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Memory Processing: Stages, Encoding, and Storage Explained

Understand the three stages of memory: Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory, and Long-Term Memory. Learn about encoding and the different ways information is stored. Explore how memories are processed through selective attention, rehearsal, and meaningful association. Discover the limits and capacities of STM and LTM. Delve into the neural basis of memory, emotional impact, and the role of the hippocampus. Gain insights into implicit memory, amnesia, and the cerebellum's role in motor skill memory.

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Memory Processing: Stages, Encoding, and Storage Explained

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  1. Warm up – Page 5 • What are the 3 stages of memory? • What is encoding? • What are the 5 different ways we encode info? • Class- Demos 4 and 5

  2. Part 2 Sensory Memory Short Term Memory Long Term Memory Part 2

  3. Storage:Sensory Memory Sensory Memory:refers to the initial recording of sensory information in the memory system. All information is held here briefly(1/2 to 4 seconds) • Filter system- figures out if the stimuli is important Sensory Memories include both: • Iconic Memory: a momentary sensory memory of a visual stimuli. Memory only lasts for a few tenths of a second. • Echoic Memory:a momentary sensory memory for auditory stimuli. Sound memories can usually last up to 3 or 4 seconds. Sensory memory is very hard to measure since it fades as we try to measure it.

  4. George Sperling’s Experiment to Measure Iconic Memory

  5. Demo 1- Sensory Memory AGB TJK WLP








  13. How Does Sensory Memory Get Processed Into Memory? • Sensory memories disappear unless you focus your selective attention on the information. • Attention causes information to be further processed. • Rehearse things and make them relevant and meaningful to yourself • Only way to get info into short term and then eventually into long term memory storage

  14. Storage: Short Term Memory • Peterson Study • Demo 2 • 1. You want to remember TXL • 2. Start counting backwards from 100 by 3s • 3. After 5 seconds write the trigram on your activity sheet Remember LTS • 4. After 20 seconds write the trigram on your activity sheet • 5. Why did you forget the trigram as time goes on • If you don’t rehearse info. it goes away

  15. Storage: Short Term Memory • STM- has a limited capacity and duration • Couple seconds • 7 +/- 2 • Remember random digits better than random letters • Remember things we hear better than things we see • If you use chunking, rehearsal and self reference you will remember things longer • Only through rehearsal and or self reference do short-term memories become long term memories.

  16. Is Long Term Memory Like an Attic? • Sherlock Holmes: “I consider that a man’s brain is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose…It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it, there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something you knew before.” • Is this true?

  17. Storage- Long Term Memory • Average adult has a billion bits of info in their memory • If you don’t properly encode info, it becomes hard to recall • We don’t always encode info correctly • LTM= limitless capacity • Rajan Mahadeva = Pi experiment

  18. Demo 3 • 2 1 6 9 6 4 6 1 5 1 9 9 7 2 5 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 9 6 1 6 0 8 9 4 • 4-6 average • 10-19 extraordinary • 20-30 brilliant

  19. So Where Are Memories Stored? • Karl Lashley searched for the brain “engram,” physical “memory trace” in rats after they had run mazes from 1920 to 1955. • Lashley believed: • Learning was NOT localized, all parts of cortex worked together and as a whole.

  20. Neural Basis and Emotional Impact For Memory • Long Term Potentiation (LTP): refers to the long-lasting strengthening of the connection between 2 neurons. Is believed to be the neural basis for learning and memory. • Process occurs naturally when we learn through association…after learning has occurred, neurons involved in process become more efficient at transmitting the signals. • Drugs that block LTP affect learning drastically. • Strong emotions make for stronger memories • Stress hormones boost impact on learning.

  21. Storage Loss: Amnesia • Amnesiarefers to the loss of memory. • Depending on the damage or disease different kinds of memories can be damaged • Amnesiac patients typically have losses in explicit memory. • Explicit Memory (declarative memory): memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and declare. • My birthday is ……… • Napoleon is…………

  22. Hippocampus’s Role in Explicit Memory • Hippocampus: neural center located in limbic system that helps process explicit memories for storage….left and right hippocampus have different effects.

  23. Hippocampus’s Role in Explicit Memory • Names, images and events • Damage to the Left= trouble with verbal info. • Damage to Right= visual designs and locations • Different parts of the brain house different memories • Monkeys with Hippocampus damage had old memories that remained intact

  24. Implicit Memory • Other type of memory storage is known as: • Implicit Memory (Procedural Memory): retention of things without conscious recollection. Is Skill Memory. • Walking • Riding a bike • Soccer

  25. Cerebellum’s Role in Implicit Memory • Cerebellum: helps facilitate associate learning responses • ie classical conditioning. • Cutting pathway to the cerebellum makes rabbits unable to learn conditioned responses.

  26. Types of long-term memories Explicit (declarative) With conscious recall Implicit (nondeclarative) Without conscious recall Personally experienced events (“episodic memory”) Dispositions- classical and operant conditioning effects Facts-general knowledge (“semantic memory”) Skills-motor and cognitive A Diagram For Your Viewing Pleasure

  27. Warm Up – pg 8 • How do you get info into Long TermMemory? • What is the purpose of Sensory Memory? • What is Long Term Potential? • What is the capacity of STM? • What is the difference between explicit and implicit memories? • Where are explicit memories stored?

  28. Chapter 9 Memory pt. 2: Storage, Retrieval, and Forgetting

  29. Retrieval: Getting Information Out • Recall: a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier. • Ex: Fill in the Blank.

  30. Retrieval: Getting Information Out • Recognition: a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned. • Easier than recall • Ex: Multiple Choice

  31. Retrieval Cues • Priming:activation, often unconsciously, of particular associations of memory. • Missing child poster…. Kidnapped • Tastes, smells,sights

  32. Context Effects Memory Retrieval: able to retrieve information better when you are in the same context you learned it in. Deja Vu Retrieval Cues

  33. Demo 1

  34. Emotional/Mood Impact of Memory: • 1. State-Dependent Memory: information is most easily recalled when in same “state” of consciousness it was learned in. • Drunk • 2. Mood Congruent Memory: tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one’s current mood. • Depressed ppl recall parents as rejecting , mean….. • Teenagers and their relationships with their parents • Bad mood…. Look=glare

  35. Absent Mindedness – inattention to details produces encoding failure Transience- unused info. fades Blocking- unable to access stored info….tip of your tongue Misattribution- confusing the source of the info. 7 sins of Memory

  36. 5. Suggestibility- the lingering effects of misinformation Leading questions 6.Bias-belief- colored recollections 7. Persistence-unwanted memories won’t go away

  37. Blocking Demo • Oslo • Ankara • Nairobi • Montevideo • Lhasa • Canberra • Lisbon • Bucharest • Port- au- Prince • Sofia • Seoul • Baghdad • Nicosia

  38. Nicosia • Manila • Managua • Helsinki • Bogota • Ottawa • Bangkok • Caracas • Juneau • Santa Fe • Pierre • Jefferson City • Topeka • Dover

  39. 27. Raleigh 28. Montpellier 29.Olympia 30. Cheyenne 31.Jackson 32. Concord 33. Boise 34. Springfield 35. Harrisburg 36. Salem 37. Helena 38. Hartford 39. Lansing 40. Augusta

  40. Forgetting • Forgetting is a result of either: • Encoding Failure • Storage Decay OR • Retrieval Failure

  41. Forgetting As Encoding Failure • Information never enters the memory system • Attention is selective • we cannot attend to everything in our environment • William James said that we would be as bad off if we remembered everything as we would be if we remembered nothing • Change Blindness • Penny

  42. Encoding Failure: Which Penny is the Real Deal?

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