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Establishing a Win-Win Partnership - AIAG to Support China Automotive Supply Chain 创造双赢局面 - 美国汽车工业行动集团支持中国汽车工业供应链 Dr.Yilong Chen, General Director – Asia Pacific & Chief Representative in China, AIAG 陈以龙博士 , AIAG 亚太地区事务总监 兼驻中国首席代表 June 26-27,2006, Beijing Agenda 议程
Establishing a Win-Win Partnership -AIAG to Support China Automotive Supply Chain创造双赢局面-美国汽车工业行动集团支持中国汽车工业供应链Dr.Yilong Chen, General Director – Asia Pacific & Chief Representative in China, AIAG陈以龙博士, AIAG 亚太地区事务总监 兼驻中国首席代表June 26-27,2006, Beijing
Agenda 议程 I. Industry trend - Global manufacturing; 行业发展趋势-全球制造 II. Opportunity and Challenges for Chinese automotive industry 中国汽车工业的机遇和挑战 III. Key factors for a successful global manufacturing and sourcing in China; 成功的重要因素 IV. AIAG member companies’ requirement on quality and material management; AIAG成员公司对质量和物流管理要求 V. AIAG committed to support automotive supply chain in China. AIAG承诺支持中国汽车工业供应链
Supply base is changing 供应商体系在变化 GM reduced its 3700 global supply base by 500 suppliers in 2005. 通用汽车全球3700全球供应商体系在2005年精减了500家 Ford has announced it will move from 2500 to 800 suppliers. 福特汽车宣称供应商将会由2500家精减至800家 Delphi is moving from nearly 4,000 suppliers to 700 to 900 suppliers in the next few years. Delphi在未来的几年将会由将近4000家供应商精减至700到900家 Go Global 全球化 Global Manufacturing 全球制造 Global sourcing 全球采购 China auto industry plays more important role 中国汽车业增长迅速 I. Automotive Industry Trend汽车业发展趋势
China automotive industry: Growing fast ! 中国汽车业增长迅速 Vehicle Production Volume in China 中国汽车产量 Vehicle Vol. (M) Production volume reached 5.71 M. 汽车产量达到 571万辆. Total sales in 2005 reached 5.76 M 2005年销售总量达到 576万. Year
1984: $5.9M 590万美元 1997: $540M 5.4亿美元 2003: $4.3B 43亿美元 2005: $15.2B, 75% growth compared to 2004. and became the fifth largest auto parts supply to US. 2005:152亿美元, 对比2004年增长了75%,已成为美国第五大供应商. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of auto parts market in China may reach 35% during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. 据估计,在第11个五年计划期间中国汽车零部件市场可能会达到35%的年增长率. Auto part export may reach $40 B in 2010. 2010年汽车零部件出口额将会达到400亿美元. 机遇 - 中国汽车零部件出口增长迅速China Automotive Parts Export:Growing Fast! Great Opportunity Ahead !!
Cost of raw material increases. 原材料成本增加了 Industry experiencing generally lower profit margins due to tougher competition. 由于同行激烈的竞争, 中国汽车工业总体说来利润降低 Lack of innovative, high value components to differentiate product 缺乏自主创新技术,附加产值低 Appreciation of Chinese currency has negatively impacted export profits. 人民币的增值给出口利润带来负面影响 Most auto part suppliers are in small scale. 多数汽车零部件供应商规模不大 Difficult to meet Quality requirement 尚难满足质量要求 Difficult to meet Deliver In Time requirement 尚难满足客户及时交货要求 Challenges 面对的挑战
How to realize a sustainable grow? 如何实现可持续的增长 How to increase export? 如何增加出口 Cost 成本 Purchase Order 服务/交货及时 质量 Quality Service/ Deliver in Time Key Factors 拿到定单的关键因数 for auto parts suppliers to get purchase order from their customers
GM’s Expectation on Suppliers通用汽车对供应商的期望 ProgramManagement 项目管理 Supply Chain 供应链 Quality / Launch 质量/ 启动 Current / Future Business 当前/未来商务 Global Logistics Capability to Support Global Footprint 全球后勤力支持能力 • Parts at Station on Time 零部件及时送达 • Logistics Cost 降低后勤成本 Flawless Launch Execution 完美的项目启动 • Reduce Spills 减少外部原因引起的生产中断 • Reduce Warranty 降低保修成本 • PPAP on Time 生产件能及时得到批准 Launch New Programs @ Right Quality, Right Time, Right Cost 高质, 及时, 低成本地启动新项目 Best Landed Cost Globally 降低全球化成本 • Material Cost Target 物料低成本达标 • Sustainable Supplier Footprint • 可持续的供应商基地 • Effective Supplier Alignment 有效的供应商协作 . Corrective actions in the right areas to improve performance 于合适的领域采取纠正举措来改善性能
FORD Sourcing Objectives福特汽车公司的采购目标 • Sourcing for Quality:To identify low risk manufacturing suppliers.采购质量:鉴定低风险的制造供应商 • Development/Launch:To develop Robust Quality Operating System through Lean /6 Sigma implementation and to Launch suppliers’ products flawlessly through APQP. 发展/市场投放:通过精益 /6 Sigma执行计划来发展强健的质量操作体系,通过APQP来完美地投放使用供应商的产品 • On-Going Improvement: To attain Q1 and to continuously eliminate Waste in total Value Chain. 正在进行的改进:获得Q1认证并坚持消除总价值链中的浪费
FORD Requirement on Suppliers 福特汽车公司对供应商的要求 QOS 质量操作体系 • Planning for Manufacturing Process Capability: • Quality Procedures, QS-9000/TS 16949, QOS • FMEAs/Control Plans • Employee Readiness/Training Review • PPAP and Run at Rate Reviews • Manage the Change • Demonstration of Manufacturing Process Capability: • Sub-supplier Quality Management • Control of Incoming Quality • Control Plans/Operator Instructions • Process Variability Monitoring • Gage Calibration and Use • Part I.D., Nonconforming Parts, Packaging, Shipping • Testing, Engineering Specifications • Preventive Maintenance (PM)/Housekeeping • Manufacturing Flow, Lean Manufacturing Metrics • Problem-Solving, Corrective Actions Quality Operating System Ford & Supplier Learning Center 福特和供应商学习中心
Ford: Dec 14, 2006 General Motors: Dec. 14, 2006 Daimler-Chrysler: July 1, 2004 Renault: July 1, 2006; Peugeot-Lounge July 1, 2004 TRW: July 1, 2006 Visteon: July 1, 2005 QS-9000 expires QS-9000有效期 QS-9000 expires at midnight December 14, 2006. QS-9000有效期至2006年12月14日子夜. Suppliers need to transition from QS to TS 6 months left! 供应商需要由QS转为TS, 还剩6个月. Must improve Qualirty:必须改善质量Meet ISO/TS 16949:2000 and get certification by必须符合ISO/TS 16949:2000的标准并获得证书
All the common requirements 所有共性的要求 The particular requirements for automotive industry; 汽车工业的特殊要求 Core tools: FMEA, MSA, APQP, PPAP, SPC, … 核心工具: FMEA, MSA, APQP, PPAP, SPC, … Customer specific requirements 客户的特殊要求 Special requirements for the parts (dimension, etc.); 零部件的特殊要求(尺寸等) The requirements of product delivery; 产品交货的要求 The habitual methods of the OEMs; OEM的习惯性方法 General procedure requirements; 一般程序要求 Requirements of particular process (e.g. heat treatment) 特殊程序要求(例如热处理) ISO/TS 16949:2000 includeISO/TS 16949 包括
Bottom Line 底线 Sustained improvement at the…OEM manufacturing and assembly centers: 在OEM制造及组装中心实现可持续的改进 • Warranty reduction 减少保修费用 • Elimination of supplier disruptions 消除供应商供应中断的因素 • Significant improvement in delivered part quality 在零部件交付质量上的重大改进 • Continual quality system improvement 质量系统的持续改进
Must meet the requirement of 必须满足生产件批准过程 PPAP (Production Parts Approval Process)
PPAP’s Purpose 用途 PPAP’s purpose continues to be to provide the evidence that all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the organization and that the process has the potential to produce product consistently meeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate. 生产件批准过程的用途在于证明制造机构能够很好的理解所有用户工程设计和性能指标并且在实际生产过程中满足这些要求的同时也具有持续生产产品的潜力. Effective Date 生效日期 The PPAP Fourth Edition replacesthe Third Edition effective June 1, 2006 unless otherwise specified by your customer. 生产件批准过程第四版取代第三版将于2006年6月1日正式生效 客户有特殊需求的除外
MUST deliver auto parts in time 必须交货及时 MMOG / LE (Material Management Operation Guide) 物流管理操作指导
AIAG is committed AIAG 承诺 - To support its member Companies’ needs in China. 支持其成员公司在中国的发展需要 - To support Chinese auto industry to bridge its gap in the Chinese supply chain. 协助中国汽车工业供应链与世界接轨
Founded in 1982 by a group of visionary leaders from DaimlerChrysler, Ford and GM. Based in Detroit. Not-for-Profit organization. AIAG 是由一批来自戴姆勒-克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车公司的有远见的领导人于1982年共同创建的非赢利组织。 Provide a unique forum to address and resolve issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply chain. 它为汽车整车制造商和零部件供应商提供了一个唯一的平台以共同处理和解决影响全球汽车供应链的问题。 Headquartered in the metro Detroit area, its more than 1,500 member companies include North American, European and Asia-Pacific OEMs and suppliers to the automotive industry. 总部设在底特律. 其1,500多个成员公司包括面向汽车行业的北美、欧洲和亚太汽车整车制造商和零部件供应商。 AIAG Background Information背景资料
AIAG Board of Directors 董事会成员 Automotive OEMs Other OEMs Tier One Service Providers
AIAG Role:AIAG 功能 • Develop and publish industry standards and best practice implementation guidelines • 制订和发行行业标准和最佳操作执行的指导方针 • Provide education/ training classes and technical documents; • 提供培训及技术资料; • Provide AIAG Certification。 • 提供AIAG认证。 • In the area of :领域范围 • Quality (TS 16949 and quality core tools: APQP, PPAP, SPC, FMEA, MSA,…) • 质量(TS16949及质量核心工具:APQP(先期产品质量策划);PPAP(生产件批准过程);SPC(统计过程控制)FMEA(失效模式及后果分析);MSA(测量系统分析),… • Material Management (MMOG/LE); 物流管理; • E-Commerce; 电子商务; • Engineering Data Exchange; 工程数据转换; • Occupational Health & Safety; 职业健康与安全。
To deploy best practices and standards of the supply chain and to Facilitate seamless delivery of Chinese automotive products throughout the world AIAG 愿意协助在中国推行供应链技术的最佳实践和标准。共同努力推 动中国汽车产品走向世界 World Class Quality. 世界一流的质量. Compliance with regional governmental regulations. 符合各地区政府法规. Improve ‘speed to market’. 加速产品上市速度. Lower Operational costs.降低成本. Collaboration between China and AIAGAIAG 与中国的可能合作领域