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Satisfaction/dissatisfaction in long-distance relationships. Annika Kettunen, Alli Mattila, Emmi Marjamaa and Kaisa Koskinen. Let’s start with music:. Jet lag - Simple plan. This is Lisa. Lisa and Sam. What causes dissatisfaction in long-distance relationships ?.
Satisfaction/dissatisfaction in long-distancerelationships Annika Kettunen, Alli Mattila, Emmi Marjamaa and Kaisa Koskinen
Let’sstartwith music: Jet lag - Simple plan
Whatcausesdissatisfaction in long-distancerelationships? • Long-distancerelationship in audience? • Whatdoyouthink? • Ownexperiences to share?
What causes dissatisfaction in long-distance relationships? • According to our own/others experiences: • Time zones • Different life rhythms • How to divide time between friends and partner on weekends? • Life can´t be so spontaneous • Other is satisfied with less seeing than the other • Not being able to live the every-day-life together • Carrying the worries over the whole week
Whatcausesdissatisfaction in long-distancerelationships? • According to literature and research: • Uncertaintytowards the futuretogether is connectedwithdissatisfaction • Quantity of timespenttogether is notconnected with dissatisfaction of a relationship • Beingapart and the moment of separationcancausesrtongnegativefeelings, butthosefeelingsarecompentsated with increasedintimacy and passion whenbeingtogether • Coping strategies affect to received relation satisfaction • Time management/dividing time between for example work and relationship
What is the mostimportantthingthatmakes the long-distancerelationshipwork?