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Hair porosity is related to your hair's relationship to water and moisture, and without understanding this, you may just try one product after another and one technique after another with little or no success. Everyone has hair porosity, but in this article we are going to look at hair with low porosity. Read on to learn more about low porosity hair, what it is, how to tell if you have low porosity hair, the best products for low porosity hair, and tips on caring for it.<br>
LowPorosityHair–EverythingYouNeedToKnow Byadmin -July25, 202307 LowPorosityHair LowPorosityHair First, a myth should be debunked: the close-fitting cuticle layer is no guarantee of healthy hair. It is wrong thatlow-porosityhairdoesnotneedspecialcare.Eachhairtypehasspecificproblemsthatarecharacteri stic of it. Inadequate care can worsen the condition of the hair. How do you recognize low-porosity hair? Which hair care should you use then? In today’s article, you will learn everything you need to know about low-porosityhair. TableofContents Lowporosityhair–description Lowporosityhaircare Howtocareforlowporosityhair? Yourhairsaysmanythings,learntolistentoit. Whattodoifmyhair islowporosity? Trickstocareforlow-porosityhair: Themostcommonmistakeswhendealingwithlowporosityhair. Usedenseingredientsthataddweighttothehair. Forthesamereason,avoidingredientsrichinprotein. Howtoknowifaproductcontainsproteins? Howtohydratelow-porosityhair? Routineforlowporosityhair. Which shampoo is suitable for low-porosity hair? Whichconditionerissuitableforlow-porosityhair? Whichoilissuitableforlow-porosityhair? Best oils and butter for low-porosity hair Whatotherproductshelplow-porosityhair? Lowporosityhair–description Yourhairwillhaveadense,smoothtexturebecausethecuticlesfitsnuglyalongthehairshaft.However,i ncorrect hair care can lead to disruption of the hydrolipid coat and weakening of the hair. It is characteristi coflow-porosityhairthatitisdifficulttocareforbecausenutrientsfromcosmeticshaveproblemspenetra tingtheinner hairstructures.They stickto thehairsurface andmake thehairheavy andgreasy. Low porosity hair is mostly heavy and flat because it is covered with many cosmetic products and excess sebum (excessive greasy hair). A common problem for people with this hair type is dandruff. The scalp is oftencleanedwithtoo-intensivemeansrichindetergents.Inthisway,theflowofpainisincreased,whilet heendsofthehairwashedwiththesameshampoobecomeexcessivelydry.Likeallotherhairtypes,low -porosityhairneedsgoodprotectionagainstharmfulexternalinfluencesandwaterloss. Because low porosity hair is thick, strong, and somewhat stiff, it causes many problems when styling, and the hairstyle cannot be fixed. The low-porosity strands of hair dry for a long time because they are able to absorb a lot of water. The water molecules are stored under the closed hair scales. However, this does n ot mean that this hair type is not threatened by dehydration – the ends of the hair in particular should be p rotected. Low-porosity hair usually needs more volume and is easily weighed down. The excess sebum c auses them to become greasy quickly (even on the same day they are washed). Dandruff is more commo nwith this hair type thanwith other hair types. Lowporosityhaircare Luckily, low-porosity hair has many strengths: it is resistant to damage and does not get damaged too qui ckly as a result of hairdressing treatments. These are naturally healthy, strong, thick, straight, and shiny h air.Theydonotrequireasintensivecareashighporosityhair.Inthiscase,theamountofcosmeticprodu cts does not matter – it is definitely better to focus on the quality of the products. So how to care for low-p orosityhair?
Howtocareforlowporosityhair? Withthispublication,Iwanttopaytributetoallthosewhotookthetestoutofcuriosity,anddiscoveredth attheir hair was low porosity. Hair porosity is a key piece for all of us who like natural hair. Once you discover what it is, and what type ofporosityyourhairhas,thenextthing,ingeneral,istogetinvolvedinthesearchforspecificproductsfor yourcare. Ifyoustilldon’tknowwhat yourtypeis,Iinviteyou todotheporositytest.It won’ttakeyoulongtodo it. Withthe result you get,you can take oneof the 2 paths: Lowporosity. high porosity. Withthatsaid,let’sstartdownthelowporositypath. Yourhairsaysmanythings,learntolistentoit. Wemustnotforgetthatporosityisnottheonlythingthatdetermineswhatourhairislikeandwhat itneed s. Manyotherfactorsplayarole. Tonameafew… itstexture. Dyes/discolorations. Thethicknessofthehair Frizzlevel. Ifitisdamaged. Thelevelofhydration. Externalandenvironmentalfactors. Asyouknow,eachperson’shairhasdifferentspecificneeds.Butthethingdoesn’tstopthere:ourhairdo esn’talways stay thesame. It changeswith the passageof time andhabits. Thesecrettohealthyandbeautiful hairistoknowhowto “listen”toitandgiveit whatitasksforatall time s. Whenwelearntointerpretwhatittellsus,observingthesignalsitgivesus–suchasfrizz,forexample – wewill be able tomeet its needs as soonas possible. This is how you get perfect curls! Whattodoifmyhairislowporosity? Low-porosityhairtendstoappearsmoothandshiny.Althoughitiseasytohydrate,totakegoodcareofsl ightlyporoushairitispreferabletofollowsometricks. Trickstocareforlow-porosityhair: Broadlyspeaking,theappropriateproductsforthistypeofporositymustbewater-basedandlight.These ingredientsarewaterandothermoisturizingcomponentssuchasherbalextracts,aloevera,orhoney. Toidentifythataproductiswater-based,lookforwatertoappearfirstinthelistofingredients:aqua,wate r. Thelightoilsthatlowporosityhairprefersareusually: Coconutoil.
Grapeseed. Thejojobaone. Arganoil. Ofsweetalmonds. Fromhempseeds. Pomegranateseedoil. Fromapricotseeds. Thefavoriteoilsandbutterforourcurlsareusuallycoconutoilandsheabutter. Ofcourse,youhavetouseavery smallamount,andavoidtheroots,so asnottolooklikeawalkingfryer Also,vegetableglycerinwilldoyougood. Themostcommonmistakeswhendealingwithlowporosityhair. Usedenseingredientsthataddweighttothehair. Low-porosityhairtypeswillnotabsorballofyournutrientsandwillfeelheavy. Becareful,itcanfeeldirtyanddull.Curlslengthenandlosedefinition. Someexamplesare beeswax,avocado,or flaxseedoil. Forthesamereason,avoidingredientsrichinprotein. Forexampleeggyolk,almonds,allkindsofproteinsandaminoacids,andkeratin. So,beforeusingthem,itisbetterthatyoudoastrandtest. Howtoknow ifaproduct containsproteins? Identifyingifaproductcontainsproteins,inthestoreissimple.Itcanbefilteredbyproductsrichinprotein .Butifyouwant toseeoneinparticular thatyouhaveathome, itisbesttolook atthelistofingredients of theproduct in question and verifyit. Themostcommonproteinsthatyoucanfindarethefollowing: Hydrolyzedwheatprotein Hydrolyzed keratin Hydrolyzed silk protein Hydrolyzed Oat Flour Keratin Hydrolyzed collagen Hydrolyzedsoyprotein Howtohydratelow-porosityhair? Wecandoitinseveraldifferentways: Usingaconditionerafterwashingitwithshampooandhotwater. Applyingadeephydrationtreatmentwithmaintainedheat. Thehairwillthusbeabletobenefitfromthepropertiesoftheingredientsattheprecisemomentandinth eright measure. The frequency of use of treatments applied with heat is between one and three times a month. But this is somethingthateachpersonhastoassessdependingonhowtheyfeelthehairatalltimes,itisamatter o ftesting and observing the results. Theheatworkswhenitgentlyopensthecuticlessothatthenutrientsfromthetreatmentsandconditioner spenetrate the low-porosity hair fiber.
I’lltellyouhowit’sdone:applymoderateheatwiththedryer,withthehaircoveredwithaplasticcap, for1 0-15minutes; althoughthe ideal isto follow themanufacturer’s instructions. Routineforlowporosityhair. Thistypeofhairisinluck! Youdonotneedmanyproductstolookbeautifulandhealthy.Simplywashitwithshampooandcondition eron a regular basis. Ifyourhairislong,useyourfavoritedetangler.Andtofinishsettingcurls,alightamountofstylingcream orstyling gel, and you’re ready. Donotoverloadyourhairwithaproductoryouwillnoticeitdull,heavy,andlessdefinedquickly. Whichshampoo is suitable forlow-porosity hair? Themainpurposeofshampooforlow-porosityhairistoeffectivelyremoveexcesssebumanddirtfromth e hair surface. Don’t forget one thing: although low porosity hair is strong and resistant, you should avoid shampooswithSLSandparabens.Theycouldcauseirritationandallergies,ormakethescalpoverlydry, ultimatelymaking the hair greasy. Choose such a shampoo for cleansing low porosity hair, which contains natural substances that normaliz e the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthen the hair, and slightly lift it at the roots. Such a cosm etic product should not only cleanse but also moisturize. Look for products that contain panthenol, lactic a cid,orhyaluronicacid.Therightshampoogiveslow-porosityhairmoreelasticity,suppleness,andsoftnes s– as a result, theyare easier to style. Whichconditionerissuitableforlow-porosityhair? Caringforlow-porosityhairisabigchallengebecausemostofthecosmeticsavailableindrugstoresweig hdownthistypeofhair.Whencaringforthishair,youcandowithouthairconditionersandhairmasksan d only use natural oils or herbal conditioners. Low porosity hair should not be supplied with too many prot eins, because then they become stiff, dull, and even more difficult to style. It’s also important not to overd oitwithemollients,astheycanclogandweighdownthehair’ssurface.Inthisregard,youshouldavoidh air conditioners with oils – they are suitable for medium and high-porosity hair. Such substances as lanoli nor glycerin are also undesirable. Lowporosityhairlikesminimalcare.Theyneedhydrationanddetoxification.ThisiswhereNanoilhairma sks come to the rescue. Nanoil Charcoal and White Clay Hair Mask help remove toxins and excess sebu m,while Nanoil Algae HairMask helps to hydrate hair. Whichoilissuitableforlow-porosityhair? Low porosity hair is best cared for by vegetable oils and butter rich in saturated fatty acids: they have sma llmoleculesthateasilypenetratetightcuticles.Ifthemoleculesaretoolarge,theydonotpenetratetheha irbutweighdownthehairstyleinanunaestheticway.Lightvegetableoilscannotonlyoptimizesebumse cretion and cleanse the scalp but also lighten the hair and lift it at the roots. Effect? The hair becomes shi ny, light, and voluminous, the scalp becomes clean and there is no more pain and dandruff. An ingenious oil for this type of hair is Nanoil for low porosity hair– it was developed from high-quality substances (inclu ding many oils with small molecules) in the right proportions. Hair oil guarantees hair complex care and a beautifulappearance. Bestoilsandbutterforlow-porosityhair Coconut oil – has small molecules, so it doesn’t weigh hair down. It improves the elasticity of the hair stra nds, provides nutrients, and gives the hairstyle more smoothness. The structure of coconut oil is reminisc entofthestructureoftheproteinsinhumanhair.Itnourishesandprotectsthehairshaft,guaranteeingvit ality,softnessandluminousshine.CoconutoilcontainsanaturalUVfilterSPF10.Monoioilisamacerat
e of coconut oil and Tahitian gardenia flowers – it moisturizes the hair and makes it elastic and soft. Babassu oil – is a light oil from the group of drying oils, so it is ideal for low-porosity hair. It makes hair str andselastic,soft,andshiny.Iteasilygetsintotheinnerstructuresofthehair,soitintensivelyregenerates and provides proper protection. Babassu oil smoothes the hair surface, improves combability, and makes hairstyling easierwithout weighingthe hair down.It alsoprotects theends of thehair. ArganOil–isoneofthemostvaluedvegetableoilsaroundtheworld.Thankstothecontentofdifferentfa tty acids, it suits every hair porosity. Argan oil is an ingenious cosmetic for hair care because it protects h airfromheatandmechanicaldamage.Ithasanantioxidanteffectandguaranteesthehairstylemorevitali tyand shine. CastorOil–isoneofthemostpopularcosmetic oils.Itispressedfromtheseedsofthemiracle treeandi sperfectforlow-porosityhair.Castoroilhasmanyunusualproperties:itpromoteshairgrowth,preventsh air loss, and regenerates hair bulbs. The castor oil gives the hairstyle a beautiful shine and protects the n aturalhair color. Shea Butter – is pressed from the nuts of the karité tree and has intense nourishing properties. Shea butt er forms a protective barrier on the hair, therefore it prevents water loss and protects very well against dus t,smoke,smog,andtoxinsfromtheair.Sheabuttermakeshairshiny,elastic,andsmooth.Itisalsoone ofthe most powerful antioxidants. Cupuaçu Butter – is obtained from the seeds of the Amazonian Cupuaçu tree. It moisturizes for a long tim e and reduces irritation. The cupuaçu butter revitalizes the hair, gives it more elasticity and shine and prev entsthe hair from electrifying. Whatotherproductshelplow-porosityhair? In addition to properly selected oil, which in the case of low porosity hair should be the basis of care, prop erly composed scrubs, hydrosols, and hair lotions also play an important role. Such products contain a ra nge of botanicals that take care of oily scalps and heavy, flat, low-porosity hair. Which plants are best for l ow-porosityhair care? Horsetail – is a wonderful source of plant sterols, organic acids, minerals, and silica. Horsetail reduces hai r brittleness, prevents the formation of dandruff, increases hair resistance, and protects against infections andfungal diseases of the scalp, aswell as against inflammation. Nettle – improves hair condition, is rich in many valuable minerals, inhibits hair loss, accelerates hair grow th,and removes dandruff. Siberian stone pine – excellently cleanses the scalp, removes dead skin cells and residues of cosmetics, prevents accumulation of keratin at the hairline, and prevents hair breakage. Siberian stone pine has a hig h concentration of proteins, vitamins from the B complex (strengthen the hair shaft), and vitamin E (a pow erfulantioxidant). Rosemary – intensifies hair shine, smoothes the hairstyle, improves blood circulation in the scalp, acceler ates hair growth, and protects the scalp from pathogenic microorganisms responsible for the development ofdandruff. Eucalyptus – fights dandruff, relieves itching, optimizes sebum secretion, accelerates skin regeneration, h asantiviral effects,stimulates blood circulation,stimulates hairbulbs, and refresheshair roots. Burdock – is very important in hair care because it is rich in sulfur. Sulfur is one of the most important com ponents of hair. Burdock improves the appearance and condition of hair, provides nutrients, reduces dand ruff,cleanses the scalp, and limits hairloss. Birch – strengthens hair, detoxifies, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, limits hair greasi ng,removes dandruff, inhibits hairloss, and reducesscalpinflammation. Sage – is an ideal ingredient in hair lotions because it has a slightly astringent effect, removes excess seb um, and regulates sebum secretion. Sage is particularly recommended for excessive hair loss. It improves bloodcirculation,participatesincollagenproduction,positivelyinfluenceshairelasticity,andtakescareo f their health. It also stimulates cell divisions in the hair matrix, tightens blood vessels, and supports hair th atcannot be styled by giving itmoresoftness and elasticity. Peppermint – is a brilliant remedy for flat, heavy, greasy hair that quickly loses its freshness. Thanks to pe ppermint, the hair can be styled better and greasy more slowly. It supports the absorption of nutrients and hasarefreshing,cleansing, and antibacterialeffect. When caring for low-porosity hair, it is very important to cleanse the scalp because it can become excessi velygreasy. Oncea weekor every twoweeks youshould use a[scalp peeling]or aspecialexfoliating sha
mpoo. Cosmetics of this type usually contain ground plant kernels (usually almonds), special enzymes tha t cleanse the epidermis, volcanic clay, and detoxifying charcoal. In cosmetic products for intensive cleansi ng, there are also caring substances, for example, moisturizing urea or products that prevent excessive s ebumsecretion,soften the skin, andreduce itching. Also Read: Does Shampoo Cause Hair Loss | The Complete Guide AlsoRead: How ToTake Care OfWavy Hair AlsoRead:HowToUseDryShampoo Another problem of low porosity hair is excessive hair loss. It is surprising that such strong hair can fall out in excess. However, when weighed down with sebum, lacking access to air, and improperly cared for, the hair bulbs become weaker and can slip out of the root sheath. This is why it is so important to regularly cl eansethe scalp and stimulatecirculation. Ihopethatall thisinformationabout lowporosityhairhas clarifiedyourdoubts.