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IEEE PELS GOLD Activities Graduates of the Last Decade

IEEE PELS GOLD Activities Graduates of the Last Decade. Pradeep Shenoy Gold Chair ECCE Asia, June 2013. Committee: Pradeep Shenoy , Chair Brian Hadley, Vice-Chair Katherine Kim, Student Liaison Communication Channels: PELS website: www.pels.org

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IEEE PELS GOLD Activities Graduates of the Last Decade

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  1. IEEE PELS GOLD ActivitiesGraduates of the Last Decade Pradeep Shenoy Gold Chair ECCE Asia, June 2013

  2. Committee: Pradeep Shenoy, Chair Brian Hadley, Vice-Chair Katherine Kim, Student Liaison Communication Channels: PELS website: www.pels.org Linked-in: IEEE Power Electronics Society GOLD Graduates of the Last Decade Overview

  3. Teleconference meetings Event planning Future activates brainstorming Newsletter article for Dinner with a Luminary at APEC 2013 Committee Activities

  4. GOLD has held events at: ECCE 2010, Reception @ Point of View Lounge APEC 2011, Featured Speaker, Elizabeth Lions ECCE 2011, unveiled new logo @ student-industry dinner APEC 2012, Reception ECCE 2012, part of the student-industry dinner APEC 2013, Dinner with a Luminary (48 participants, 6 luminaries) Logo design contest Recent GOLD Events

  5. Dinner with a Luminary – APEC 2012

  6. Membership Provide a “home” for younger members Convert students to full PELS members Hold an event at every ECCE and APEC So far, in North America Reach out to conferences in Asia for 2014 Concept for the new PELS magazine Featured GOLD article Book review, technical article, technology summary, etc Featured GOLD member Recommended or self-recommended Template of typical “interview style” questions Goals & Objectives

  7. Reach out to the local PELS Chapter to assist with publicity Target regional GOLD members Student-focused activities Organize student volunteer groups Help out at conferences as needed Help organize and run student/GOLD events Get students involved in PELS early in their career Develop materials to emphasize benefits of joining PELS as a graduate or undergraduate student Future Plans

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