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Traditional spanish dishes

Traditional spanish dishes. A BRIEF INTRODUCTION. This is spain . Spanish traditional dishes. The most famous Spanish dishes are: - Tortilla de patatas ( Spanish Omelette ) - Paella - Jamón Serrano. But there are many more to taste. LET’S FIND OUT!!!.

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Traditional spanish dishes

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  1. Traditionalspanishdishes A BRIEF INTRODUCTION

  2. Thisisspain.

  3. Spanishtraditionaldishes ThemostfamousSpanishdishes are: - Tortilla de patatas (SpanishOmelette) - Paella - Jamón Serrano. Butthere are many more to taste. LET’S FIND OUT!!!

  4. Thenorth of Spainis quite cold and theyeatwarmand fillingfood. • These dishes are mostly eaten in winter, but actually we can eat them all the year long

  5. Migas (Bread Crumbs). A typicalrainydaydishcookedwithbread, somepepper, garlic and meat. Gazpacho Manchego. A dishmadeout of rabbit, vegetables and SNAILS!!

  6. Callos. A dishthatismadeoutof tripe (cows’ intestines) and servedin a hotclaypot. Cocido. Thisis a poultry and vegetable stew. So tasty!!

  7. OntheSpanishMediterraneancoast line, theweatheriswarm and sunny,so thefoodis light and fresh. In thispart of SpaintheMediterraneandietisthe base of theircookery.

  8. Caracoles (Snails). Thisdishis a kind of snailsstewwithham. Catalana. Thisdish can be eatenforbreakfast, lunch ordinner. Itismade of toastedbread spread withtomato, olive oil, a pinchof salt and to top it off a slice of Jamón serrano.

  9. Ensalada de pimientos (Pepper Salad). Is a salad madeoutwithroastedpeppers, garlic, olive oil and salt. Fideua. Itis a kind of paella butinstead of using rice, itismadewith pasta.

  10. In thesouth of Spainthedishes are madetocalmdowntheheat. They are verytastyand delicious.

  11. Gazpacho Andaluz. It’s a kind of a tomatosoupmadewithtomato, garlic, olive oli, vinegar, salt and sometimesmayonnaise (salmorejo). You can addpepper, cucumber, bread crumbs and ham as toppings. Torta del Casar. Is a cheese made from sheep's milk. You eat it spread on bread.

  12. In Spainwealsohavegreatdesserts. • After a bigmeal, weend up with a greatdessert.

  13. Churros with Chocolate. Churros are made of frieddoughwithsomesugaron top of it. Ifyooeatthemwith chocolate youwill be delighted. Buñuelos y Huesos de Santo. Buñuelos isdeep-frieddough – nice and fluffy. Huesos de Santo ismarzipanwithcreaminside. In Spainthey are traditionallyeatenonNovemberthe 1st.

  14. Torrijas. They are made of fried bread previouslydippedintomilk, cinnamon and sugar. In SpainweeatthemduringEaster. Turrón.This is a sweet, typically made of honey, sugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds or other nuts, and usually shaped into either a rectangular tablet or a round cake. It is a traditional Christmas sweet in Spain.

  15. Nowyou are hungry, so try to findsome of thisrecipies and COOK them! OR JUST COME TO SPAIN AND ENJOY THEM IN OUR HOUSES OR RESTAURANTS! ¡QUE APROVECHE!

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