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Exploring Geography: Development and Economic Growth Journey

Dive into various geography units for KS3 students focusing on development, wealth measurement, sector classification, and economic activity worldwide.

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Exploring Geography: Development and Economic Growth Journey

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  1. WelcomeCaracals Not that good an impression, but close-ish) We are here to do geography!

  2. Throughout the year KS3 visit 6 areas • Each year group will develop these units more each time! • Unit 1: Intro (very short): This year it was about different kinds of map and also a neat application of GIS • Unit 2: Environmental conditions: For Y9 this looked at weather systems, Highs, Lows and Hurricanes • Unit 3: The Human Situation: This where we have got to – so we will be looking at development and other issues • Unit 4: Changing Earth: About volcanoes and how the landscape is sculpted by ice • Unit 5: Working World: About the jobs people do and modern industry • Unit 6: What are we doing to our World? What is happening in Anartica.

  3. From Now until Christmas • What is development? • Looking at different ways to measure development • About the impact of water on the development of a country • Exploring the Millennium development goals • Looking at the big trans-national companies, AID and trade as a means to helping countries become developed

  4. By the end of today • We are going to work towards: • An idea of what development is • A way to measure how rich a country is • A way to classify the kind of work people do • And to suggest links between how rich a country is, the kind of work carried out there and other measures of the quality of their lives

  5. What is development? The simplest definition is ‘the process of countries becoming richer’

  6. ‘process by which countries become richer’. • All countries are trying to increase their wealth. • As people earn more, they can afford to buy more ‘things’ and so we say their ‘standard of living’ improves. • Not all countries are developing at the same rate, and the gap between the rich and poor is growing.

  7. So development involves more than just the wealth of a country. • You need to take into account: • that standard of living and • the quality of life • of the people who live there.

  8. The standard of life is the material well-being of a person: • the value of their possessions, • the type of home they live in and • whether they own such things as • a TV, • a washing machine, • a car, • a telephone or • a computer

  9. The quality of life is the general well-being of a person. It includes • the standard of life but also • access to education and • health care, • availability of the utilities • i.e. electricity, • water, • rubbish collection, • but also political and religious freedom, • social opportunities, • environmental quality

  10. Development is the improvements in standard of living and quality of life that follow on from a country becoming richer In conclusion

  11. The idea behind this was that the North was developed, and the South was undeveloped. This was simply decided on the basis of how rich a country was But it is not as simple as that - as we saw money isn’t everything, as standard of living and quality of life counts as well. Not only that, a simple rich and poor no longer works as there are countries in between, like China and Brazil, that in the middle between the 2 groups. In 1980 the term North-South divide was coined

  12. One measure of the wealth of a country is … • …the GDP which is usually given in dollars ($). • GDP stands for • Gross (All the money earned) • Domestic (Just the one country) • Product (added together) • Large countries will have bigger incomes than smaller countries who were just as wealthy. • So the population size need to come into it too • If you divide the income by the population, then this gives a figure of dollars per head • This is called GDP per capita.

  13. These figures measure the GDP per capita These are 2009 figures

  14. Geographers love classifying things! • So in order to classify the level of development they have concentrated on the level of economic (money) development • So there are 3 basic groups that you have come across before: • LIC – roughly less than US$ 1000 a year GDP per capital • MIC – US$ 1000-12,000 GDP per capita • HIC – more than $12,000 GDP per capita • Do you know what these stand for? • Can you think of any examples of countries in each group?

  15. Remember this map? • The red ones are called HICs – this stands for high income countries - • The orange ones are called MICs – this stands for middle income countries • The yellow ones are LICs – this stands for low income countries

  16. So where have we got to so far? • Development is the improvements in standard of living and quality of life that follow on from a country becoming richer • Some countries are richer than others, and so tend to be more developed. • Countries are divided into LICs, MICs and HICs • The LICs are in general less developed than the HICs.

  17. SECTORS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Something you may have come across (You know geographers love to classify things)

  18. Economic activity is concerned with the production of goods and services (or more simply the jobs people do)

  19. Economic activity has 4 sectors... Primary Secondary Quaternary Tertiary

  20. Major businesses in this sector include agriculture, fishing, forestry and all mining and quarrying industries PRIMARY INDUSTRY The primary sector of industry is also called extraction. It generally involves changing natural resources into primary products. Most products from this sector are considered raw materials for other industries. Primary industry is a larger sector in developing countries; for instance, animal husbandry is more common in Africa than in Japan.

  21. The secondary sector (manufacturing) produces finished, usable products. This sector of industry generally takes the output of the primary sector and manufactures finished goods or where they are suitable for use by other businesses, for export, or sale to domestic consumers. SECONDARY INDUSTRY * Aerospace manufacturing * Automobile manufacturing * Brewing industry * Chemical industry * Clothing industry * Electronics * Engineering * Energy industries * Metalworking * Steel production * Software engineering * Telecommunications Industry * Tobacco industry This sector is often divided into light industry and heavy industry.

  22. TERTIARY INDUSTRY The tertiary sector of industry is also known as the service sector or the service industry. It involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. Services may involve the transport, distribution and sale of goods from producer to a consumer, or may involve the provision of a service, such as in pest control or entertainment. Goods may be transformed in the process of providing a service, as happens in the restaurant industry or in equipment repair. However, the focus is on people interacting with people and serving the customer rather than transforming physical goods * News media * Leisure industry/hotels * Consulting * Healthcare/ hospitals * Waste disposal * Real estate * Business services

  23. QUATERNARY INDUSTRY Industrial research looks for new ways to cut costs, find new markets, produce new ideas, new production methods and methods of manufacture. But there a relative few of these, even in HICs, that we will concentrate more on the first 3.

  24. So which are these do you think?(remember, only primary, secondary and tertiary are here)

  25. HIC employment structure (Germany) Why are HICs more developed? • They tend to have well developed industries, often high-tech – why is that? What are they saving on? • Farming is for profit and uses machines and chemicals • HICs have many service industries because people have spare money for luxuries • Children have free education and almost everyone can read and write • People have plenty to eat and in fact many are over weight • Clean water comes directly into their homes • Healthcare is easily available and is of high quality

  26. LIC employment structure (Mali) On the other hand, LICs • Industry tends to be primary – do you remember what that is? • Or it is industry that needs a lot of people and is much less mechanised – why is that? • Farming is often subsistence – what does that mean? • There fewer service industries because people do not have much money to spend on leisure • Not all children go to school – many people have to pay towards the education. Girls in particular tend not have the chance of education. • Not everyone has enough to eat • 1.1 million ( 1/6 of the world) are without access to clean water • Healthcare where available is often basic as there are too few doctors and hospitals

  27. Facts about World development • 1/5 of the world are HICs but they own 4/5 of the wealth • The richest 3 people own more than the poorest 600 million • 100 million people are homeless • 900 million have no education • 880 million do not have enough to eat • Only 1/3 of the world can read • 1% go to university and 1% have a computer • The cost of providing basic healthcare and food for everyone who does not have it would be less that Europe and USA spend on pet food each year. What is the population of the whole world?

  28. But there are lots of other measures • These are called development indicators, for instance: • Income – this is only helpful if you know how much things cost • Poverty – the % living on US$1 a day or less – this is about 60p in the UK • The kind of work the people do • But we look at some more of these next time

  29. Homework • Qu1 Print out page 2. Plot the countries as points onto the graph below. For each point the GDP in $ is the horizontal axis and the % of people who work in agriculture is the vertical axis. Use the list position to label each X on the graph. • Qu 2: Can you explain the pattern you see? Can you make a rule about the pattern? • Task: How are you going to get it back? Scan the graph or maybe photograph it? • You may want to type the answer to Qu 2 or write it on the sheet you are scanning perhaps?

  30. This is part of the table Burkina Faso is no 149 with a GDP of $458 where 90% of the people work in agriculture

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