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On the Brink: 1939-1941 Blitzkrieg and the U.S. Response

On the Brink: 1939-1941 Blitzkrieg and the U.S. Response. Monday Apr. 2, 2012 U.S. History Mr. Paulson. Spark # 5. 1. Explain the “boiling frog syndrome” in terms of Hilter , Nazis, Germans and the Holocaust. 2. Recall Friday, what are three common reasons why people “don’t help?”

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On the Brink: 1939-1941 Blitzkrieg and the U.S. Response

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  1. On the Brink: 1939-1941Blitzkrieg and the U.S. Response Monday Apr. 2, 2012 U.S. History Mr. Paulson

  2. Spark # 5 1. Explain the “boiling frog syndrome” in terms of Hilter, Nazis, Germans and the Holocaust. 2. Recall Friday, what are three common reasons why people “don’t help?” 3. Do you believe “another Holocaust” could take place? Why/why not? 4. Make a list of the top 5 “world changing” events of your lifetime

  3. Agenda • SPARK # 5 • Business Items • Permission Slips • Overview sheet – Ch. 24 • On the Brink: 1939-41 • Blitzkrieg • U.S. Response • Pearl Harbor

  4. Peace in our time…? • Setting: • Munich Agreement: “Peace in our time?” • Germany – armed and aggressive • Invasion of Poland – Sep. 1, 1939 • Britain and France declare war • Hitler and Stalin – sworn enemies • “Non-aggression Pact” for 10 years • Hitler trying to avoid 2 front war – WWI!!!

  5. Invasion of Poland • Staged invasion of Germany • Blitzkrieg – Lightning war • Fast, concentrated air/land attack (remember WWI?) • Stuka- German attack plane was first wave • Then tanks (Panzers) and artillery (howitzers) punch thru and encircle • Last, Infantry rolls in to mop up • Conquer Poland in less than a month • Enforce German laws – persecute Jews • Britain and France too slow • Soviets help Germany • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ha0qKquG2E&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1

  6. Phony War • After Poland – a lull – no fighting • U.S. press – “Phony-war” • German press – “Sitzkrieg” • French @ Maginot Line – problems? • Guns only face East? • What if they go around?

  7. Game on • Germany attacks Denmark & Norway – Apr 1940 • May 1940 – Blitkrieg on Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg • Germany crushing opponents • Lux. – 1 day • Nether. – 5 days • Belgium – less than 3 weeks • Germany goes around Mag. Line and races to English Channel • Allies now divided

  8. Battle/Evac. at Dunkirk • British and French pushed to the coast • 9 day evac. – one of greatest rescues in history • Some troops fight to hold back Germans • 900 Tugboats, yachts, small private boats • 340,000 troops evacuated to Britain • Importance: Dunkirk was an Allied defeat but they lived to fight another day

  9. Fall of France • Germans turn S. towards Paris • May 10 1940 - French abandon Paris • NOW Italy declares war on Fr. & G.B. • Hitler victory tour • Armistice agreement and German occupation • Germany runs northern 3/5 of Fr. • French gov. “supervises” south • Vichy France– close collaboration w/Germany • Free French gov. in exile in London • Resistance – Charles de Gaulle • Sabotage and Anti-German activities • Possible high point of Hitler’s power

  10. Victory Tour

  11. Battle of Britain • Hitler plans invasion of Britain • 20 miles across English Channel • Churchill shows his leadership • “We shall… • Hitler must establish control of skies • B. of Britain becomes massive air war • Biggest air assault ever seen • Luftwaffe vs. RAF • 1923 Hague Draft Rules of Air Warfare • No citizen attacks • Late August 1940 German bombers stray off course • Retaliation by Brits on Berlin • Now no holds barred – London nearly destroyed • Many major cities on both sides nearly leveled • Bombing of London called “the Blitz”

  12. Battle of Britain: Outcome & Importance • RAF defends homeland at great cost • Hundreds of RAF pilots died-but saved tremendous amount of lives • Churchill – “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” • Battle rages until end of 1941 • 20,000 Londoners killed, 70,000 injured • Importance: • though a defeat, no invasion • Hitler stopped • Did not lose their will to fight • Cracked German code in process

  13. Meanwhile…Japan • Nationalism and militarism come to the forefront on the heels of depression and government ineffectiveness • Population booming – small island nation • NEED RESOURCES!!! • Manchurian Incident • Invade China to get land/resources • Puppet State – supposedly independent state under control of a powerful neighbor • Rape of Nanking • Incredible brutalities – 100,000 civilians killed • Condemned by U.S. but…

  14. American response: Neutrality? • American isolationism increased in 30’s • Neutrality Acts- 1935 • No weapons deals to countries at war • No loans • Cash and Carry • 1937 Neutrality Act that permits trade in “non-military goods • Other country has to pay cash and transport -“carry” the goods themselves • America First Committee • America watches Hitler take over Europe, hatred grows • B. of Britain America steps up aid • A.F.C. fears war and speaks out – Charles Lindbergh & 800,000 others • Lend Lease • Nov. 1940 FDR wins 3rd term • Europe is on fire… FDR’s analogy • Aid any nation whose security is vital to U.S. security– Soviets!!!

  15. Pearl Harbor Everything changes Dec. 7, 1941 – “A day that will live in infamy” Japan attacks – 7 am, Sunday morning over by 9:45 Radio op notices large blip on screen – “Don’t worry about it…” 180 Japanese warplanes

  16. Pearl Harbor: Destruction and Impact Half the U.S. Pacific fleet lay in harbor that morning 2,400 Americans killed 1,200 wounded 200 war planes damaged/destroyed 18 warships sunk/heavily damaged 8 of 9 battleships destroyed U.S. declares war the next day

  17. Vids and maps • London Blitz • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euRlmTHpSCI&feature=related • http://www.history.com/topics/battle-of-britain/videos#history-features-london-blitz • History.com • http://www.history.com/shows/wwii-in-hd/interactives/inside-wwii-interactive • Worldology.com • http://www.worldology.com/Europe/europe_history_md.htm

  18. Homework: World War II Map • Textbook pages – 805, 812, 823 • Step 1: Label all countries • Step 2: Label bodies of water (use 823) • Step 3: Shade to represent the 4 categories on p. 823 • Main Axis powers, Greatest extent of Axis control, Neutral nations, Allied territory • Step 4: Use p. 823 mark and label the following battles on your map with an “x” • Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, Tunis, Palermo, Salerno, Anzio, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Battle of the Bulge • Step 5: Mark and label the following cities with a “*” • London, Berlin, Vichy, Paris, Rome, Algiers, Warsaw, Moscow, Yalta

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