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Effects of Bed and Furrow Irrigation System on the Growth, Production and Water use Efficiency of Lowland Rice. Machungo C, Wanjogu R.K, Owilla, B , Njoka, J.J Anzwa, M. NIB RESEARCH WORKSHOP 13 th & 14 th June. INTRODUCTION.
Effects of Bed and Furrow Irrigation System on the Growth, Production and Water use Efficiency of Lowland Rice Machungo C, Wanjogu R.K, Owilla, B , Njoka, J.J Anzwa, M. NIB RESEARCH WORKSHOP 13th & 14th June
INTRODUCTION • Water shortage in has necessitated the development of efficient water use methods for growing major crops. • In traditional agronomic and water use practices (Irrigated puddled paddy fields), the farmers apply much more water for paddy crop than the actual requirements.
INTRODUCTION • Growing paddy on beds and furrows is an alternate, which utilizes much less water. • In Pakistan water efficiency of rice under bed and furrow systems increased to 0.39 kg/m3 of water compared to 0.20 kg/m3commonly obtained under the traditional flood irrigation method
OBJECTIVE • Determine the effects of bed and furrow irrigation system on growth, production and water use efficiency of lowland rice.
Specific Objectives • Determine the effect of bed and furrow irrigation system on growth and yield of lowland rice • Determine the WUE of the bed and furrow irrigation system for lowland rice • Optimize the design of bed and furrow method of irrigation to maximize, water saving and crop yield
METHODOLOGY • Varieties • NERICA 4, Bas 370 and IR 2793 • Factorial Experiment • Split plot RCBD Design • Main plot • Variety – Sub plot • Spacing – Sub- sub plot Factor Crop Management- As per recommended practice
Data Collection • Growth Plant height Tiller counts • Yield parameters Tiller counts at harvest – PT, NPT & TT Panicle data- FG, SG, TG & Sterility 1000 grain weight Yield Kg/Ha 28, 42, 56 , 70 & 84DAS
DataCollection • Weeds Total, Grass, Broadleaf, Sedges • Volume of water delivered to each plot/irrigation • Rate of infiltration • Rainfall data • Depth of water
CONCLUSION • The irrigation method did not have a significant effect on growth measured height and number of tillers over time. • Weed density was significantly higher in the bed and furrow systems compared to the basin • Crop water use efficiency higher in the bed furrow system vs. the basin.
CONCLUSION • The yields did not differ significantly between the f bed furrow system and the basin for the lowland varieties (Basmati 370 & IR2793. • The bed furrow systems evaluated did not show significant differences for most parameters evaluated.
CONCLUSION • To overcome the scarcity of irrigation water and generate higher crop yield, the bed and furrow method could be recommended for paddy cultivation
CONCLUSION However, more field investigations are required • To refine to the configurations of bed and furrows and rice planting system • To quantify amount of water saved • Cost benefit analysis – Establish benefits of Bed and furrow system vs Basin.