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Security Liaison User Group Meeting May 29, 2009

Security Liaison User Group Meeting May 29, 2009. Agenda . Welcome Mary Yabrosky Financials Security Patty Cafazzo, Nayda Flores General Security Sam Johns EPM Security Mary Yabrosky HRMS Security Tracy Douglas Security Updates Sam Johns, Mary Yabrosky. Welcome .

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Security Liaison User Group Meeting May 29, 2009

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  1. Security Liaison User Group Meeting May 29, 2009

  2. Agenda • Welcome Mary Yabrosky • Financials Security Patty Cafazzo, Nayda Flores • General Security Sam Johns • EPM Security Mary Yabrosky • HRMS Security Tracy Douglas • Security Updates Sam Johns, Mary Yabrosky

  3. Welcome • Introduction • OSC • Core-CT HR Team • Core-CT Fin Team • Core-CT Security Team • Facility

  4. Welcome • Goal: Help Security Liaisons understand Core-CT Security and related tasks • Improve Communication • Improve access to Security related information • Improve Security Website Layout • Provide more on-line job aids and valuable links • Collect Feedback • Help transition Liaison responsibilities

  5. Welcome • Security Liaison Communication Vehicles: • Core-CT Security Bulletins • E-mail Core-CT Security Mailbox • Core-CT Security Website • User Group evaluations • Liaison Survey

  6. Welcome • Security Liaison Survey Results, March 2009 • 21 HRMS • 24 Financials • 24 Primary Liaisons • 8 Secondary Liaisons • 29 Agencies

  7. Welcome • Security Liaison Survey - Findings • Need better understanding of CO-1092 process • Need better understanding of EPM Reporting tables • Need better understanding of Financial Workflow & Origins • Need better understanding of HR Roles • 75% of survey participants would like a User Group - 1 or 2 times a year

  8. Agenda • Welcome Mary Yabrosky • Financials Security Patty Cafazzo, Nayda Flores • General Security Sam Johns • EPM Security Mary Yabrosky • HRMS Security Tracy Douglas • Security Updates Sam Johns, Mary Yabrosky

  9. Financials Security • OSC Processing - CO-1092 and Segregation of Duties • The general guidelines cont.: • Accounts Payable – A Voucher Adjustment, Maintainer or Processor can not have the Voucher Approver or Alternate Approver Role. Additionally, a Voucher/Alternate Approver can not have either the Requisition Purchase Approver or any Purchase Order Approver Role. • The Business Unit must have an approved CO-512 on file with the Comptrollers office for identifying all final approvers. Only the final approvers should be listed on the CO-512. For Requisitions, the final approver role is the Requisition Purchase Order Approver; for Purchase Orders, the PO Budget Approver; and for Accounts Payable, the Alternate Approver and the Voucher Approver.

  10. Financials Security • OSC Processing - Reasons for Delays in the Processing of the CO-1092: • Conflicts exist in an individual’s current roles or the roles requested for the individual have a conflict or will cause a conflict with the existing roles. Conflicts should be eliminated currently or prospectively prior to the resubmission of the CO-1092. • A CO-512 must have been approved for your Business Unit and on file with the Accounts Payable Division. If not, notice of this deficiency will be communicated to your Business Unit by e-mail, allowing the Business Unit five (5) business days to comply before the CO-1092 is rejected. As a reminder, the CO-512 requires the signature of the agency head.

  11. Financials Security • OSC - Roles Audits • APD conducts periodic audits of the agencies’ security roles for segregation. A listing of all employees that have financial roles is generated and compared to a Segregation of Roles grid. An analysis is made to determine if a conflict in an individual’s roles exists. The Business Unit is notified if a conflict has been determined to exist and is given two (2) weeks to come up with a resolution. A copy of the corrections resulting from an audit must be sent by e-mail to osc.apdpa@po.state.ct.us. If the conflict(s) is (are) not resolved in the time allotted APD will be forced to delete the conflicting role(s).The Comptroller’s Accounts Payable Audit team is willing to assist any agency that may have some difficulties in the segregation of roles.

  12. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • When to use the Financials Appendix Page – CO-1092 • General Buyer OR Program Buyer • PO Amount Approver 1&2; PO Budget Approver • Requester and Multi Requester • Req. Amount Approver 1-4; Req. Budget Approver; Req. Purchasing Approver • Alternate Approver • Adjustment Voucher Processor; Journal Voucher Processor; Voucher Processor • Voucher Approver

  13. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • General Buyer & Program Buyer, You must complete the following: • Ship to location • Deptid • Origin (1 only)

  14. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • Requester and Multi Requester, You must complete the following: • Ship to location • Deptid • Origin (1 only)

  15. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • PO Amount Approver 1&2; PO Budget Approver Req. Amount Approver 1-4; Req. Budget Approver; Req. Purchasing Approver, Alternate Approver Voucher Approver: You must complete: • Business Unit • Origin(s) All must be listed

  16. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • Adjust. Voucher Processor, Journal Voucher Processor, Voucher Processor You must complete: • Origin (Only 1)

  17. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins: • Origins are three character representation of and Agency, Bureau, Division or Unit • Origins are used to identify where transactions originate • Workflow enables transactions to flow from originator to approver when: Transaction Originator Origin = Transaction Approver Origin • Workflow Transactions include Requisitions, PO’s, Vouchers

  18. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • How to look up Origin and Business Unit for Approval Roles • Approval Roles: • CT WF REQ AMT APPROVER 1 – 4 • CT WF REQ BUDGET APPROVER • CT WF REQ PURCH APPROVER • PO Amount Reviewer 1 - 2 • PO Budget Reviewer • Voucher Approver • Alternate Approver

  19. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins - Steps to lookup Route Controls on Workflow Roles in Core-CT • Navigation: FIN PeopleTools>>Security>>User Profiles>>User Profile • Enter Userid • Click ‘Search’ • Click ‘Roles’ tab • Select the ‘Route Control’ link to the right of the Approval Roles. • Origin and Business Unit is displayed • Click ‘OK’ or ‘Cancel’ to return to ‘Roles’ tab

  20. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins - Steps to lookup Route Controls on Workflow Roles in Core-CT

  21. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • How to look up Voucher Origins in Core-CT • Navigation: Set Up Financials>SupplyChain>Common Definitions>User Preferences>Define User Preferences • Enter Userid (ex: test) • Click ‘Search’ • Click on Procurement link • Click on Payables Online Vouchering link • Voucher Origin is displayed (Ex: ZZZ) under Default Values

  22. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • How to look up Voucher Origins in Core-CT

  23. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • How to look up Requester setups in Core-CT • Navigation: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain>Product Related>Procurement Options>Purchasing>Requester Setup • Enter Userid in ‘Requester’ field – Ex: BellamoJ • Click ‘Search’ • Request Setup Page: displays the requester defaults: Ship To, Origin, Department

  24. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • How to look up Requesters setups in Core-CT

  25. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • How to look up Buyers set ups in Core-CT • Navigation: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain>Product Related>Procurement Options>Purchasing>Buyer Setup • Enter Userid in ‘Buyer’ field – Ex: StarbalaA • Click ‘Search’ • Buyer Setup Page: displays the Buyer defaults: Department, Ship To, Origin

  26. Financials Security • Workflow & Origins • How to look up Buyers setups in Core-CT

  27. Agenda • Welcome Mary Yabrosky • Financials Security Patty Cafazzo, Nayda Flores • General Security Sam Johns • EPM Security Mary Yabrosky • HRMS Security Tracy Douglas • Security Updates Sam Johns, Mary Yabrosky

  28. General Security • CO-1092 Security Form - Process Flows • Supervisor initiates/authorizes CO-1092 request submits to Liaison • Liaison verifies, authorizes and faxes to Core-CT Security (CS) mailbox • If new user, CS requests User ID from ITD • CS obtains appropriate central authorizations (OSC or DAS) • CS processes request and notifies Liaison • Allow 2 week turnaround time

  29. General Security • CO-1092 – Authorizations Required • Agency • Liaison • ITD • OSC/DAS

  30. General Security • CO-1092 – Process Flow New User ? No New User ? Yes

  31. General Security • CO-1092 - Prioritization of Security Requests • New Users • Updates • Name Changes

  32. General Security • Security Liaison Guide • Guide will help you to understand: • Core-CT Application Security • Password policies • Agency Security Liaison Responsibilities and Agency Manager Responsibilities • CO-1092 Process • Financial / HRMS / EPM Security • Other useful links and job aids

  33. Agenda • Welcome Mary Yabrosky • Financials Security Patty Cafazzo, Nayda Flores • General Security Sam Johns • EPM Security Mary Yabrosky • HRMS Security Tracy Douglas • Security Updates Sam Johns, Mary Yabrosky

  34. EPM Security • Understanding EPM Reporting Table and Security: • Reporting Functional Subject Areas • EPM Permissions and Access Groups (Trees) • User Profiles: Roles, Data Permissions • How it all Comes Together

  35. EPM Security • Functional Reporting Subject Areas • HR or Financial information and data access will be the same in EPM • Exceptions: EPM only access; EPM roles do not mirror Financial or HR roles

  36. EPM Security • Functional Reporting Subject Areas • HR Reporting Table descriptions job aid: http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/epm/docs/hr_reporting_table_summary.doc Position Information Subject Area Position Reporting Table (CTW_POSITION) The Position Reporting Table contains data related to the employee positions that have been set up within the State of Connecticut. The table will hold the status of the position (whether it has been approved or not), the department or agency assigned to the position, the job code or class of the position, and the chart field string that has been assigned to the position for budgeting purposes. This reporting table will not hold the employees that will be assigned to the positions as it is possible for several hundred employees to be enrolled in the same position. A join to the Employee table will allow the user to select both employee and position information.

  37. EPM Security • Functional Reporting Subject Areas • Financials Reporting Table descriptions job aid: http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/epm/docs/fin_reporting_table_summary.doc General Ledger Subject Area Ledger Balances Table (CTW_LED_BAL) This table holds ledger balances for each accrual ledger (modified accrual, full accrual, and modified cash ledgers) for all accounting periods and fiscal years. Included in this table will be the business unit, ledger, ChartFields, and the posted total amount. Users can query this table to view the State's accrual accounting position for the current month or year-to-date.

  38. EPM Security • EPM HR Permissions and Access Groups Permission Lists Access Groups Reporting Tables

  39. EPM Security • EPM Fin Permissions and Access Groups Permission Lists Access Groups Reporting Tables

  40. EPM Security • How it all comes together: EPM User Profile Roles Permission Access Groups Reporting Tables Lists

  41. EPM Security • EPM User Profiles: Roles, Data Permissions • Liaison must check EPM checkbox on CO-1092 form • User must have EPM Reporting Role(s) to access EPM Reporting Tables • User must have data permissions (HR Deptid or Fin BU) to access Core-CT Data in EPM

  42. EPM Security • EPM User Roles • Reporting Table to Role Mapping Job Aid – HRMS http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/epm/Reporting Table to Role Mapping

  43. EPM Security • EPM User Roles • Reporting Table to Role Mapping Job Aid- Financials http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/epm/Reporting Table to Role Mapping

  44. EPM Security • How it All Comes Together in EPM User Profile EPM Data Permissions: FIN HR

  45. EPM Security • How it All Comes Together in EPM User Profile Reporting Table role Portal, EPM Application & signon- time roles

  46. Agenda • Welcome Mary Yabrosky • Financials Security Patty Cafazzo, Nayda Flores • General Security Sam Johns • EPM Security Mary Yabrosky • HRMS Security Tracy Douglas • Security Updates Sam Johns, Mary Yabrosky

  47. HRMS Security • HRMS/EPM Application Security Request form • The CO 1092 Security Request form for HRMS/EPM • The HRMS/EPM Security request form is now a separate form from FIN/EPM • When making your requests, please be very careful not to put a check mark by any roles that the User already has http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/security/xls/hrform.xls

  48. HRMS Security • HRMS Role Handbook • The handbook is provides: • Roles • Descriptions • Tasks associated with each role http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/docs/hrms_role_handbook_task_55.doc

  49. HRMS Security • HRMS Role Mapping Job Aid

  50. HRMS Security • HRMS Role Mapping to Page Job Aid http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/user/hrjobaids/overall/default.htm

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