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Discover the benefits of Slot Credit Substitutions (SCS) in managing flights during GDP events for smoother traffic flow and improved system predictability. Learn how to use SCS and when it should be employed for optimal results.
Beginning with the release of ETMS 7.6, SCS will be available for use during GDP events.
What is SCS? • A tool that provides slot users with slot swapping flexibility when ordinary rules of substitution fail. • A method of substituting flights that gives an airline credit for giving up an earlier flight arrival slot for a later arrival slot that will benefit that airline.
What is SCS? • A method of substituting flights that benefits a willing participant by rewarding it with an earlier flight arrival slot by virtue of it relinquishing its’ later arrival slot. • A program that resembles a combination of the substitution and compression processes within a GDP. • A true collaborative slot swapping process.
What are Benefits of SCS? • Even slot for slot exchanges • Increased system stability (predictability) • Smoother GDP traffic flow • Improved AAR compliance • Improved EDCT compliance • Improved use of System Capacity • Phased approach to eliminate the 20-minute window • Improved data quality
ATCSCC Benefits • Decreased workload during GDPs • Airline initiative required vs. FAA ATCSCC initiative • Decreased need for compression • Reduced need for “White Hat” requests • Reduced ECR requests due to missed EDCTs
User Benefits • More flexibility for users’ to cancel and sub flights. • Users can resolve “missed EDCTs” before they happen. • Delay Reduction that is going unused today can be distributed to other flights that can use it.
System Benefits • Increased predictability • Improved airline business decisions • More economically suitable cancellation choices • Improved passenger throughput • Improved slot control management • Improved user EDCT compliance • Reduced delays for all system operators • Substitution benefits for small operators with limited presence
When should SCS be used? • When a user would cancel a slot but cannot use the slot to reduce delays for later flights because of a gap in their schedule. • When a user has a flight that cannot make its EDCT and there are no other flights in its schedule that can fit into that slot. • When a user would normally request a “White Hat” to protect a critical flight, that would otherwise be canceled, because it has no other slots in its schedule that the flight will fit into.
The SCS “Bridge” SCS is made possible via a SCS “bridge” that links the airline SCS software to the FAA SCS software. If the bridge is open (SCS Bridge “On”) for a carrier, that carrier’s flights are subject to being moved per the SCS guidelines. Airline 2 SCS ON SCS ON Airline 3 FAA Airline 1 SCS ON SCS ON Airline 4
The SCS “Bridge” By turning off the SCS bridge, (SCS OFF) the airline prevents its flights from being considered in any pending SCS requests. This will prevent the SCS process from interfering with the internal GDP management by the airlines. Flights of Airline 2 would not be considered in an SCS request Airline 2 SCS OFF SCS ON Airline 3 FAA Airline 1 SCS ON SCS ON Airline 4
The SCS “Bridge” Once trading has been completed and successfully submitted, airlines are expected to restore the SCS bridge(SCS ON). If an airline fails to restore the bridge within 30 minutes of shutting off, it will be restored automatically. Flights of Airline 2 will once again be considered for an SCS move Airline 2 SCS ON SCS OFF SCS ON Airline 3 FAA Airline 1 SCS ON SCS ON Airline 4
SCS General Flow • The first thing to remember prior to any substitution is to turn “Bridging Subs Off ”. • REMEMBER….. • Turning “Bridging Subs Off” protects your substitution plan from being compromised by an SCS request from another user. • “Bridging Subs Off” has a 30 minute timer which is used to automatically turn “Bridging Subs On” in the event that someone forgets to do so once they are finished working with their sub tool.
SCS General Flow • User identifies a flight that it wants to sub.
SCS General Flow • In this case Flt 370 cannot be swapped with either Flt 846 or Flt 376 by using “Simplified Sub” rules.
SCS General Flow • The user evaluates a request: “Can I trade a slot I cannot use for a later slot that I can use?” In this case the request is for a slot at 0344Z.
SCS General Flow • Framing the slot time that you are willing to accept provides more flexibility to the request. In this example the user is willing to accept a slot time between 0344z and 0359z.
SCS General Flow • In this example if ETMS can create the bridge using the requested time parameters the swap will be successful.
SCS General Flow • The user submits the SCS request to ETMS. • ETMS attempts to create a bridge using other users’ flights similarly to compression. • If successful, ETMS responds positively to the requester and notifies other users whose flights have been moved up.
SCS General Flow • In this case the swap was successful and is reflected in the newest ADL. Flight 370 has been subded to the bottom of the list reducing the delays on both Flt 846 and Flt 376.
Let’s Review • First turn “Bridging Subs Off”to protect your work. • Attempt to create the swap using normal “Simplified Sub” rules. • If the “Simplified Sub” request fails, determine a later slot time that would be acceptable. • Frame the time to provide more flexibility to your request. • Send the sub request to ETMS. • If successful, ETMS will respond to your request positively and will also notify other users whose flights were used to create the bridge.
SCS Bridging Algorithm or Logic • How many and which flights will be used to create the bridge? • Eligibility Criteria:. • A flight must not be canceled, active, or completed. • A flight must not be ground stopped. • A flight must not be a Pop-up. • A flight must have an ERTD later than the minimum notification time (30 minutes). • This will provide users with the ability to adjust to the new time and remain in compliance with the +/- 5 minute EDCT rule.
SCS Bridging Algorithm or Logic • A flight must cannot be moved beyond its ERTA. • A flight must be within the requested time range. • A flight cannot have “Bridging Off ”.
SCS Bridging Algorithm or Logic • Flights will be selected based on the following move up time rules: • Best move-up time is 30 minutes. If unable - • Attempt to create the bridge by decreasingly smaller time increments from 29 minutes down to 10 minutes. If unable- • Attempt to create the bridge by using times increasingly larger than 30 minutes (e.g., 31, 32, etc.). If unable - • Attempt to create the bridge using times smaller than the 10 minute minimum move up time (e.g., 9, 8, 7, etc.).
SCS and the 20 minute window • SCS reduces or removes the need for the 20 minute window. • The 20 minute window is expected to be phased out starting with this release of ETMS. • The phase out schedule is as follows: • ETMS 7.6/ No 20 minute window in an SCS request. • Available for simplified sub request. • ETMS 7.7/ No 20 minute window for SCS users. • ETMS 7.8/ No 20 minute window.
And now for a behind-the-scene look at SCS Consider the following example:
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 1 :00 011900Z 012115Zcancelled 2 :30 011930Z 012135Z 3 :20 012040Z 012305Z 4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Note the cancelled slot. Can airline ABC trade any of its other flights into that slot?
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 2 :10 011910Z 012115Z 1 :20 011900Z 012135Z cancelled 3 :20 012040Z 012305Z 4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Yes!Flight 2 can reduce its delay :20 minutes by moving into that slot.
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 2 :10 011910Z 012115Z 1 :20 011900Z 012135Z cancelled 3 :20 012040Z 012305Z 4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Can airline ABC move flight 3 or 4 into the 012235Z arrival slot? NO! The earliest arrival slot that flight 3 could accept is 012245Z. The earliest slot flight 4 can accept is 012255Z. ABC has now exhausted all possible moves, right????
WRONG! It’s SCS to the rescue!
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 2 :10 011910Z 012115Z 1 :20 011900Z 012135Z cancelled 3 :20 012040Z 012305Z 4 :60 012110Z 012355Z SCS will allow airline ABC to trade slot 012135Z for a slot at or close to 012245Z (the earliest slot that flight 3 can accept). Here is a look at how this works…..
Station XYZ GDP (ATCSCC view) Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z ABC1 :20 011900Z 012135Zcancelled GHI 5 :40 011835Z 012140Z JKL 4 :30 011945Z 012210Z NPQ 7 :10 012020Z 012230Z RST 9 :45 011945Z 012245Z ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z
Station XYZ GDP Flight GHI5 benefits from the later slot request! Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z GHI 5 :35 011830Z 012135Z ABC1 :25 011905Z 012140Z cancelled JKL 4 :30 011945Z 012210Z NPQ 7 :10 012020Z 012230Z RST 9 :45 011945Z 012245Z ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z
Station XYZ GDP Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z GHI 5 :35 011830Z 012135Z JKL 4 :00 011915Z 012140Z ABC1 :55 011935Z 012210Z cancelled NPQ 7 :10 012020Z 012230Z RST 9 :45 011945Z 012245Z ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Flight JKL4 receives an on-time departure!
Station XYZ GDP Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z GHI 5 :35 011830Z 012135Z JKL 4 :00 011915Z 012140Z RST 9 :10 011910Z 012210Z NPQ 7 :10 012020Z 012230Z ABC1 1:30 012010Z 012245Z cancelled ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Flight NPQ7 does not qualify for a move-up but flight RST9 does and receives a :35 delay reduction….
Station XYZ GDP Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z GHI 5 :35 011830Z 012135Z JKL 4 :00 011915Z 012140Z RST 9 :10 011910Z 012210Z NPQ 7 :10 012020Z 012230Z ABC1 1:30 012010Z 012245Z cancelled ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z …and ABC airlines now has a usable arrival slot
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 2 :10 011910Z 012115Z 1 1:30 012010Z 012245Z cancelled 3 :20 012040Z 012305Z 4 :60 012110Z 012355Z ABC airlines can now trade flight 3 and flight 4 into better arrival slots via the “normal” trading method.
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 2 :10 011910Z 012115Z 3 :00 012020Z 012245Z 1 2:00 012030Z 012305Z cancelled 4 :60 012110Z 012355Z
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 2 :10 011910Z 012115Z 3 :00 012020Z 012245Z 4 :10 012020Z 012305Z 1 2:50 012120Z 012355Z cancelled Thanks to SCS, ABC airlines is able to take full advantage of the cancelled slot!
ABC Airlines GDP at station XYZ Flight Delay CTD CTA 2 :10 011910Z 012115Z 1 1:30 012010Z 012245Z cancelled 3 :20 012040Z 012305Z 4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Note that ABC airlines could have chosen to request a slot for 2255Z in order to move ABC4 to “on-time”. The point is, the airline can choose a slot time that best suits its needs. But, keep in mind that a trade request must be for a slot that is later in the day, not earlier!
This is great, everybody wins! But what happens if more than one flight is eligible to move into one of the slots? How does SCS prioritize? ???????? Good question! Let’s alter the data in our GDP to allow both NPQ7 and RST9 to be eligible for the slot currently occupied by ATC1 and see what happens….
The SCS Priority System Station XYZ GDP Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z GHI 5 :35 011830Z 012135Z JKL 4 :00 011915Z 012140Z ABC1 :55 011935Z 012210Z cancelled NPQ 7 :20 012020Z 012230Z RST 9 :45 011945Z 012245Z ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z NPQ7 and RST9 are eligible to move into the 2210Z slot.
The SCS Priority System Station XYZ GDP Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z GHI 5 :35 011830Z 012135Z JKL 4 :00 011915Z 012140Z ABC1 :55 011935Z 012210Z cancelled NPQ 7 :20 012020Z 012230Z RST 9 :45 011945Z 012245Z ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Moving NPQ7 would result in a :20 savings while moving RST9 would result in a :35 savings
SCS Bridging Logic • As previously discussed: • Flights will be selected based on the following move up time rules: • Best move-up time is 30 minutes. If unable - • Attempt to create the bridge by decreasingly smaller time increments from 29 minutes down to 10 minutes. If unable- • Attempt to create the bridge by using times increasingly larger than 30 minutes (e.g., 31, 32, etc.). If unable - • Attempt to create the bridge using times smaller than the 10 minute minimum move up time (e.g., 9, 8, 7, etc.).
The SCS Priority System Station XYZ GDP Flight Delay CTD CTA ABC2 :10 011910Z 012115Z GHI5 :35 011830Z 012135Z JKL4 :00 011915Z 012140Z NPQ7 :00 012010Z 012210Z RST9 :30 011930Z 012230Z ABC1 :90 012010Z 012245Z cancelled ABC3 :20 012040Z 012305Z ABC4 :60 012110Z 012355Z Based on SCS time rules, NPQ7 moves first, then RST9 moves!