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New Women Arrivals League 2010 International Workshop

New Women Arrivals League 2010 International Workshop. 2010.06.4-5 Pusan, South Korea. 我們是 … ( about us). 同根社 是一群 新來港婦女組成的自助組織 (We are a self-help organization for new immigrant women from mainland China) 成立於 2000 年,並於 2004 年 7 月註冊成為正式團體

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New Women Arrivals League 2010 International Workshop

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  1. New Women Arrivals League2010 International Workshop 2010.06.4-5 Pusan, South Korea

  2. 我們是…(aboutus) • 同根社是一群新來港婦女組成的自助組織 (We are a self-help organization for new immigrant women from mainland China) • 成立於2000年,並於2004年7月註冊成為正式團體 (Established in 2000 and registered to be an official organization in July, 2007)

  3. 我們是…(aboutus) • 2000至2003年, 隸屬於一個福利機構的一個新來港小組,由社工協助組織帶領。後因政府削減資源,機構因而終止小組。 • (We are a new arrival group organized by social workers and belonged to a NGO from 2000 to 2003. When the Government cut all the new arrival services budgets, the group have no choice but stopped.)

  4. 由小組發展至組織(From group to organization) • 既沒有地方,也沒有資金、沒有職員,只得一台電話(We start from a phone only) • 但香港比較有自由和空間,可以表達對政府政策的意見,跟內地有天壤之別(But we found that in Hong Kong, we can comment the Government policies, we can’t do that in mainland) • 所以我要同根社搞起來,讓社會大眾能認識同根社,也認識我們一班新移民婦女!(So that I would like to make it as a platform to let society to know the group and us.)

  5. 架構(structure) • 由會員大會(每月)、執委員會(每月)和顧問會、執行幹事統籌安排各項工作,全靠義工組成的一條龍服務。(monthly members meetings, Executive Board, consultation team, Executive secretaries will co-ordinate programs, meetings, PR works and services, all are supported by volunteers.)

  6. 宗旨(objectives) 協助新來港婦女認識社會資源,解決困難(introduce social resources to new arrivals to cope with their problems); 分享適應在港生活態度及技巧,發揮自我(share experiences and encourage them to develop their potentials); 鼓勵新來港婦女自力更新,共建香港(help them to start their new life and service to HK); 組織新來港婦女倡議政策,促進社會融和(organize new arrivals to make their voices to comment the policies and participate build up a harmony society。

  7. 定期工作(What are we doing?) • 個案 (follow up cases) • 基層婦女/準來港婦女/外展/探訪小組(grassroots women group, new arrivals group and out-reaching/home visit group) • 約見政府官員,爭取新來港婦女應有的權益; (meet with officials to introduce new arrivals’ difficulties)

  8. 當姊妹遇上困難…When sisters have some problems… 丈夫突然失業,全家人也很憂心,想找人傾訴,但沒人可信任……My husband lost the job, we are worry about money, I need to talk with someone, but which I can trust? 剛拿到身份證,人生路不熟,又沒有適應班和進修班,很難融入社會。我擔心日後的生活。I was just come to HK, I have no friends and don’t know how to find a job. It is hard to start my life here, what can I do? 離了婚,但居住未夠七年,不能上公屋,又只能依靠兒子的綜援,每天生活也難熬。I got divorce. I can’t get the public housing until I live in HK more than 7 years, I can only rely on the living allowance of my son, the life is so tough for me! 丈夫在我獲批單程證前突然死去,無人承認我港人妻子身份,怎辦?My husband dead before my permit approved, so I can not apply it anymore. What should I do?

  9. 同根社幫到妳(We can help!) • 一群同路人助妳度過艱難時刻,例如: • (We are your friends and want to give you a hand when you need…) • è申請單/雙程證查詢(to apply the one way or two way permit)、 • è婚姻法律諮詢(legal advice on your marriage)、 • è協助解決居住、經濟、教育子女、 • 家庭疑難問題等。(facing housing, financial, • Children education and family problems) • 同根社會盡力協助,更會聯同一群同路人去約見官員,爭取我們應有的權利!(We will try our best • To help. Sometimes, we will go to meet officials and fight for our rights!)

  10. 定期工作(What are we doing?) • 定期幹事培訓(provide trainings to core members regularly) • 服務社區有需要人士(service to the needy in community)

  11. 定期工作(What are we doing?) 社會參與(Social participations): • 與基層團體合作,參與各個聯席,監察政府施政成效(co-work with NGOs and Alliances to oversee the Government policies); • 參與社會行動,倡議政策(join social actions and do policy advocacy)。

  12. 同根社的聯席工作(Our alliance works) • 我們參加「關注綜援檢討聯盟」,爭取豁免綜援七年期之酌情權 • 我們參與「全民退休保障聯席」,爭取家庭主婦得到退休保障 • 我們參加「平等機會婦女聯席」,監察政府落實《消除對婦女一切形式歧視視公約》 • 我們參加「人口政策聯席」,爭取縮短雙程證輪候期及取消內地來港婦女成為香港永久性居民之七年輪候期 (We have joined several alliances, like CSSA (government allowance concern, Joint Alliance for Universal Retirement Protection, Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities and Population Policy Concern Alliance.)

  13. 公眾教育與公關工作(Public Education and Relationship) • 2006年起,同根社大學分享介紹,擴展地區網絡,與社區合作舉辦嘉年華會及街站招收會員,繼而參與各個聯席、出席大大小小立法會小組會議 ,讓社會大眾、議員及民間團體認識同根社(Started from 2006, We shared our cases and organizing works with Universities, work with community organizations and joined the community activities, attended to Legco meetings to introduce the problems we faced.)

  14. 凝聚會員(Keep contact with members) • 月會(monthly meeting) • 為有需要家庭開辦英文補習班(tutorial group for the needy families) • 發放通訊錄,保持會員間的聯繫(newsletters, to keep contact with members)

  15. 籌款(Fund-raising) • 自2005年起至今,每年舉辦貧窮宴籌款(From 2005, We hold “poverty dinner” to raise funding) • 會員烹調家鄉食品,以爭取權益、化解社會歧視為主題,編排話劇和唱歌表演等,邀請議員、學者參加(We will prepare some homeland foods and some performance introduce our situations and difficulties and invite LegCo members and scholars to join) • 每年大約籌得三萬港元作同根社一年的運作資金(Mostly, we will gain about 30 thousand to backup the organization fee annually)

  16. 籌款(Fund-raising) • 我們一批幹事時常出席各項大型活動,包括友好政黨的活動,作公關宣傳的同時,也不忘邀請議員出席籌款活動及捐款(Our core members will attend to some social events, including politic parties programs to introduce new arrivals' situation and invite people to donate and join our fund-raising programs.)

  17. 同根社顧問團our consultation Team • 同根社發展至今,有賴背後一班顧問協助策劃活動及提供專業意見,包括各大院校的學者、社工及民間團體的組織者。(We have 10 years old and well developed by our consultation Team, a group of professionals including scholars, social workers and NGO organizers. )

  18. 回顧展望(review and future) • 同根社今年迎來十周年,終於有基金支持,有了辦公地方(We are ten years old now, and get a funding support, have our office too) • 服務、活動和運作也越趨正規和穩定(Our organization has been going smoothly and stable.) • 本人由主席至現今為總幹事,領得一份津貼(In this year, I became Executive Secretary and get some allowance) • 堅持自助互助精神(We will insist the self-help and mutual help spirits in our organization)

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