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Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team

Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team. Co-chairs: Pierre De Mey, LEGOS/U. Toulouse Villy Kourafalou , RSMAS/U. Miami. Outline. Membership Goals and achievements so far Focus Areas and proposed annual activities Strategic Plan update. TT membership as of Oct, 2014. TT members.

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Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team

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  1. Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team Co-chairs: Pierre De Mey, LEGOS/U. Toulouse VillyKourafalou, RSMAS/U. Miami

  2. Outline • Membership • Goals and achievementsso far • Focus Areas and proposedannualactivities • Strategic Plan update

  3. TT membership as of Oct, 2014 TT members • COSS-TT is engaging the international Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas modeling/forecasting community (COSS-COMM) • International Coordination Workshops are open to the COSS-COMM • > 100 people in COSS-COMM mailing listat the moment

  4. Goals and achievementsso far

  5. The Task Team… …fosters international collaboration to advance science and applications in support of coastal ocean forecasting …focusses on coastal and shelf dynamics, open ocean processes that control shelf break exchanges, as well as land-sea interactions through estuaries and inlets …aims to help achieve a seamless transition framework from the global to the coastal scales.

  6. Systems… Two types of systemswithin GOV: • LOFS – Large-scaleOceanForecastingSystems (represented in GOVST) • COFS – CoastalOceanForecastingSystems (represented in COSS-TT, and in GOVST via TT co-chairs) Somesystems not as clear-cut (e.g. regional, some national systems).

  7. “Science in support of coastal forecasting”: science drivers Three workshops helped defining priority areas where science is needed for the development of Coastal Ocean Forecasting Systems: • Monitoringof physical and biogeochemical parameters in coastal regions (in particular permanent/long-term) • Development of fine-scale coastal ocean models • Integration: Downscaling the ocean estimation problem from large-scale to coastal-scale models, data and forcings, coastal data assimilation and prediction • Coastal-scale atmosphere-waves-ocean couplings • Ecosystem response to the physical drivers (added at ICW3) • Probabilistic approaches and risk assessment in the coastal ocean, including extreme events

  8. A few actitivies and achievementsso far • The Task Team acts as a link between the international Coastal Ocean Forecasting communityand GODAE OceanView. • A CoastalSystems Information Table is available (last update May 2014). • Three International Coordination Workshopshave been organized so far; these have been successfully embraced by the community as a much needed forum to discuss latest scientific advances, promote international networking and update strategic planning. (Next workshop: Lisbon, 1-4 Sep 2015.) • Several special sessions have been sponsored by the Task Team at AGU and OSM over the years; these have consolidated the outcomes of the TT workshops and allowed exposure of TT goals and outcomes through outreach to the broader scientific community. The most recent session was in Hawai’i. • Links have been established with other active international communities, such as the Coastal Altimetry community and EuroGOOS. • Two synthetic COSS Community papers from the 2013 Symposium have been accepted for publication in JOO. • A COSS Topical Collection of papers (32) has been launched in Oc. Dynamics • A Science Strategy Plan in the works. Co-author affiliations / countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, U.S.A.

  9. Focus Areas and proposedannualactivities

  10. GOV review Main points regarding TT: • Overall very positive evaluation • Findings: “The core emphasis of GOV is the global ocean. However, it is clear that many of the key uses for forecast models are in coastal and shelf seas. Having a Task Team focussed on connecting GOV to research communities working in coastal and shelf seas modelling and to applications of operational coastal model systems is therefore essential.” • “Consistent with the GOV strategic plan, the challenges in this Task Team’s science strategy document need to be prioritized by the ‘value add’ of collective action.” • “Focus should be on the interfaces between GOV systems and coastal models and applications. ”

  11. Proposal of Focus Areas for TT • FA1: Continue general TT work on targeted science to enable/support the development of COFS and applications and meet priority challenges • FA2: Work towards better integration between COFS and LOFS via downscaling (models & data), illustrate added value via consistent metrics • FA3: Link with the active regional/coastal altimetry community and accompany the jumps in resolution and in “information forcing” towards extending prediction capabilities of COFS

  12. FA1 “Science in support of COFS”: Annual activities • Types of ongoingannualactivities • Workshops: sharing experience and best practices • COFS System Information Table (SIT) • Inventory of tools • Special issues and review articles on key tools/methods • Next year’s activities • Sept. 2015 Lisbon workshop science topics TBA (usually 2-3 targeted science topics & 1 applications topic) • Lisbon workshop new systems review • Oc.Dyn. COSS Topical Collection (deadline Feb 2015, 32 ms. announced) • Support coastal OSE/OSSEs work, link with OSEVal-TT • Investment • Organization of / attendance to regular workshops & associated travel • Some homework by TT and community Miami, Lecce and Puerto Rico workshops – papers presented on: • Advances in integrated coastal observations • Advances in downscaling • Data assimilation in coastal systems • Upper-ocean processes, waves-current-atmosphere interactions and couplings • Impact and signature of climate change in the coastal oceans • Predictability in the coastal oceans • Probabilistic approaches and risk assessment in the COSS, science in support of the mitigation of coastal hazards • Training/Education/Outreach initiatives in the coastal oceans Lisbon science agenda TBA

  13. FA2 “Improve integration between COFS and LOFS”:Annualactivities • Types of future annualactivities • Launch pilot downscaling case studies associating voluntary LOFS and COFS • Pilot regions / Pilot projects based on added value metrics (e.g. Taylor diagrams) • Assess added value of grid refinement / nesting / downscaling / DA in COFS • Nextyear’sactivities • Update list of ongoing downscaling activities in GOV (harvest SIT) • Discuss with IV-TT on metrics, tools, core groups, Lisbon preparation • Invite GOV groups, plan dedicated planning session at Lisbon workshop • Investment • Active collaboration of some large-scale groups withsomecoastal groups (canbe the same!) • Flag financial support for regional Pilot case studies in regions of interest for Patrons (+ application-basedmetrics)

  14. FA2 Pilot case studies components – tentative • Science and toolbox • Share best practices regarding modelling/nesting choices: space-time resolution of large-scale products used for nesting, grid refinement approaches, obc, bathymetry, forcings, transients, tides & detiding, wave-current interactions, etc. (link with FA1) • Processes to be modelled on each side • Downscaling approaches, role of DA (talk to DA-TT) • Metrics, consistent quality control, consistent references (talk to IV-TT) • Demonstrating the added-value of downscaling • Choice of (common) reference data sets and metrics • Choice of target variables (e.g. surface currents) • Assess suitability (what do we mean by that?) of GOV products to provide coastal ic/obc • Assess added value of grid refinement / nesting / downscaling / DA in COFS • Impact studies and trade-offs (e.g. increased instability/noise while resolution increases)

  15. FA3 “Link with the regional/coastal altimetry community”: Annual activities • “Vigorous CA community” (J. Wilkin talk) • Types of future annual activities • Cross-attendance at CAW & COSS-TT workshops • Thematic joint workshops • Next year’s activities • Proposed joint workshop “Altimetry for Coastal Ocean Forecasting” (one-time or recurrent, next to COSS workshop) – Start in 2015? • Would complement CAWs (different target) • Help answer questions from space agencies / Patrons • User requirements of COFS, target resolutions (ALT, SST) • Use some COFS as test-beds for CA products and planned missions (e.g. SWOT) • Specific questions, e.g. added value of SAR mode • Review added value of using CA data sets in some COFS; feedback to providers • Discuss with potential workshop organizers/sponsors (including CAW) • CAW’2014 participation via C. Dufau • Investment • Time and some funding support for ACOF workshop

  16. Summary of COSS linkages with other TTs • Intercomparison and Validation TT (IV-TT) • Consistent metrics to assessadded value of downscaling (FA2) • Observing System Evaluation TT (OSEval-TT) • CoastalOSSEs, array design methods (FA1) • Array design to monitor coastal/open-ocean interactions? (J. Wilkin) • PDM to attend OSEval workshop in Dec • Data Assimilation TT (DA-TT) • Coastal DA methodologies, control of obc, DA-baseddownscaling • Marine EcosystemAnalysis and Prediction TT (MEAP-TT) • TBD

  17. SP update

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