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Class Expectations and Routines

This class values respect for others, the classroom, time, rigor, risks, curriculum, collaboration, relationships, self, hard work. Learn about entering class, tardiness, missed classes, homework, quizzes, breaks, food rules, grading, reevaluation. 8 Relevant

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Class Expectations and Routines

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Class Expectations and Routines For Mr. Kahl’s Classes

  2. What will this class value? Respect for others Respect for the classroom Respect for class time: bell to bell Respect for academic rigor Respect for taking risks Respect for differentiated curriculum and instruction Respect for collaboration Respect for the teacher-student relationship Respect for self Respect for hard work over luck and talent

  3. Respect for Everyone Regardless of… Primary language spoken Country of origin Race, culture, and ethnicity Economic background Sex and gender Sexual orientation Looks Size Ability Disability Political affiliation & beliefs Religious affiliation & beliefs

  4. What should I do as I enter class? Take the appropriate handouts—if there are any—from your class’s handout bin, located near the door. Say hello to your teacher and your group mates. Sit down immediately, get out your homework for review, and get to work on the daily journal prompt (silently).

  5. What do I do at the beginning of class? Before the tardy bell starts to ring… Place your homework in the upper right of your desk, your book in the upper left, and your daily journal and pen in front of you. Look at the agenda on the white board. Write down the homework and take note of the daily journal question. Begin to write silently in your daily journal unless directed otherwise.

  6. What is “tardy” and what should I do when I am? You are tardy in this class when you are not fully in your seat--with all of your necessary materials on your desk--when the bell BEGINS to ring. Please do not try to negotiate what “tardy” looks like in this class. Anyone not in his or her seat with materials on the desk when the bell begins to ring will be marked absent. Please sign in to the tardy log in the back of the classroom. Later in the day, I will consult the tardy log and then go to the roll sheet and change your absence to a tardy. If you fail to sign in, I will not remember to change your absence to a tardy.

  7. What do I do when I return from an absence? Check the class website while you’re away and do whatever you can to keep up with the course work. Upon your return, check the agenda folder near the door to see what we did in class and what homework was assigned. Check the handout binder too. If you need some explanation, ask a group mate first. If you still need more explanation, ask your teacher at the END of the period.

  8. How will homework be checked? When the tardy bell rings, your homework should already be placed in the upper right hand corner of your desk. Students’ homework will be checked randomly at the beginning of class. Not all students’ homework will be checked every day. You will receive a score of 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 for the quality and completeness of your work. You will receive a homework score each quarter.

  9. How will I be quizzed on my reading? Several question stems will be put on the overhead screen. Students will be called on in random order to answer the questions. Only some students will be called on. You receive a plus on your card each time you demonstrate you’ve read, and a minus each time you cannot do so. You will receive a reading comprehension grade each quarter.

  10. What if I need to use the restroom? Sign out using the restroom log located near the door. Go only to the restroom and back. Don’t stop for anything else. Sign back in when you return. Anyone who misuses a restroom privilege will have that privilege revoked for the rest of the semester.

  11. What can I eat and drink in this classroom? You may drink clear water. You may NOT eat anything unless you are given special permission. If you are found to be eating (or drinking anything other than water), the teacher will store your food and drink in the garbage can. You may retrieve your food or beverage after class if you like. There are many good reasons for this policy.

  12. What happens at the end of class? Your teacher will often review what you have learned and connect it to what you will learn soon. Students do not pack up their belongings until after the teacher tells them to do so. Students do not even flinch when the bell rings. Instead, they wait for the teacher to dismiss them. Students double check that they understand the homework assignment.

  13. May I have an extension for an assignment? Every student gets one free extension per year. Be sure to save it for something you need. Students may revise work that has been completed with care the first time. Please attach the original assignment and rubric to the back of the revision. Annotate the ways in which you have improved on the previous iteration (in the margins of the revision).

  14. How will I be graded? The course grade will comprise several grading categories, each based on a standard. Each assignment within those standards will receive a 4 (A), a 3 (B), a 2 (C), a 1 (D), or a 0 (F). A 4 exceeds mastery of standard a 3 indicates mastery of standard a 2 indicates student is approaching mastery a 1 indicates only some understanding or skill. No student will receive a D for a semester grade. Students must earn C’s or better to pass the course. Once the score for an assignment is entered into the Aeries grading program, the program will calculate an overall percentage that leads to the course grade. The range for an A is 87.5-100% The range for a B is 62.5-87.49% The range for a C is 37.5-62.49% The range for an F is 0-37.49%

  15. How can I get help when I need it? Ask for help in class. Schedule an appointment to meet with Mr. Kahl during 4th period, lunch, 6th period, 7th period, or after school. Ask a question by email. Mr. Kahl’s address is steven.kahl@mvla.net. Use the Tutorial Center.

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