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Estonia-Latvia Programme project “ Towards cross-border sports communities ” ( SPORTBOrDER ).
Estonia-LatviaProgrammeproject“Towardscross-border sports communities” (SPORTBOrDER)
Overall objective of the project is to improve infrastructure and facilities for sport and strengthen relations in the field of sport across borders and promote cooperation between municipalities, educational institutions and sport organizations OverallObjective
to build up ice fields in both municipalities • to promote cooperation between municipalities, educational institution and sport organizations of border area • to organize commonwealth sport competitions • to attract more local people, children and youth to take a part in organization of matches and different sport activities • to rise qualification of trainers and sport teachers Sub-objectives
Lead partner – Ape Town with rural area council Liene Ābolkalne – project coordinator Larisa Tuvikene – project book-keeper Aija Latika – project assistant (sport teacher) Andis Pops – representative from NGO “Hockey club Ape” Project partner No.2– Rõuge municipality Jaanus Mark – project coordinator Liili Maran – project book-keeper Antti Rose – training expert Project partner No.3 – NGO Skystar Aigar Piho – representative from NGO Skystar Project partners
I period (WP1 -Management and co-ordination) 1) one coordination meeting in Ape (10 persons), 1 report of this meeting, 1 power-point presentation, 2) first progress reports for the 1st reporting period in Latvia and Estonia 3) 2 articles in newspapers and websites (one in Latvia and one in Estonia) Activitiesandtimeplan
I period (WP2 - Construction of ice hokey fields) 1) procurement documents for ice fields in Rõuge (EE)andinApe (LV) 2) 1 contract with performer of construction works and 1 contract with performer of inspection of construction work in Rõuge (EE). Activitiesandtimeplan
I period (WP3-Cross border sports co-operation) 1) training for sport managers in Rõuge(2 days,16 persons); 2) technical tour for sport specialists to Latvia (2 days,10 persons); 3) training tours for sport clubs and youth during I period 4 tours (duration of 1 tour is 1 day) for 24 persons; 4) winter sport games in Ape (1 day,80 competitors); 5) purchasing sport equipment for Ape youth team; 6) 1 poster for sport event as well as information spread in media (2 articles in LV and 2 in EE) and in websites; 7) booklet for sport tourism (2000 copies 12 pages). Booklet will beestablished in three languages– Latvian, Estonian and English. Rõuge municipality will be responsible for booklet establishment. Activitiesandtimeplan
II period (WP1 -Management and co-ordination) 1) one coordination meeting in Rouge (10 person), minutes from the project management team meeting, 1 power-point presentation, 2) second progress reports of project, 3) 2 articles in newspapers (one in Latvia and one in Estonia), information in local websites. Activitiesandtimeplan
II period (WP2 -Construction of ice hokey fields) 1) one handing-over protokol and launching documents of ice field inRõuge. 2) one ice field in Rõuge (EE) (1800m2). 3) procurement documents in Ape (LV). 4) 1 contract with performer of construction works and 1 contract with performer of inspection of construction work in Ape (LV). 5) one handing-over protokol and launching documents of ice field in Ape. 6) one ice field in Ape (LV) (1624m2). 7) 2 information boards in Rõuge and in Ape. Activitiesandtimeplan
II period (WP3-Cross border sports co-operation) 1) winter commonwealth games in Rõuge(6 events (6days), 80competitors); 2) technical tour to the Tartu ice rink and Otepää winter sports facilities (2 days,10 persons); 3) youth hockey camp in Ape (4 days, 24 youth); 4) training tours to Valmiera ice rink (during the second period 3 tours (duration of 1 tour is 1 day) for 24 persons; 5) floor-ball competition in Ape (1 day,50 competitors); 6) meeting between Ape and Rõuge schools for signing cooperation contract (in Ape); 7) summer sport games in Ape (1 day,80 competitors) - street-ball,volleyball,other popular competitions 8) 3 posters; information in media and websites (3 articles in LV and 2 articles in EE) Activitiesandtimeplan
III period (WP1 -Management and co-ordination) 1) final coordination meeting in Ape, 1 power-point presentation, 2) third progress reports of project, final auditing report of project, 3) 2 articles in newsapapers (one in Latvia and one in Estonia), information on local websites. Activitiesandtimeplan
III period (WP2 -Construction of ice hockey fields) 1) 1 report of construction works in both municipalities, 1 power-point presentations of ice fields (prepared by Ape and Rõuge). Activitiesandtimeplan
II period (WP3-Cross border sports co-operation) 1) youth hockey and sports camp in Rõuge(week (7 days), 24 youth); 2) hockey competition in Ape (1 day,120 participants); 3) publicity campaign carried out – 1 posters for sport event as well as information spread in local and regional mass media (2 articles in LV and 2 in EE) and in project websites; 4) visual materials for project partners and participants prepared by Ape (50 sets). Activitiesandtimeplan