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Class Procedures and Expectations. Mrs. Warsaw AP Literature & Composition. Academic Integrity. Academic integrity is extremely important in our classroom. This means a few things.
Class Procedures and Expectations Mrs. Warsaw AP Literature & Composition
Academic Integrity Academic integrity is extremely important in our classroom. This means a few things. 1. NO cheating- no plagiarizing from strangers, friends, or family members! Do your own work and be proud of it. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be YOUR best. 2. Academic Language- no cussing, no put-downs, and ABSOLUTELY no sexist, racist, homophobic or other discriminatory remarks- not even if you’re “just kidding.” Use academic vocabulary and sound smart! Wear your “scholar” hat when you’re in the classroom.
Academic Integrity (continued) 3. Effort- I expect a lot of effort on your work. Don’t sell yourself short. Doing your best will open doors of possibility. Even if you don’t want to go to college now, you might want to someday and this will be good practice. Take pride and responsibility in your work and do your BEST! I would love to be able to write you an awesome letter of recommendation for your next job or your college application. Make yourself proud (and maybe your parents and me, too!)
Plagiarism Policy Plagiarized work will receive a zero. No exceptions. A referral will be written so that the offense is documented. NO EXCUSES. Anyone who conspires to plagiarize (the “giver” of the work) will receive the same consequence.
What is plagiarism? • Copying from a friend • Copying from the internet • Using ideas from the internet & changing a few words here & there to make it sound like your own work • Having someone else (a sibling, friend, parent, anyone) do a portion of your work or all of your work for you • Having someone else give you their ideas or tell you what to write • Any creative way you can possibly do an assignment that is not your own, original work & representative of what you think/know/are capable of
Reasons We Cheat • Cynicism about grades • Fear of failure • Parental/family pressure • Demanding schedules + lack of planning • Perception that cheating is easy • Lack of interest • Ignorance about plagiarism • Seeking thrills
Does this sound like you? • “We students know that we are almost completely judged on our grades. They are so important that we will sacrifice our own integrity to make a good impression.” • “A person who has an entirely honest life can’t succeed these days.”
This is NOT that class. • This class is almost entirely about improvement. • We will strive for PERSONAL GROWTH. • We will constantly try to IMPROVE your writing, not just keep testing you on it without any feedback in between. • You HAVE TO PUT IN WORK.
DO NOT RELY ON SUMMARY. DO NOT think you are going to get a decent grade if you ONLY read Shmoop or Sparknotes. That being said… READ Shmoop & Sparknotes! But first, read the actual text. It’s TOTALLY FINE to use both. But don’t cheat yourself out of actually learning and improving your brain and finding the AWESOMENESS AND BEAUTY in what we are going to read. Struggling with a text is a DESIRED PROCESS. It allows for the AHA! Moments and helps you grow as a reader and a person. DON’T CHEAT YOURSELF.
DO. NOT. LIE. If you didn’t do your work, don’t cheat. Don’t lie about it. Don’t make up some crazy excuse. Don’t skip class because it’s the day something is due. COME TALK TO ME. I (like most teachers) will have a whole lot more respect for you if you stand up like the woman or man that you are and face your mistake. And I will likely be a lot more lenient if I know the truth and if it doesn’t happen on a regular basis.
On that note… • Do your work on time. You’ll realize quickly that your homework has a purpose and you will be doing something with it/using it in class. • If you have a situation in which you can’t get it done, let me know ahead of time (if possible) or as soon as possible. Let’s come up with a plan together. Typically, you will have a 7-day grace period to get the work done. This is not true for every assignment, and doesn’t apply to projects. You won’t get full credit for assignments turned in late.
Entering the Classroom You are to enter the classroom calmly and quietly, wearing your ID. Students who do not do this will be asked to leave the room and re-enter as expected. It is expected that as soon as you enter you: 1. Grab any handouts from the counter. 2. Turn in homework to the Inbox. 3. Make sure you have what you need (sharpened pencil, paper, tissue, etc.) 4. Read the whiteboard for homework, reminders, and today’s agenda. Copy down any assignments. 5. Begin the “Do Now.” It is expected that you are in your seat and working when the final bell rings.
Entering the Classroom Late When you enter late (with or without a pass) DO NOT disturb the class. Close the door quietly. Sign your name on the tardy board and then complete activities 1 & 2 (previous slide). Go quietly to your seat and begin working or wait for a break in the instruction to ask your partner what you should be doing. If you do not follow this procedure, you will be asked to wait in the hallway until I can come speak with you.
Tardies A student is tardy if he or she is not in his seat when the final bell rings. Consequences are as follows: 1st tardy- Stay after class. 2nd tardy- Stay after class + call home. 3rd tardy- Lunch detention (10 minutes). 4th tardy- School detention (After School 30 minutes). Important: A “no show” to a lunch detention is an automatic after-school detention. It is very important to be on time. Manage your time well during passing period.
Classroom Behavior Non-Negotiables: sitting up at all times, listening attentively to the speaker (no side conversations or interruptions), no phones except when OK’d by the teacher, no hats or hoods inside the classroom, no gum chewing, NO FOOD, and limiting time out of class (bathroom, water, etc.). RHS Way: The RHS way includes acting responsibly (coming prepared, taking responsibility for your actions and your learning), honorably (no plagiarism, cheating, excuses, complaints),and safely (no bullying, no teasing, no inappropriate language or remarks). I also expect that you are free from distractions while in class. This means no grooming or makeup, no texting, no physical contact with other students, no walking around the classroom.
Leaving the Classroom During Class Time Please plan ahead and use the bathroom during passing periods and at lunch. You will receive one bathroom pass per month at no penalty, plus 3 emergency passes. Bathroom breaks must be limited to 5 minutes. If you need water, you will have to use a bathroom pass. You must sign out of the classroom and take the bathroom pass with you. If you need an extra bathroom break for an emergency, you will owe time after class. The bathroom may not be used during tutorial.
Exiting the Classroom The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher does. I will let you know when it is OK to pack up your things. Students will not be dismissed until the classroom is clean and orderly. Check your table/group for any trash, scraps of paper, etc. Remain in your seat until the bell rings. Never begin to pack up when the teacher or another student is speaking or giving a presentation.
Absences (continued) For unexcused absences such as truancy (cutting) or suspension, you will not have extra days to make up the work. When suspended, work will be provided to the office for you to pick up.
Turning in Work • Work must be turned in at the BEGINNING of the period to be considered ON TIME. • All work (typed AND handwritten) should have your last name in the UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER. • Typed work should be in MLA format https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/24/
Late Work Work is considered late when it is not turned in on the due date (if you were absent, see the section above). Work must be turned in at the beginning of the period. Late work will be accepted for ONE WEEK past the due date. Late work will receive the lowest priority for grading. If you turn in work late, it will be graded at my convenience, as I have other classes and assignments that will receive priority. If you need a grade entered due to progress reports, sports, etc. be sure to turn ALL work in ON TIME.
Late Slips For everything turned in late, you will have to fill out a late slip, explaining why it is late & what you will do in the future. The work is MANAGEABLE with proper planning. If you don’t use a calendar, start to use one. Set reminders. Sign up for Remind. Don’t slack. You CAN be a student who turns things in on time. It will help you in your future life- career and relationships. If you need HELP planning, please ask me. Asking for help is a sign of maturity, NOT WEAKNESS.
Late Work Grading • Work turned in LATE will be graded LATE. This means I will not be rushing to grade your late assignment because progress reports are coming up and you play a sport. If you made the choice to turn something in late, you need to realize that there are consequences for your actions.
Class Work • Use time wisely. If you have been working your tush off and you need extra time, let me know. If you’ve been on your phone and you want more time, exercise your integrity and accept the consequences of your actions. • Do your part in your group. Form habits that will earn you promotions at your job & demonstrate loyalty and teamwork to your boss/ significant other/friends. Who we are in the classroom indicates how we show up in our lives.
Extra Help If you feel you are falling behind, or need any assistance with completing homework, make an appointment to meet with me as soon as possible. I can see you during tutorials, before school, or after school. Plan for extra help at least two days in advance. KristinW@fsusd.org
Maintain your dignity. • Do not grade grub. That is all. You will receive the grade you have EARNED. • However, if there is a legit MISTAKE on your grade, let me know ASAP!! Don’t be shy!
Be in the moment. It is very easy to get wrapped up in outside-of-class issues, pressure from other teachers’ assignments, arguments with friends or significant others, upcoming sports games, etc. My best advice to you is “Be in the Moment”. Even if you’re not that “into” the book we’re reading, or you’re not an “English person” in general, try to be present when you’re in class, paying attention and trying to learn something. Ask questions. Own the material & make it your own. You don’t have to love it, but you do have to do your best. Leave distractions at the door and you will be successful!
CARDS ON THE TABLE... Here’s your chance. I want you to write down anything you struggle with… doing your own work, pressure from parents, fear of failure, past cheating, always turning stuff in late, not showing up to avoid the Socratic Seminar or the day a project is due, etc. ‘Fess up. It stays between you and me. Now tell me how I can help you. When should I intervene? What can I do to help? How can I give you support? What do we need to work on? I’m here for you. I want you to succeed. HAND WRITE ON A ½ SHEET & TURN THIS IN TOMORROW.