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WELCOME TO ... SPAN 186 - TOPICS IN HISPANIC LINGUISTICS. which is really a pseudonym for NEW TRENDS AND TOPICS IN ROMANCE PHONOLOGY P.S. If you are interested in this class you really have to enroll formally …. 2/15. 186 RomPhon. - Class 1. Estamos en el año 50 antes de Jesucristo.

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  1. WELCOME TO ...SPAN 186 - TOPICS IN HISPANIC LINGUISTICS which is really a pseudonym for NEW TRENDS AND TOPICS IN ROMANCE PHONOLOGY P.S. If you are interested in this class you really have to enroll formally …

  2. 2/15 186 RomPhon. - Class 1 Estamos en el año 50 antes de Jesucristo. Toda la Galia está ocupada por los romanos... ?Toda? !No! Una aldea poblada por irreductibles galos resiste todavía y siempre al invasor. Y la vida no es fácil para las guarniciones de legionarios romanos en los reducidos campamentos de Babaórum, Acuárium, Laudánum y Petibónum... "The year is 50BC. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Well, not entirely... One small village of indomitable Gauls still holds out against the invaders. And life is not easy for the Roman legionaries who garrison the fortified camps of Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum and Compendium..."

  3. 186 RomPhon. - Class 1 3/15 • What distinguishes language from language? • What is a dialect? • What is the difference between a language and a dialect? Name a few....

  4. latin rumansch french catalan

  5. 6/15 • Have a look at the sheet with different languages and or dialects. • Can you understand any of them (it’s always the same text)? • Can you guess what language that is? • Can you point out similarities or differences? • Can you say something about the relationship between writing and spoken form?

  6. Maps of romance languages: to the overhead please !

  7. 186- Cl.1 NOTION OF STANDARD 8/15 • What is a standard? • What is the norm? • Is any variety “better” than another? • What should we teach in schools? • Why are there different dialects / languages?

  8. 186- Cl.1 Language change 9/15 • Is language change “bad”? • Change is inherent in the notion of variety • Change is not just physiological (other elements: fashion, social factors) • Historical depth > can’t predict: “some do and some don’t”

  9. 186- Cl.1 Linguistics 101 10/15 • Prescriptivism vs descriptivism • Phonetics: articulation and perception of speech sounds • Phonology: the patterning of speech sounds • Morphology: word formation • Syntax: sentence formation • Semantics: interpretation of words and sentences • Language change • Language acquisition (generation to generation)

  10. 186- Cl.1 Internal grammar 11/15 • prasp • flib • traf • *psapr • *bfli • *ftra Pronounce them for me and tell me which are possible words of English and why?

  11. 186- Cl.1 Internal grammar bis 12/15 • hunted • slipped • buzzed what about flib? • pint *paynk • fiend *fiemp • wronged *wrongv • glimpse *glimpk Pronounce them for me and tell me which are possible words of English and why?

  12. Survival versus speech Organ Survival function Speech function Lungs Exchange CO2, O Supply air for speech Vocal folds Create sealed over Produce voice for speech sounds passage to lungs Tongue Move food to teeth Articulate vowels and consonants & back to throat Teeth Break up food Provide place of articulation for C’s Lips Seal oral cavity Articulate vowels and consonants Nasal cavities Breathing Provide nasal resonance

  13. See you hopefully next time!

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