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Annealing studies of Mimosa19 & radiation hardness studies of Mimosa26 Dennis Doering* 1 , Samir Amar-Youcef 1,3 ,Michael Deveaux 1 , Melissa Domachowski 1 , Ingo Fröhlich 1 , Christian Müntz 1 , Sarah Ottersbach 1 , Joachim Stroth 1 , Franz M. Wagner 2 for the CBM-MVD- Collaboration
Annealingstudiesof Mimosa19 & radiationhardnessstudiesof Mimosa26 Dennis Doering*1, Samir Amar-Youcef 1,3,Michael Deveaux1, Melissa Domachowski1, Ingo Fröhlich1, Christian Müntz1, Sarah Ottersbach1, Joachim Stroth1, Franz M. Wagner2 forthe CBM-MVD-Collaboration 1 Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 2 TU München, Forschungsquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II), 3 Helmholtz Research School, Frankfurt *doering@physik.uni-frankfurt.de
Outline • MAPS, radiationdamageandannealing • Leakagecurrentandannealing • Charge spectrumandannealing • Radiation hardnessstudyof Mimosa26 • - Summary *doering@physik.uni-frankfurt.de
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS The CBM Micro Vertex Detector based on MAPS The CBM-experiment (at FAIR) Motivation Expected radiation dose per CBM running-year: • How can a sensor chip tolerate such radiation doses? • Annealing & partiallydepleted Mimosa26?
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Operation principle of MAPS +3.3V Reset +3.3V Output SiO2 SiO2 SiO2 N++ N++ Diode P+ N+ P-Well P- Epitaxial Layer P+ Substrate
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Operation principle of MAPS +3.3V Reset +3.3V Output SiO2 SiO2 SiO2 N++ N++ Diode P+ N+ P- e- Epitaxial Layer P+
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Operation principle of MAPS +3.3V Reset +3.3V Output SiO2 SiO2 SiO2 N++ N++ Diode P+ N+ P- e- Epitaxial Layer P+
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Typesof radiation damage To be investigated and improved: Radiation hardness against… • … ionizing radiation: • Caused by charged particles and photons • Energy deposited into the electron cloud • Can ionize atoms and destroy molecules • Can bestudiedwith X-rayradiation • … non-ionizing radiation: • Caused by heavy, charged and neutral, particles • Energy deposited into the crystal lattice • Atoms are displaced • Can be studied with fast neutron radiation Farnan I, HM Cho, WJ Weber, 2007. "Quantification of Actinide α-Radiation Damage in Minerals and Ceramics." Nature 445(7124):190-193.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Radiation tolerance against radiation +3.3V Reset +3.3V Output SiO2 SiO2 N++ N++ P+ N+ P- P+ Defectsgeneratedbynon-ionizingradiation.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Positive Charge Radiation tolerance against radiation +3.3V Reset +3.3V Output SiO2 SiO2 N++ N++ P+ N+ P- P+ Positive chargegeneratedbyionizingradiation.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Positive Charge Leakagecurrent +3.3V Reset +3.3V Output SiO2 SiO2 N++ N++ P+ N+ P- P+ - - - - - - - - Leakagecurrentcausedbyradiationinduceddefectsiscollected.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Reduced positive Charge Annealing +3.3V Reset +3.3V Output Annealingofdefects SiO2 N++ N++ P+ N+ P- P+ Clusterformation Recombination Beneficialannealing: Interstitial atomsandvacanciesrecombine. Reversedannealing: Severaldefects form stableclusters. Leakagecurrentmayincreaseordecrease due toannealing.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Sensors andirradiation Usedchips: Mimosa19 developedby IPHC Strasbourg. Fast reactorneutrons: +(~100kRad γ) → Mostlynon-ionizingradiationdamageassensorsare not powered. ~10keV X-rays (200kRad): onlyionizingradiationdamage. Combinedradiation: ;1 yearroomtemperatureannealing; 200kRad X-rays. Neutron radiationperformedby F. Wagner at FRM II Munich. X-rayradiationperformedby A. Dierlammat KIT. Mimosa19
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Temperatureprofile Heatingat T=80°C (73h) T[°C] 2h transport 80°C 20°C 1 year Measurementsandstorage at T=20°C (191h) Neutron radiation Measurements at T=20°C (280h) Time X-ray radiation
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Annealingatroomtemperature -20% Beneficialannealingat T=20°C decreasesleakagecurrentby 20%. Noreverseannealingobserved.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Annealingat T=20°C and T=80°C Leakagecurrentdecreasesby ~70% after beneficialannealingat T=20°C and T=80°C. Neutron irradiatedsensorsexhibitsnosignificantannealing, neitherbeneficialnorreverse. Noreverseannealingobservedforupto 70h at T=80°C.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Spectrumbeforeand after X-rayradiation Cd-109-source Calibrationpeak X-rayirradiationshiftedthespectrumtolowervalues.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Spectrum after annealing Cd-109-source Calibrationpeak Annealingrecoverstheshiftofthespectrum.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Calibrationpeakandannealing Cd-109-source • The positionofthecalibrationpeakisrecovered. • Not completelyrecovered after combinedradiation. • combinedradiationdamageeffect?
Radiation hardness studies of Mimosa26 Mimosa26 Analog output pixelarray: 1152 columns*576 rows pitch 18.4 µm digital output Twoversions: Standard andpartiallydepleted More details: Talk C.Schrader
Radiation hardness studies of Mimosa26 E Partially depleted Mimosa26 +3.3V Output +3.3V GND SiO2 SiO2 GND SiO2 SiO2 N+ P++ P++ N++ P++
Radiation hardness studies of Mimosa26 First analysisresults Mimosa26 Spectrum Mimosa26 Noise Preliminary First testssuccessfullyperformedat T= -20°C and .
Radiation hardness studies of Mimosa26 Comparisonstandardanddepletedsensor Fe-55 4 pixelcluster T=-20°C Shift after irradiation Noshift Peak ofthestandardsensorisshiftedtolowerenergy. Peak ofthedepletedsensoris not shifted. The depletedsensorseemstobemoreradiationhardthanthestandardsensor, to be confirmed in beam tests (June 2010).
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Summary • Annealing • Systematic annealing studies on MAPS have been performed. • Annealinghasbeenstudiedcomparing individual (X-ray, neutron) withcombinedirradiation. • Beneficial annealing effects are observed for X-ray and combined irradiation. • Significantannealingeffectsforonlyneutronirradiationare not observed. • Reverse annealingeffectshave not beenobserved. • Annealingrecoversthechargespectrumshift after X-rayradiationcompletely. • Mimosa26 • Mimosa26 radiationhardnessstudiesarestarted. • Depleted Mimosa26 seemstobemoreradiationhardthanstandardsensors. • Conclusion • Annealing seems to be a promising strategy to recover the radiation induced performance losses in the MAPS-based vertex detectors like the MVD of CBM. Thankyouforyourattention
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Noise andCollectionpeak Onlydepletedsensors
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Calibrationpeak Vetotrigger: Onlydiodehits Depleted Standard
+3.3V Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS IReset Operation principleofthepreamplifier UK 3 Reset transistor 2 K 1 C 0 Time 1. Resettransistorisopenedrefillingthecapacity.
+3.3V Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS UF0 UF1 ILeakage Operation principleofthepreamplifier UK 3 Reset transistor 2 K 1 C 0 Time CDS= UF0- UF1 2 Time 2. Leakagecurrentlowersslightlythevoltage. The voltageismeasuredtwiceandcompared (CDS).
+3.3V Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS UF0 IReset UF1 Operation principleofthepreamplifier UK 3 Reset transistor 2 K 1 C 0 Time CDS= UF0- UF1 2 Time 3. Resettransistorisopenedagainrefillingthecapacity.
+3.3V Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS particle UF0 UF0 IReset UF1 UF1 ISignal ILeakage Operation principleofthepreamplifier UK 3 Reset transistor 2 K K 1 C 0 Time CDS= UF0- UF1 2 Time 4. A particlegeneratessignalcharge, whichlowersthevoltageandincreasesthe CDS.
+3.3V Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS UF0 UF0 UF0 IReset UF1 UF1 UF1 ILeakage Operation principleofthepreamplifier UK 3 Reset transistor 2 K 1 C 0 Time CDS=UF0- UF1 2 Time 5. Duringthenextframenoparticle, onlyleakagecurrentismeasured.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Threshold Measurement of leakage current Variation: Noise Operation principleofthepreamplifier Hit identified! 2 K 1 CDS= UF0- UF1 2 Time 6. A thresholdisappliedtoidentify a hit whichmightbegeneratedby a particle.
Annealing studies with combined radiation irradiated MAPS Defectannealing Defectmigration Complexformation Ef Em Complexdissociation Ed Em, Efand Eddepends on temperature. => Eachdefecthas a activationtemperature. So heatingthesensormaytransformthedefects. Heatingmoreactivatesmoredefects. In additionquestionofprobability.