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UPR-R(river) P(rock) X. CoDR , October 8, 2010 Presentation Version 1.1. Mission Overview. Mission Statement
UPR-R(river) P(rock) X CoDR, October 8, 2010 Presentation Version 1.1
Mission Overview • Mission Statement In representation of the University of Puerto Rico, as a team we intend to get involved in the pilot project RockSat X 2011 to expand our knowledge and that of others in aerospace related areas.Carefully selected, the experiment that will be carried out includes mass spectroscopy to analyze molecular species and their respective partial pressures in near space. In this way we will contribute with valuable information for interstellar travel and advances benefiting the space bound crew to collect essential resources such as water and fuel.
Mission Overview • Break mission statement down into your overall mission requirements Carrying out this experiment involves a set of minimum requirements. Our main tool will be a mass spectrometer that will identify molecular species from 1 to 200 amu. Computers need to be modified and communication established with them by telemetry. This is one of the most important requisites needed to carry out the project properly. It is also necessary to have a basic knowledge of science in the areas of chemistry and physics to understand several events/concepts that will be taking place.
Mission Overview • In this experiment, we expect to determine the abundance of different types of gas molecules, that exist in the outer atmosphere, and near to outer space, using mass spectroscopy. • We want to encourage future space voyagers to use gas molecules present in outer space to capture or synthesize necessary resources, such as water and fuel.
Mission Overview • Our data would be used as preliminary information about what type of molecular gases are found, at what altitude, and with what density. • Having the basic data about gases in outer space, scientists can develop or apply mechanisms to start converting gas molecules, or atoms to make the necessary resources needed in long distance space flights.
Mission Overview: Previous Research • Mass spectrometers have been used at other planets and moons. Two were taken to Mars by the Viking program. In early 2005 the Cassini-Huygens mission delivered a specialized GC-MS instrument aboard the Huygens probe through the atmosphere of Titan, the largest moon of the planet Saturn. This instrument analyzed atmospheric samples along its descent trajectory and was able to vaporize and analyze samples of Titan's frozen, hydrocarbon covered surface once the probe had landed. These measurements compared the abundance of isotope(s) of each particle comparatively to earth's natural abundance.[42] Also onboard the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft is an ion and neutral mass spectrometer which has been taking measurements of Titan's atmospheric composition as well as the composition of Enceladus' plumes. A Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer mass spectrometer was carried by the Mars Phoenix Lander launched in 2007.[43]
Mission Overview: Previous Research • Rosetta is a European Space Agency-led robotic spacecraft mission launched in 2004. Once attached to the comet, expected to take place in November 2014, the lander will begin its science mission: around characterization of the nucleus, determination of the chemical compounds present, including enantiomers and study of comet activities and developments over time. It includes instruments for gas and particle analysis, like for example ROSINA(Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis) the instrument consists a double focus magnetic mass spectrometer DFMS and a reflectron type time of flight mass spectrometer RTOF. The DFMS has a high resolution formolecules up to 300 amu. The RTOF is a highly sensitive for neutral molecules and for ions.
Mission Overview: Previous Research • For the in situ investigation of planetary atmospheres a small Mattauch‐Herzog mass spectrometer has been developed. Its high‐pressure performance has been improved by incorporating differential pumping between the ion source and the analyzing fields, shortening the path‐length as well as increasing the extraction field in the ion source. In addition doubly ionized and dissociated ions are used for mass analysis. These measures make possible operation up to 10−2 millibars. Results of laboratory tests related to linearity, dynamic range, and mass resolution are presented, in particular for CO2.
Mission Overview: Previous Research • Mass spectrometric measurements of minor constituents in the lower thermosphere D. Offermanna, K. Pelkaa and U. Von Zahna a PhysikalischesInstitut, Universität Bonn W. Germany Received 1 November 1971. Available online 15 November 2001. • Abstract The feasibility of measurements of CO2, NO, N and H2O in the lower thermosphere by means of rocket-borne mass spectrometers with helium-cooled and with conventional ion sources is discussed. Three recent night-time experiments above Sardinia are described. They took place on October 13, 1970, at 0208 CET (payload SN5, helium-cooled ion source) and on February 7, 1971, at 0022 CET and 0445 CET (payloads ESRO S80-2 and -3, respectively, uncooled ion sources). Preliminary results indicate CO2 to be mixed up to the turbopause and to be in diffusive equilibrium higher up. The ratio NO: N2 was found to be in fair agreement with recent model calculations of Strobel (1971) for the altitute range 140 to 200 km.
Mission Overview: Previous Research • Proposed project of a cometary coma is composed of material outgassed and sputtered from the nucleus. Photoionization, charge exchange, and direct surface sputtering all generate a substantial ion population. A PEPE-class instrument can efficiently sample and analyze the ion population. Example targeted measurements are the cometary 13C/12C ratio (a possible test of solar vs. extra-solar system origins), the 18O/16O ratio (Halley is the only outer solar system object for which this is known), trace molecular abundances including the CO/N2 ratio which a PEPEclass instrument is uniquely capable of measuring [2], and heavier organic molecules up to 135 amu. PEPE possesses a unique advantage over mass spectrometers flown on Giotto and those on known future comet missions: the carbon foil used to generate timing signals breaks up molecules, allowing isotopic ratios of volatile species such as H, C, N, O to be analyzed without interferences from hydride molecular ions (H2, CH, NH, OH, H2O, etc.) [2].
Mission Overview: Previous Research • IMS design is ideally suited for magnetospheric studies of the Neptune-Triton or Jovian environments (Focus 2) where it could build on the high-mass-resolution studies of the Saturnian system planned with Cassini IMS [2]. Because our IMS/PEPE designs measure composition, they are also invaluable for the study of the ionospheres of outer planet moons, and indirectly, their atmospheric and surface chemistries (Focus 1). For the Neptune-Triton system, a PEPE-class instrument could give a first in-situ glimpse of the magnetosphere and help determine key processes in Triton's atmosphere, as well as yielding some key isotope ratios. Galileo's IMS mass resolution of only 2 amudid not allow Na to be distinguished from O, an important goal for the understanding of Io's ionospheric and exospheric processes. Key isotopic measurements, e.g. 34S/32S, at Io are also crucial to understanding that body's evolution. Similarly, a highmass- resolution instrument in low Europa orbit may give a better understanding not only of its tenuous atmosphere, but also of key isotopic and elementalsurface compositions in lieu of a lander.
Mission Overview: Previous Research • The Stardust spacecraft brought back samples of interstellar dust, including recently discovered dust streaming into our Solar System from the direction of Sagittarius. These materials are believed to consist of ancient pre-solar interstellar grains and nebular that include remnants from the formation of the Solar System. Analysis of such fascinating celestial specks is expected to yield important insights into the evolution of the Sun its planets and possibly even the origin of life itself. During the Stardust project, the spacecraft traveled more than 3 billion miles over seven years, rendezvous-ing with the comet Wild 2 during the second of three orbits around the sun. The end of the mission marked the beginning of another adventure: Examining the comet particles with powerful scientific instruments called mass spectrometers, which are able to identify what isotopes the stuff is made of. Using mass spectrometry, the researchers found the amino acid on samples from the comet Wild 2, adding fuel to the argument that life on Earth may have had its start in outer space and that life may exist outside of Earth.
Mission Overview: Mission Requirements To be able to measure the density and know the composition of gases during the space flight we need to develop a precise system of timing and distance correlated with the appropriate function of our equipment. The equipment should be able to start working at the altitude of 95 km from earth and 1.7 min. from launch. And it will be collecting gases and information in a period of 2.3 min (or more, we still discussing this period of time). The time that the mass spectroscopy equipment will be collecting gases should be enough to analyze and separate the composition of the gases by elements. The payload design should resist 50+ G vibrations during the flight. To perform this we need to install a set of shock absorbers to the equipment. crestock.com
At least we expect to develop a precise functional system that recollects and measures the partial pressures of gases or molecule species vs. mass (amu) in adverse conditions during the path of a sounding rocket up to 160 km altitude.
Theory and Concepts The Mass Spectrometry (MS) is a method that uses the combined properties of mass and electric charge to detect and measure the relative abundances of molecular species Vs. the atomic mass units. The instrument will also measure the total amount of gas and the partial pressures of the species studied.
Experiments: • Mass Spectrometry [MS]: • Species mass measurement (molecules/atoms). • Identify substance by electric charge/mass: • Positively charge the molecules (ionize them). • Accelerate the ions through an alternating electromagnetic field that acts as a filter. • Detect the number of charged species vs. mass. • The total pressure is measured in a B/A collector.
How the instrument works: Magnetic Filter Electro-Magnetic Filter
How the instrument works: Step 1 Create the ions When the mean free path of gas molecules in a vacuum system is on the order of a few cm or more (at < 10-3 Torr), electrons of a suitable energy will create mostly positive ions at a rate depending on the gas pressure, temperature and species of the individual molecules. A hot filament is the source of the electrons, the energy being 70 ev and the current a few milliamps. A stream of ions is then available and electro-statically focused toward the mass filter. After the electrons pass through the source grid, they continue through to the B/A gauge section, where they produce more ions. These ions will strike the collector wire and produce a current there, proportional to the total gas pressure.
How the instrument works: Step 2 Filter the ions A quadrupole mass filter consisting of an arrangement of 4 metal rods with a time-varying electrical voltage of the proper amplitude and frequency applied, can be made to pass only ions of a particular mass entering along the axis at one end, through to the other end. The mass filter must be constructed very accurately to have the same passband throughout it's length. Step 3 Detect the filtered ions The ions that pass through the mass filter are focused toward a Faraday cup and the current is measured with a sensitive ammeter. The resultant signal being proportional to the partial pressure of the particular ion species passed by the mass filter.
How the instrument works: Step 4 Amplify the signal The current produced by the ions is very small. For example, at 10-11Torr partial pressure at mass 28 the current at the faraday detector is approximately 10-14 amps. This requires an extremely sensitive amplifier. The ions striking the B/A detector wire produce a comparatively larger current, on the order of 10-9 amps at 3.3 x 10-7Torr.
Expected results • MS outputs the results as a 3D plot of mass/charge vs. abundance or concentration of the species’ compounds vs. time. • Analyze the results to know what species are in the lower to outer space. • Possible source of energy and/or useful materials.
2011 CoDR Expected gases in our atmosphere N2, O2, Ar, CO2 He, Ne, Kr, Xe, H2, N2O CH4, O3, H2O, CO, NO2, NH3, SO2, H2S Aurora (80km to 160km) Concentration of N2, O2, O3, He 23
The typical quadrupole RGA spectrum (fig. 1) has a linear mass scale (x-axis)and a log or linear peak height or intensity scale (y-axis) indicating the amount present at that mass.
Example ConOps t ≈ 1.7 min Altitude: 120 km ReScan, Deployment of secong MS Altitude t ≈ 4.0 min Altitude: 120 km Start recovery sequences t ≈ 1.3 min Altitude: 95 km Star Ionizing, Mass Spectra Apogee t ≈ 2.8 min Altitude: ≈160 km t ≈ 4.5 min Altitude: 95 km Retract Complete End of Orion Burn and Filaments ON t ≈ 0.6 min Altitude: 60 km t ≈ 5.5 min Chute Deploys -G switch triggered -All systems on t = 0 min t ≈ 15 min Splash Down
Example ConOps 1. Launch Telemetry/GPS begins 2. Launch to Apogee Telemetry/GPS continues 3. Apogee Nose cone separation Skin separation De-spin to TBD rate Option to align with B Field Telemetry/GPS continues 4. Descent Telemetry/GPS continues 5. Chute Deploy Telemetry/GPS continues 6. Landing Telemetry/GPS terminates Payloads recovered ACS Activated (if desired) 3 4 5 2 1 6
Design overview We will design our new experiment using past experience from Rocksat 2009 and 2010. The stacked configuration will be used for better support and management of order. We will use a Extorr RGA(residual gas analyzer). It will analyze gases from the atmosphere and space.
Simulated tentative drawings of the canister • It will use 4 plates.(From top to bottom • Plate 1-RGA 1(with probable boom) • Plate 2- RGA 2 connected to an air chamber and tubing • Plate 3- CPU and DC to DC converter • Plate 4-(if necessary for additional battery power)
Example FBD (electrical) Power G-Switch RBF (Wallops) Z Accelerometer Microcontroller ADC X / Y Accelerometer Flash Memory Dust Collector Current Measuring Device ADC Power Data Dust Collector
Design Overview: RockSat-X 2011 User’s Guide Compliance • Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) mass estimate • Estimate on payload dimensions (will it fit in the payload space?) • Deployables/booms? • How many ADC lines? • Do you understand the format? • Asynchronous use? • Do you understand the format? • Parallel use? • Do you understand the format? • Power lines and timer use? • What do you know so far? • CG requirement • Do you understand the requirement • Are you utilizing high voltage?
Management • Preliminary schedule for the semester
Management • Preliminary schedule for the second semester up to August
Monetary Budget • ?
Team Members Students: Faculty Support: • Vladimir Makarov • Gerardo Morell • Gladys Muñoz • Guillermo Nery • Oscar Resto • Angelica Betancourt • Joseph Casillas • Luis Maldonado • Pedro Melendez • Marisara Morales • Joshua Nieves • Oscar A. Resto • Omar Rocafort • Carlos Rodriguez • Esteban Romero • Marimer Soto • Yashira Torres
Conclusion • The aim in this experiment is to analyze the atomic/molecule species that could be found during the flight of the payload, ionizing and analyzing them by their atomic mass components and partial pressures. With this kind of analysis we intend to study the possibility of in-flight energy/materials resource collector for long term and deep space vehicles. • Issues, concerns, any questions • 6 amps at 28 volts • Battery plate • Need Ram-Air intake and Bernoulli Exhaust • Boom Design • Budget !!! • Plan for where you will take your design from here? • Atmospheric, and vibration test on the Mass Spectrometer
References 1. Anonymous. Internet tutorial for GCMS. Retrived from: http://www.scientific.org/tutorials/articles/gcms.html 2. Anonymous. Bioinstrumentation class (internet based) (1998). Retrieved from: http://www.gmu.edu/depts/SRIF/tutorial/gcd/gc-ms2.htm 3. ExtorrInstrument manual (2006). PDF download retrieved from: http://extorr.com/manual.htm 4. Meng, Alan and Hui. Retrived from: http://www.vtaide.com/png/atmosphere.htm 5. Russel, Randy (2006). Retrieved from: http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Atmosphere/chemistry_troposphere.html 6. Tans, Pierter. Retrived from: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/#mlo 7. Uherek, Elmar (2004) “What is up in air in the troposphere?” . Retrieved from: http://www.atmosphere.mpg.de/enid/1__Extensi_n_y_composici_n/-_componentes_2vv.html 8.UNEP/GRIP (2003). Retrieved from: http://www.grida.no/publications/other/ipcc%5Ftar/?src=/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/221.htm • 9. Young, D. T., B. L. Barraclough, J. -J. Berthelier. Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration,(1998 ). Retrieved from: http://nmp-techval-reports.jpl.nasa.gov/DS1/PEPE_Integrated_Report.pdf
10. D. Offermann, K. Pelka and U. Von Zah, Mass spectrometric measurements of minor constituents in the lower thermosphere, Retrieved from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science 11. Earth’s Atmosphere, Retrieved from: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/9-12/features/912_liftoff_atm.html 12. W. Reusch, The Mass Spectrometer (1999). Retrieved from: http://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/Spectrpy/MassSpec/masspec1.htm 13. The Thermosphere, Retrieved from: http://www.windows2universe.org/earth_science/Atm_Science/Temp_structure/structure_thermo.html 14. P. Mitchell. 2004, The Venus-Halley Missions, Retrieved from: http://www.mentallandscape.com/V_Vega.htm Mission Overview: Stardust. Retrieved from: http://stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/index.html Anonymous. Internet tutorial for GCMS. Retrived from: http://www.scientific.org/tutorials/articles/gcms.html
Anonymous. Bioinstrumentation class (internet based) (1998). Retrieved from: http://www.gmu.edu/depts/SRIF/tutorial/gcd/gc-ms2.htm 18. Extorr Instrument manual (2006). PDF download retrieved from: http://extorr.com/manual.htm Meng, Alan and Hui. Retrived from: http://www.vtaide.com/png/atmosphere.htm Russel, Randy (2006). Retrieved from: http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Atmosphere/chemistry_troposphere.html Tans, Pierter. Retrived from: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/#mlo Uherek, Elmar (2004) “What is up in air in the troposphere?” . Retrieved from: http://www.atmosphere.mpg.de/enid/1__Extensi_n_y_composici_n/-_componentes_2vv.html UNEP/GRIP (2003). Retrieved from: http://www.grida.no/publications/other/ipcc%5Ftar/?src=/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/221.htm