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Texas ASAP Conference Austin, Texas April 25, 2006

Trends in Science Education In Texas 2006. Texas ASAP Conference Austin, Texas April 25, 2006. Chris Castillo Comer Director of Science. Latest demographics Show increases…. The State of Science in Texas. Nine out of every 10 seniors met high-stakes graduation requirements

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Texas ASAP Conference Austin, Texas April 25, 2006

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  1. Trends in Science Education In Texas 2006 Texas ASAP ConferenceAustin, TexasApril 25, 2006 Chris Castillo Comer Director of Science Texas Education Agency

  2. Texas Education Agency

  3. Latest demographics Show increases… Texas Education Agency

  4. The State of Science in Texas • Nine out of every 10 seniors met high-stakes graduation requirements • Among the Seniors: 91% of African American students, 92% of Hispanic students, and 98% of all white students passed the Science TAKS tests • 55% of all Texas seniors graduated with the Recommended High School Plan Texas Education Agency

  5. The State of Science in Texas • Last year 23% of all graduating seniors took 4 years of science • The state average for Graduating Seniors attending colleges and universities is 44.6% Texas Education Agency

  6. TIMSS: Trends in Mathematics and Science Study TIMSS 2007 will begin Within the next few weeks. Schools chosen will receive TIMSS Kits for 4th and 8th grade math and Science. Students in 63 countries, including the US will participate. In Texas, 35 Districts have asked for sample schools to be involved in the 2007 TIMSS study. This is voluntary…school districts involved Include, Aldine, Arlington, Austin, Bryan, Buna, Clint, Conroe, Corpus Christi, Cypress-Fairbanks, Dallas, Eagle, Edinburgh, Ft. Worth, Garland, Harlandale, Houston, North East, etc. Texas Education Agency Source: NCES 2003-081R, Highlights From TIMSS

  7. PISA:US 15 Year-Olds Rank Near Middle Of The Pack Among 32 Participating Countries Texas Education Agency

  8. ’99 NAEP ResultsHigh School Achievement: Math and Science Texas Education Agency Source: NAEP 1999 Trends in Academic Progress.

  9. Three-Year 157,420 Increase: Largest in Texas History 157,420 Texas Students Enrolled in Higher Education Texas Education Agency

  10. Education Trends • Are High School Graduates Prepared For College & Work? Texas Education Agency

  11. Research Methods Telephone surveys among the following populations: 1,487 public high school graduates from Classes of 2002, 2003, 2004, conducted December 4–21, 2004, including: 861 current students at two- and four-year colleges and universities (353 of whom have taken a remedial course) 626 graduates who are not currently enrolled in college, including 267 who attended college in the past but withdrew 303 African Americans and 287 Hispanic Americans 400 employers who make personnel decisions (owners, CEOs, presidents, human resources professionals), conducted December 10–16, 2004 300 instructors who teach first-year students at two-year and four-year colleges and universities Texas Education Agency

  12. Key Points As many as four in ten graduates are not prepared: 39% of college students and high school graduates with no further education say they have gaps in the skills and abilities expected today. 35% of college students and 39% of non-students say they have large gaps in preparation in at least one crucial skill; 86% of both college students and non-students say they have some gaps. College instructors estimate that 42% of their students are not adequately prepared. Employers estimate that 39% of high school graduates who have no further education are not prepared for their current job and that 45% are unprepared for advancement. Texas Education Agency

  13. Key Points All groups call for higher standards: Only 24% of high school graduates say they faced high expectations and were challenged in high school. Those who faced high expectations in high school are much more likely to feel prepared for the expectations they now face. Knowing what they know today, 65% of college students and 77% of non-students say they would have worked harder in high school. 62% of college students and 72% of non-students would have taken at least one more difficult course. High school graduates, college instructors, and employers strongly embrace reforms that raise standards and requirements for graduation. Texas Education Agency

  14. Many Grads Cite Gaps In Preparation How well did your high school education prepare you for college-level work/jobs you hope to get in the future? Employers estimate that 45% of recent high school graduates are not prepared with skills to advance beyond entry level jobs. College instructors estimate that 42% of recent high school graduates are not prepared for college-level classes. 61% 53% 46% 39% College students Non-students Texas Education Agency

  15. Most Grads Cite Gaps In At Least One Skill (In each area, % saying there are at least some gaps in their preparation) 35% of college students report large gaps in at least one area, 86% report some gaps in at least one area. Oral communication/public speaking Science Mathematics Doing research Quality of writing that is expected Reading/understandingcomplicated materials 12% large gaps/struggling15% large gaps/struggling 11%14% 13%16% 10%13% 9%10% 5%9% Texas Education Agency

  16. Employers/College Instructors Say Many Not Prepared In Math/Writing (Employers’/instructors’ average estimates of percentages of public HS graduates NOT prepared in each subject) Employers Ability to do math Quality of writing Instructors Ability to do math Quality of writing Texas Education Agency

  17. Few Employers Feel High School Graduates Prepared For Advancement Applicants with no high school degree Recent public high school grads who have no further education/training Recent grads of two-year college or training program Recent graduates of four-year colleges Texas Education Agency

  18. College Instructors Are Harshest Critics Of High School Do public high schools adequately prepare graduates to meet the expectations they face in college In first-year classes, how much class time do you spend reviewing material and skills that should have been taught in high school? 70% Some class time Do not adequately prepare graduates 28% Very little class time Adequately prepare graduates Significant amount of class time (24%) Employers No class time Texas Education Agency

  19. College instructors Employers/Instructors Dissatisfied With High Schools’ Skills Prep (In each area, % saying they are somewhat/very dissatisfied with the job public high schools are doing preparing graduates) Employers 25% very dissatisfied 22% very dissatisfied 24% very dissatisfied 20% very dissatisfied Reading/understandingcomplicated materials Quality of writing that is expected Doing research Mathematics Oral communication/public speaking Science Texas Education Agency

  20. College instructors Employers/Instructors Dissatisfied With High Schools’ Skills Prep (In each area, % saying they are somewhat/very dissatisfied with the job public high schools are doing preparing graduates) Employers 29% very dissatisfied 22% very dissatisfied16% very dissatisfied 17% very dissatisfied Thinking analytically Work and study habits Applying what is learned in school to solving problems Computer skills Texas Education Agency

  21. Few Say Expectations Were High Academic expectations of me in high school were: Expectations were high All HS graduates Below average incomeAverage incomeAbove average income CitySuburbsSmall town/rural General studies in HSCollege prep in HS 24% 23%23%24% 23%31%20% 17%30% All high school graduates Non-students College students Texas Education Agency

  22. Grads Who Faced High Expectations Twice As Likely To Feel Prepared (% saying they were extremely/very well prepared for college/future job) College students whose high schools held them to: High expectations Moderate expectations Low expectations Non-students whose highschools held them to: High expectations Moderate expectations Low expectations Texas Education Agency

  23. Challenging Courses = Better Prepared (% saying they were extremely/very well prepared for college) College students who took the following number of high school level math and science courses: Nine or ten Eight Seven Five or six Four or fewer Texas Education Agency

  24. Algebra II Critical For Work World And College When it comes to mathematics, how well were you prepared inhigh school for the expectations you face in college/working world? Non-students College students Completed less than Algebra 2 Completed Algebra 2/more Completed less than Algebra 2 Completed Algebra 2/more Texas Education Agency

  25. Lower Expectations For Writing Lead To Lower Confidence Writing expected of you in high school Graduates who wrote great deal Graduates who wrote fair amount/ not much 53% Students Feel somewhat/not prepared for college writing Fair amount English classes some emphasis on writing skills, papers for other classes 21% 49% Great deal high expectations, term papers, research reports, senior thesis Non-students Feel somewhat/not prepared for writing at work 24% 51% Not much All public HS graduates Texas Education Agency

  26. Knowing What They Know Today, Grads Would Have Worked Harder Knowing what you do today about the expectations of college/the work world, if you were able to do high school over again, would you have worked harder and applied yourself more to your coursework even if it meant less time for other activities? College students Non-students Texas Education Agency

  27. Had High School Demanded More, Grads Would Have Worked Harder 82% If your high school had demanded more of students, set higher academic stand-ards, and raised the expec-tations of how much course work and studying would be necessary to earn a diploma, would you have worked harder to meet these expec-tations? 80% College students Non-students Texas Education Agency

  28. Majorities of Graduates Would Have Taken Harder Courses Knowing what you know today about the expectations of college/the work world, if you were able to do high school over again, when it comes to math/sciences/English would you have taken higher-level and more challenging courses if they were available? Would have taken more challenging courses in at least one area Math Science English Would have taken more challenging courses in: Texas Education Agency

  29. Large Majorities Support All Reforms (% public high school graduates saying each would improve things in encouraging HS students to work harder/be better prepared) Real-world learning opportunities (internships) Early guidance on courses for career/college prep More honors, AP, IB courses available for free More tutoring, summer school, extra help Give juniors college place-ment tests to see if ready Require exams in math and English to graduate Smaller high schools, more contact with teachers Require four years’ math, biology, chemistry, physics 96% 93% 93% 88% 87% 81% 80% 74% Texas Education Agency

  30. Overview Of Support For Reforms Early guidance on the courses to take to prepare for career/college enjoys universal support, with 90% or more of public high school graduates, employers, and college instructors saying this would improve things a great deal or somewhat. Opportunities for real-world learning receives high support from recent graduates (96% improve things a great deal/somewhat), employers (95%), and college instructors (76%). More honors, AP, IB courses garners near universal support from recent graduates (93%), and nearly as much from employers (86%) and college instructors (85%). Non-students are more likely than college students to strongly endorse proposals giving high school students more help/attention, including early placement tests to determine readiness for college (67% of non-students say this would improve things a great deal, 49% of college students say the same), tutoring, summer school, extra help (63% non-students, 55% students), and smaller high schools (58% non-students, 45% students). Texas Education Agency

  31. Support For Math/Science Requirement (% who say requiring four years’ math, biology, chemistry, and physics to graduate would encourage HS students to work harder/be better prepared) All public high school graduates College students Non-students Employers College instructors 74% 77% 70% 83% 81% Texas Education Agency

  32. Science Education In the News… Texas Education Agency

  33. President Bush and Science Education Texas Education Agency

  34. President Bush’s Address $910 Million for NSF, Dept. of Energy Commerce Department • Specialty schools for math and science • Experiential-based Learning Opportunities • National Labs for PD • Scholarships, Fellowships, Summer Institutes • In science and math for students and teachers • NASA • Development of Science Parks similar • to Asian Parks • Download report at: http://www.nap.edu Texas Education Agency

  35. Texas Education Agency

  36. Texas Education Agency

  37. Texas Schools Respond to Hurricanes and Evacuees • At its peak, Texas Schools enrolled 46,504 Hurricane Katrina evacuees, while about 400,000 Texas students were displaced and their schools shuttered temporarily • When Hurricane Rita rolled ashore, knocking essential services to a wide swath of Southeast and East Texas. • TEA continues to monitor various efforts in Congress to provide funding to cover costs incurred by districts because of Katrina and Rita. Texas Education Agency

  38. Curriculum Trends • Emphasis on science at very early ages • At-risk students identified earlier and more programs to support students in credit recovery • More High Schools with dropout recovery programs specializing in technical school/employment training • Emphasis on higher expectations and more science to prepare students for technical training • Greater high school to college coordination Texas Education Agency

  39. National Trends in High School Science • In 2004, five states of 30 reporting, had more than 30% of students take Physics by graduation including Texas • Chemistry Enrollments increased; 10 states that more than 60% of their students take Chemistry by graduation, including Texas • Significant increases in high schools science courses; in ’04 60%; compared to 55% in ‘96 and 45% in ’90 • Certified Science Teachers continue to be in high demand. http://www.ccsso.org/project/science_and_mathematics_ Education_Indicators Texas Education Agency

  40. Resources: Texas Education Agency

  41. Abrams Pre-K Science Complete Set ofMaterials The books can be purchased online or via phone orders. Our website is www.abramsandcompany.com The pages containing Early Science are at: http://www.abramsandcompany.com/productslist.aspx?CategoryID=0-126 Texas Education Agency

  42. Delta Education: Pre-K Science • Contact Info: • Miguel GilRegional Sales ManagerDelta Education1-800-338-5270, ext. 168 toll-free voice mail (210)509-9545    Office(210)509-9709    Fax(832)692-4841    Cellmgil@delta-edu.comdelta4k8@gmail.comwww.delta-education.comwww.fossweb.comwww.fossworks.com Texas Education Agency

  43. LakeShore Pre-K Science • Texas package is in English and Spanish • Pre-K materials include games, books, and materials • Professional Development is also available • Contact: • LakeShore Products, Inc. • Richard Gomez: Regional Manager • 1-800-421-5354 • rgomez@lakeshorelearning.com Texas Education Agency

  44. Texas Teacher Profiles • First year teachers: 7% of Texas teachers= • 22,649 teachers; • Teachers 1-5 years experience: 28.7%; equals • 84, 482 teachers; • Total novice teachers: 36.4% MORE THAN A THIRD of ALL TEXAS TEACHERS • Another 20% ready to leave teaching (20+ years) Texas Education Agency

  45. Curricular Update • Schedule for the TEKS Refinement and TAKS Surveys aligned to textbook adoption schedule; • April will start discussions for K-8 language arts; and • July discussions will begin for high school language arts – creating a staggered adoption of the ELA/Reading TEKS. Texas Education Agency

  46. Assessment Updates • Webb Alignment study conducted recently in each grade and subject area; • TEA will receive preliminary results this week. • TEA will receive a final report in 6 weeks. • This type of alignment will be done regularly and Data derived will be used to build tests. Texas Education Agency

  47. Degree of Alignment Standards Standards Assessment Assess-ment Assessment Items Standards Assessment Standards Texas Education Agency

  48. Depth of Knowledge Level 1 Recall Recall of a fact, information, or procedure. Level 2 Skill/Concept Use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps, etc. Level 3 Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning, developing plan or a sequence of steps, some complexity, more than one possible answer. Level 4 Extended Thinking Requires an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem. Texas Education Agency

  49. TAKS TESTING • Science TAKS will not be the last test administered; • Grade 8 students will again be able to take innovative online testing; • All Tests will be released this year; Item analysis will be available; Data will include all tests except TAKS-I which will be phased-in next year in the TAKS scores; • NCLB study will be done to judge TAKS alignment • Three new tests will be developed for Science at the High School Level: Biology, Chemistry and Physics! Texas Education Agency

  50. Executive Order RP53Signed by the Governor of Texas on December 16, 2005-End of Course Tests • The development of a series of voluntary end-of-course assessments in Science, Mathematics, and other subjects, currently assessed by the 11th grade Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, to measure student performance; • For science this will include Biology, Chemistry • and Physics Texas Education Agency

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