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HARE AND HOUNDS Traditional Polish game. Find the arrows. COMENIUS PROJECT: "I know, I can. ” Interactive games and Information Technology for modern education of European children Poland Kindergarten „EKO-JUNIOR” January 2013. Template of the game :.
HARE AND HOUNDSTraditionalPolishgame Findthearrows
COMENIUS PROJECT: "I know, I can.” Interactive games and Information Technology for modern education of European children Poland Kindergarten „EKO-JUNIOR” January 2013
Templateofthe game: • The Name of the game-"HARE AND HOUNDS" • Participants/number-from one to unlimited • Educational purpose - developing skills to participateinthe group, the development of creativeactivity, improvingmobility and orientationinthe field, thebrawn of physicalperception and many others. Eachstage of thegamedevelopsotherskills, which will be describedbelow. Combiningexercisewith a fewareas of thechild'sperception of itcan correct the development based on themulti-facetededucationintegrated. • Rules - Search for arrows, hiddenin a garden, theplaygroundor a schoolthatlead to tips. Tipssaywhattaskyoushouldperform on thestage of thegame. Thewinneris one who will performall of thetasks and reachthefinishlineatthebest time. In thegamecantake part children of single orteams.
DESCRIPTION • We havesplitpupils on the 3 teams. • Each of themhas a Captain - itcan be theoldestor/and thesmartestchildinthe group (increasingsense of responsibility for youngerorweakerchildren). TheCaptaindrawsplayers to their team. We hidearrowsinthekindergarten. Thetask of childrenis to findthearrowthatlead to hiddenclues. We'veputthetips under the "magicstones". Eachstage of thegamehasitsowncolor-bluearrowslead to bluestones, etc. We’vechosenthetheme of thegame-“partnercountries”. TheCaptains drew countries to whichthey “travel”. Atthefinish, withtipsgained on thevariousstages of thegame, theymustguesswhich country theyhaveachieved. • You can choose any theme of thegame -theseasons, nature, events, etc. • Youcanuseanyteachingaids to arrangethetasks of thevariousstages of thegame. In thisspecificcase we decided to arrangethegameintheway, as below.
Stage 1 „THE RIVER” - THE tip „On the way to a mysterious country Youfindmeandering river full of vortices and deep water. Your task is to cross overtheriverusingthe stones and the footbridge so as to not fall into the water. Who falls into the water must pass through the river once again. Remember, however, that you can helpeachother. One of the older children can hold hand of younger one, that can not catch the balance. Count time. Groupthatreachesthe mysterious country the faster,it wins.”
STAGE 1 – educationalpurpose • Exercise of balance and motor coordination, body posture, • Interoperability, developing skillsconsistentintercourse.
Stage 2 „SHELLS” - thetip „In themysterious country you will certainlyfind a large body of watersuch as a largelakeorthesea. On theirbottomperhapslies a lot of shells. Youhave to separatetheshellstruefromthose to the pasta dishes to eat by throwingrealshells to thesecondbowl. Youareveryhungryaftertraveling, so youhave to quicklyseparatetheshells, to cooksome pasta. Childrencan help to eachother.”
Stage 2 – educationalpurpose • Improvement of efficiency of dexterity and speed of handmovements, • Developing eye-handcoordination, developlogicalthinkingskills, persisting to recognizecolors and shapes.
Stage 3 „ the MOUNTAINS” - thetip „On yourway to a mysterious country Youfindvery high mountains. Yourtaskis to move as quickly as possible by thetunnels and jumpovergaps. Each of thekidshas to go throughthe top as soon as possible, to staywarm. Childrencan help to eachother.”
Stage 3 – educationalpurpose • Overcomingobstaclesdevelopscoordinationfine motor skills and physical performance • Development of agility
Stage 4 THE PUZZLE - thetip „Nowyouhave to useYourbrain. To guessthelasthintYouhave to arrangethe puzzle. TheCaptainshallappointtwochildren, thatlaythetip (one of themcanalso be theCaptain). Whenthe puzzle isready, putallthehints on thetable and guess to what country Youhavearrived.”
Stage 4 – educationalpurpose • The development of observation and motor skills, eye-handcoordination, • Stimulation of the development of the Visual Analyzer, activatingthinking.