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Harmonisation of national criteria with European Eco-label criteria

The Austrian Ecolabel for Tourism is harmonising its criteria with the European Eco-label criteria to enable enterprises to obtain both labels with one audit. This initiative aims to offer additional benefits to businesses and raise consumer awareness of eco-labels.

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Harmonisation of national criteria with European Eco-label criteria

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  1. Otto Fichtlofichtl@vki.or.at Harmonisation of national criteria with European Eco-label criteria Example „Austrian Ecolabel for Tourism“ ecolabel@vki.or.at

  2. The Austrian Ecolabel • Products (since 1992) • Tourism (since 1996) • Schools (since 2002)

  3. Harmonization with EU-Flower • All purpose cleaners • Detergents for dishwashers • Hand dishwashing detergents • Laundry detergents • Light bulbs • Refrigerators

  4. Organisation Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Competent Body and Technical Work, Administration Austrian Consumer Association

  5. Politics • Intention of Austrian CB to harmonize is high„harmonize where possible and useful“ • Austrian „Ecolabel Advisory Board“ agreed to the suggestion of harmonization • Target – to set up criteria which enable enterprises to get both ecolabels with one audit • Revision of Austrian Criteria is under developement –> to be finished end of 2004

  6. Harmonizationfields to be covered • Product group • Criteria structure and areas • Scoring system • Criteria (accommodation and campsites) • Fee system • Verification process

  7. Product group

  8. Criteria structure

  9. Areas

  10. Scoring system

  11. Steps of Harmonizationof Criteria • Analyse criteria (which are similar or same, which are not included so far etc.) • Find decision which criteria can and/or should be harmonized and how • Include / delete criteria • Keep own criteria which are important • New definitions and/or wordings for each criterion (according to EU Flower) • New score for each optional criterion (according to methodology EU Flower)

  12. Harmonization of Criteria1. Criteria similar or same EU criterion „Urinal flushing” (M) • EU requirement same as for Austrian Ecolabel • => Harmonization easy =

  13. Harmonization of Criteria2. Criteria +/- different EU criterion „Policy setting and action program” (M) • EU requirement was included in two criteria of Austrian Ecolabel, one mandatory and one optional • => Proposal to adopt EU criterion completely 1M +1O =>1M =

  14. Harmonization of Criteria3. EU-level > Austrian EU requirement might be too high for some Austrian enterprises e.g. EU criterion „Energy efficient light bulbs” (M) • => Proposal to adopt EU criterion as optional criterion for the Austrian Ecolabel M =O

  15. Harmonization of Criteria4. EU-level < Austrian a)Proposal to keep minimum requirement as mandatory and adopt EU criterion as optional • e.g. EU criterion „Refillable bottles ” (O) 1 M + 1 O =>1 M + 1O = b)Proposal to adopt EU criterion and add more possibilities to get more points e.g. EU criterion „Organic food” (O) 1 M + 1O =>1 O +

  16. Harmonization of Criteria5. EU-criteria not included a) adoptEU criteriae.g. criteria on air condition, mechanical cleaning,... b) „integrate“criteria (only for the EU eco-label) e.g. criteria „Waste water design plan“ (M) and „Information on the eco-label“ (M)

  17. Harmonization of Criteria6. AE-criteria not included a) keep criteriae.g. „Energy consultation”, “waste management concept“,„No use of urinal blocks“, „CFC-free coolants“, „Use of peat-free soil“,... b) delete criteriae.g. „ecological office material”, “use of fuel oil “extra-light””, “kitchen towels made from recycling paper“,...

  18. Fee system

  19. Verification process • Target: to offer one audit for two labels • application forms - „check list“ - including informations which criteria for which eco-label • standardized audit report • training of auditors and consultants • communication of new criteria to businesses

  20. Results so far... Draft (!) criteria for the Austrian Ecolabel • product groupsaccommodation and campsites according to EU-flower; keep private accommodation and restaurants for AE • criteria structure and areasaccording to EU-flower, areas with subgroups • criteriaIntegration of all EU criteria; additional criteria for Austrian Ecolabel - new definition / scores acc. to EU • ? scoring system, fee system, verification

  21. Expected result • Offer additional benefit • businesses using both labels • More applications for the EU-and the Austrian Eco-Label • raise consumer awareness of eco-labels • contribute to further sustainable developement

  22. Contacts Ministry for Environment Mr Martin Buechele  +43(0)1-515 22 – 1625 martin.buechele@lebensministerium.at VKI (AustrianConsumer Association) Mr Otto Fichtl  +43(0)1-588 77 – 235 ofichtl@vki.or.at www.umweltzeichen.at info@umweltzeichen.at

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