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Sewer Update - 2014

Sewer Update - 2014. Collection System And Wastewater Treatment Plant. Planning Documents. Sewer Master Plan (2008) 15 yr plan As-built drawings, prior studies’ data, sewer TV inspection logs, data from operators Discharge Permit 5 yr cycle Based on “Basin Plan” (State Water Board).

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Sewer Update - 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sewer Update - 2014 Collection System And Wastewater Treatment Plant

  2. Planning Documents • Sewer Master Plan (2008) • 15 yr plan • As-built drawings, prior studies’ data, sewer TV inspection logs, data from operators • Discharge Permit • 5 yr cycle • Based on “Basin Plan” (State Water Board)

  3. Funding • Sewer Enterprise Fund • Loans • SRF, USDA, etc… • Grants • Fewer available • Demographic and/or geographic requirements

  4. Maintenance & Capital Improvement • City = regular scheduled maintenance, minor repairs • Contractor = larger projects (line rehabilitation, replacement, facility upgrades)

  5. Collection System Highlights • 29 miles of sewer pipe • 5 lift stations (10 pumps) • NEWCSD

  6. Sewer Pipe Age as Percent of System

  7. Collection System Challenges • Age • Roots • Grease • Infiltration and Inflow • Improperly Installed Laterals • Cracking, missing pipe, deflection, etc…

  8. Capital Improvement Priority and Cost

  9. Wastewater Treatment Plant Highlights • First constructed in 1948, upgraded in 1992 & 2006 • Grade IV, tertiary treatment facility • Beneficial re-use of discharge (GCID & Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge) • 0.8 MGD average, permitted to 1.2 MGD (ADWF) • 5 lift stations, 4 distinct treatment processes • Operated & maintained by Severn Trent Services

  10. Wastewater Treatment Plant Challenges • Aging infrastructure • Permit Compliance • MUN Beneficial Use = Time Schedule Order to comply • Compliance spearheaded by State, Cities assist/support • Colusa, Biggs, Live Oak, Willows • De-designate beneficial use on waterways through Basin Plan Amendment = permit issue solved

  11. Permit Compliance Timeline

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