up for at least 2 Key Club events every trimester • 3 Strikes Policy • Failing to attend a general meeting without letting a board member know • Failing to show up at an event you signed up for • Poor meeting/club conduct • Attend General Meetings (Attendance will start Nov. 1st) • Zero Hour Waiver • Email us before the meeting

  5. What’s next? • Fill out the Key Club Application and turn it in! • Due October 20th ($15) • $13 if turned in before October 1st • Turn in your Parent Consent Form • Zero Hour? • Turn in zero hour waiver • Tell your friends 

  6. Staying informed • Email @ eastridgekeyclub@gmail.com • Facebook • Key Club Website • http://eastridgekeyclub.webs.com/

  7. Upcoming Events • ERHS Boys Soccer Game • ERHS Girls Soccer Games • Guardian Angels Fall Festival • Picking Up Litter after the Homecoming Parade

  8. Thank you 

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