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HHS e-INITIATIVE Debbie Chavez NCU EL7002-5 Dr.Bischoff April 2013

HHS e-INITIATIVE Debbie Chavez NCU EL7002-5 Dr.Bischoff April 2013. Overview. Where We Are Blended learning implementation goal Students benefit from a multi-faceted education (Stoltenkamp, 2012). Ad hoc committee research: Needs based models Pedagogical strategies Training

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HHS e-INITIATIVE Debbie Chavez NCU EL7002-5 Dr.Bischoff April 2013

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  1. HHS e-INITIATIVE Debbie Chavez NCU EL7002-5 Dr.Bischoff April 2013

  2. Overview Where We Are Blended learning implementation goal Students benefit from a multi-faceted education (Stoltenkamp, 2012). Ad hoc committee research: Needs based models Pedagogical strategies Training Sustainability plans Quality control Monitoring

  3. Way to the Means • Soft Structure - Establish divisions • Merge: coordinate - collaborate • E-pedagogy - skills - incentives • Hard Structure Infrastructure • Tools Methods - Accessibility and information skills Mission Statement

  4. Models: • Transactive Distance ARCS Demand Driven TQM Strategies • CSE Learning Method Support Tools Technologies Process / People / Vendors BIGGER Training • CPD PPI-IvT Bootcamp Methods • PBL Social Cognitive Constructivist Connectivist PICTURE ParticipationInterest Expertise = THE

  5. SustainingHHS e-Culture • Quality control • CSFs • Models: TQM • Monitoring assessment every 3 weeks • CPD

  6. http://designing.flexiblelearning.net.au/gallery/all.htm • Retrieval • Personalization Accountability • Feedback Mastery • Peer grading Interactive • Self grading • Online communities • - But wait there's more.....

  7. References Chitanana,L. (2012) A constructivist approach to the design and delivery of an online professional development course. International Journal Of Instruction, 5(1), 23-48. Cowden, P., & Sze, S. (2012). Online learning: the concept of less is more. Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of The Academy of Information & Management Sciences (AIMS), 16(2), 1-6. Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education. (2011 )http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6FvJ6jMGHU Designing and implementing e-learning. http://designing.flexiblelearning.net.au/gallery/all.htm Dick, W., and Carey, L. (2004). The Systematic Design of Instruction. Allyn & Bacon; 6 edition. Hauser, R. Ravi, P. and Bradley, J. (2012) Computer self-efficacy, anxiety, and learning in online versus face to face medium. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research. 142-154. John, P. (2004). Investigating ICT using problem-based learning in face-to-face and online learning environments. Computers & Education, 4756-73. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2004.09.001 Lieno, J., Tanhua-Piiroinen, E., & Sommers-Piiroinen, J. (2012). Adding social media to e-learning in the workplace: Instilling interactive learning culture. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 5(3), 18-25. doi:10.3991/ijac.v5i3.21 Manochehri, N., Sulaiman, N., & Al-Esmail, R. (2012). Total Quality Culture (TQC) in Educational institutions: A Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) Region Study. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 16(3), 1-14. 16(3), 1-14 ng..

  8. References • Senior, R (2010RELC Journal 41(2) 137–147 ) . Face-to-face and online learning communities connectivity: A framework for • understanding effective language teachi • Stoltenkamp, J. (2012). Show-casing indicators to a changing organizational culture through an integrated e-learning model: • Indications of a changing organizational culture at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). Problems Of Education In The • 21St Century. Thompson, T.L., & McDonald, C.J. (2005). Community building, emergent design and expecting the unexpected: Creating a quality eLearning experience. The Internet and Higher Education, 8233-249. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2005.06.004 Van de Vord, R., & Pogue, K. (2012). Teaching time investment: Does online really take more time than face-to-face?. International Review Of Research In Open & Distance Learning, 13(3), 132-146 Wang, C. & Chen, C.P. (2011). The effects of self-directed learning readiness on learning motivation in Web 2.0 environments. Proceedings of The European Conference On E-Learning, 846-853. Williams, R., Karousou, R. & Mackness, J. (2011) Emergent learning and learning ecologies in web 2.0. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Special Issue - Connectivism: Design and Delivery of Social Networked Learning. 12(3) Wen-Yu, L. & Tsai, C.C. (2011). Students’ perceptions of collaboration, self-egulated learning, and information seeking in the context of Internet-based learning and traditional learning. Computers In Human Behavior, 27(Web 2.0) (In Travel and Tourism: Empowering and Changing the Role of Travelers), 905-914.

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