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The President’s Tool Kit

The President’s Tool Kit. Del Sexsmith President 2010, MNWO United Church of Canada. Introducing the President’s Tool Kit. 12 Pointed Questions for the New Millennium Isaiah 65:17 (NIV)

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The President’s Tool Kit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The President’s Tool Kit Del Sexsmith President 2010, MNWO United Church of Canada

  2. Introducing the President’s Tool Kit • 12 Pointed Questions for the New Millennium • Isaiah 65:17 (NIV) • Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.

  3. Tool Kit Instructions • Apply any one tool or any combination of tools to your current situation. • Does it tell you who you will be or what you will be doing in 5 years? • Does it suggest who we (the United Church) will be in 15 years (our centennial)?

  4. Will the Church of Tomorrow Be • A church without walls? Where owning property is not a concern and the faithful meet whenever and wherever they wish? • Achurch without pews? Where a multi-purpose facility with stackable chairs and movable divider walls creates useable space for the community 24/7?

  5. Will the Church of Tomorrow Be • Achurch within the community where no one professes to belong to a “home” or “host” church? • Achurch with 21st Century language where words such as “Thy” and “Lord” are never used, even in prayer? • A church with 21st Century technologywhere paper is neither seen nor used?

  6. Will the Church of Tomorrow Be • A church without organ music but guitars and other instruments only? • Achurch without hymns or choirs but favourite recordings instead? • A church without clergy where lay leaders take all the initiatives?

  7. Will the Church of Tomorrow Be • A church without children where elders form the core of church life? • A church without seniors where young people engage in modern free-form worship unencumbered by tradition?

  8. Will the Church of Tomorrow Be • A church without financial requirementswhere a network of households forms the basis of meetings? • A church with other churcheswhere denominationalism is gone and the local community is paramount?

  9. Are we ready for the Church of Tomorrow?

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