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Traditional Spanish Game

Traditional Spanish Game. The lightbulb (La bombilla). In this game you have to leap-frog over the other players in the team while you call out examples of a chosen topic . You have to show your physical ability and your knowlegde of different topics . Description.

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Traditional Spanish Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TraditionalSpanishGame Thelightbulb (La bombilla)

  2. In thisgameyou have to leap-frogover the otherplayers in the team whileyou call out examples of a chosentopic. You have to show yourphysicalability and yourknowlegde of differenttopics. Description

  3. A teamusuallyconsists of between 5-10 players, howeverifyouhave more playersthenthatis fine as itwillmakethegame more interesting. • The ageof the playersisnot important as long as the chosentopicisadapted to the participants levels. Players

  4. Eachteamneeds to choose a CAPTAIN and a TOAD. • Thecaptainsjobis to choose a topicforthegame (e.g. foods, languages, films). He/shealsomustselect a ‘secret’ wordaboutthetopic and whisperit to thetoad. • Thetoadmustcrouchdown so theotherplayers can leap-frogoverhim/her. Theotherjobthatthetoadmust do is to catch a playerifone of thensaysthe ‘secret’word. Players

  5. The aim of the gameis to avoidbecoming the toad. • Being able to give a correct answer on the topicgiven. • Being quick enough to get as far away as possible from the toadwhen the nextplayer jumps over him/her. • Beingfastenough to avoidbeingcaught by the toad if someonesays the secret word. TheAim of theGame

  6. First youdraw a giantlightbulb on the groundwithchalk. The toad has to stay at the edge of the lightbulb (in the small box shape). How to play

  7. Thecaptaincan stayclose to thetoadbutnot in its box. How to play

  8. Next the captainsuggests a topicwithmany possible answers (such as examples of European countries) . • The captainalsochoosesa secret word and tells it to the toad. If a playersaysthatwordhe /shewillautomaticallybecome the toad. How to play

  9. Nowtheplayersleap-frogoverthetoad and givetheiranswer. How to play

  10. Once theyland in thelightbulbtheymuststand frozenwheretheylandedand notmove. How to play

  11. Whenthenextplayerjumpsonlythen can theymoveawayfromthetoadbutonlyinsidethelightbulb. How to play

  12. How to play

  13. Once all of the players have leap-frogged over the toadand are standing inside the lightbulb, itis the captainsturn. How to play

  14. The Captain has 2 options: 1. If he/shedecides to say the secret wordwhen jumping over the toad, the toadis free to get up and catch a playerbeforetheyrun out of the lightbulb. The playerhe/she catches immediatelybecomes the toad and the gamestartsagain. How to play

  15. 2. If the captaindoesn’tsay the secret word and choosesanotherword, the toadcannotmove and must remainstill. Howeverif a playerinside the lightbulb moves thenhe/sheautomaticallybecomes the toad. The aimis to beprepared to run if the toad moves or staystill if not. How to play

  16. Lastly, if a playergivesanincorrectanswer (e.g. iftheysay ‘Australia’ whenthetopicis ‘Europeancountries’) thenthetoadisable to leaveits place and try to catch a playerinsidethelightbulb. Ifthetoadcatchessomeonebeforetheyleavethebulbthenthatplayerbecomesthe new toad. How to play

  17. That’sit! Havefunplaying a traditionalSpanishgame.

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