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2. Acts as a Total Force stabilization tool by leveling rating manning from overmanned to undermanned, and acts as a quality screening by controlling reenlistmentsNature of programShape the Navy to meet mission requirementsStabilize advancement opportunitiesStreamline the conversion processScre
1. Perform To Serve
2. 2 Acts as a Total Force stabilization tool by leveling rating manning from overmanned to undermanned, and acts as a quality screening by controlling reenlistments
Nature of program
Shape the Navy to meet mission requirements
Stabilize advancement opportunities
Streamline the conversion process
Screen qualified Sailors PTS Overview Career Re-enlistment Objective (CREO) Groups are defined as a percentage of inventory as compared to EPA. These percentages are calculated by rating and and three pay grade levels: E1-E4, E5 and E6. The CREO categories are as follows:
CREO 1 = undermanned (<90%)
CREO 2 = manned at desired levels (90-100%)
CREO 3 = overmanned (>/= 101%)
Career Re-enlistment Objective (CREO) Groups are defined as a percentage of inventory as compared to EPA. These percentages are calculated by rating and and three pay grade levels: E1-E4, E5 and E6. The CREO categories are as follows:
CREO 1 = undermanned (<90%)
CREO 2 = manned at desired levels (90-100%)
CREO 3 = overmanned (>/= 101%)
3. PTS Phased Initiatives PTS Phase I
Zone B PTS (Activated February 2009)
PTS Phase II
Zone C PTS (Activated June 2009)
Add SELRES Option to Transition AC to RC (September 2009)
Assessment of Selection, Classification, and Retention PORs
Review Operational activities for Gaps, Overlaps, and Redundancies
Review Interface Requirements
Development of Concept of Operation (CONOPs)
Establishment of POR Way Ahead
4. Proposed PTS SELRES Scope PTS SELRES Option High Level Requirements:
Add “Navy Reserve Affiliation” Option to PTS application
InRate SELRES Option
Convert SELRES Option
System Will Process Members Selecting SELRES Option by Same Standards Currently in Place for Determining Eligibility (Algorithm)
Proposed PTS Active and SELRES Options Processing
Separate Pre-Defined Count of Available Slots
Separate Rack & Stack Processing
Evaluate for Active InRate or Conversion
Evaluate for Reserve Active or Conversion
5. PTS Process and Procedures
6. All E3 to E6 personnel
<= 14 Years Based on EAOS
Ratings in All CREO Groups
As of Oct 2005, the program expanded to include all CREO Groups
Regardless of Intentions to Reenlist
If Reenlistment Intention question is answered “NO” the application is removed from rack and stack automatically rolled over until <6 months from EAOS. Who Applies to PTS Career Re-enlistment Objective (CREO) Groups are defined as a percentage of inventory as compared to EPA. These percentages are calculated by rating and and three pay grade levels: E1-E4, E5 and E6. The CREO categories are as follows:
CREO 1 = undermanned (<90%)
CREO 2 = manned at desired levels (90-100%)
CREO 3 = overmanned (>/= 101%)
Career Re-enlistment Objective (CREO) Groups are defined as a percentage of inventory as compared to EPA. These percentages are calculated by rating and and three pay grade levels: E1-E4, E5 and E6. The CREO categories are as follows:
CREO 1 = undermanned (<90%)
CREO 2 = manned at desired levels (90-100%)
CREO 3 = overmanned (>/= 101%)
7. Not Eligible for PTS
Not recommended for retention by CO
SP or PROG in promotion recommendation in current or previous evaluation as per MILPERSMAN 1160-030.
“Sailors must be promotable and recommended for advancement on the last two graded evaluations (NOB evals are not considered)”.
Special evaluations are not authorized for the purpose of Perform to Serve unless:
The Sailor has not received a regular performance evaluation since the beginning of ACDU.
The special evaluation removes or reinstates the CO’s recommendation for retention, reenlistment, or advancement. (MILPERSMAN 1440-060)
E1 or E2 The Navy performance system has 5 categories of promotion recommendations:
EP = Early Promote
MP = Must Promote
P = Promotable
PROG = Progressing towards Promotion
SP = Significant ProblemsThe Navy performance system has 5 categories of promotion recommendations:
EP = Early Promote
MP = Must Promote
P = Promotable
PROG = Progressing towards Promotion
SP = Significant Problems
8. 8
Applications submission methods:
Web based application (Perferred method)
PTS - Individual or Excel Spreadsheet applicaitons
Fleet RIDE – Individual applications (Currently disabled)
Excel Spreadsheet applications
Data in text
Naval Message
Telephonic How to Apply Don’t wait until the last Friday to validate your applications….
Dedicate a day prior to ensure all ratings and paygrades match.
If they don’t contact us ASAP, so we can correct.
IDon’t wait until the last Friday to validate your applications….
Dedicate a day prior to ensure all ratings and paygrades match.
If they don’t contact us ASAP, so we can correct.
Applications are due by Last Friday of the month.
Spreadsheets forwarded to NPC must be received the Wednesday, preceeding the Last Friday of the Month. IAW NAVADMIN 161/09 Application Deadlines Don’t wait until the last Friday to validate your applications….
Dedicate a day prior to ensure all ratings and paygrades match.
If they don’t contact us ASAP, so we can correct.
IDon’t wait until the last Friday to validate your applications….
Dedicate a day prior to ensure all ratings and paygrades match.
If they don’t contact us ASAP, so we can correct.
10. 10 PTS Process Timeline (EAOS Driven) PTS Applications should occur beginning 15 mos prior to End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS). PTS Applications should occur beginning 15 mos prior to End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS).
11. 11 PTS and Detailing (PRD Driven) PTS Applications should occur beginning 15 mos prior to EAOS. Sailors should be allowed to apply up to 12 mos prior to separation.
PTS Applications should occur beginning 15 mos prior to EAOS. Sailors should be allowed to apply up to 12 mos prior to separation.
12. Member Data Sheet(NEW)
13. 13 Conversions All conversion quotas received from the program are “tentative approvals”.
ECM’s review “tentatively” approved Sailors to ensure that they meet all minimum qualifications for entry into the rating (Moral, Mental, Physical). Fleet Ride is a tool for preliminary check.
Quality control check
Cleared list is forwarded to school detailers for school seat assignments and follow orders.
Naval messages are sent to commands informing them of final status of conversion/orders for Sailor.
Unqualified Sailors are directed to resubmit a new PTS application for ratings their Sailors are qualified for and reset in PTS for re-application. When you receive your first PTS message after the rack and stack, this is a tentative approval for conversion….
ECMs must then review your Sailors to ensure they are fully qualified for the rating requested. They are currently validating their data in Fleet Ride (if your Sailor is entered into that database) or via or Enlisted Master File that we utilize at NPC.
When you receive your first PTS message after the rack and stack, this is a tentative approval for conversion….
ECMs must then review your Sailors to ensure they are fully qualified for the rating requested. They are currently validating their data in Fleet Ride (if your Sailor is entered into that database) or via or Enlisted Master File that we utilize at NPC.
14. 14 PTS Lessons Learned Commands are failing to put Sailors into PTS because they are planning to separate. Sailors must be put into PTS regardless of their intentions.
April 09
Zone A -EAOS eligible 8132, Total Applications – 3896
Zone B –EAOS eligible 10209, Total Applications – 4082
May 09
Zone A –EAOS eligible 7384, Total Applications – 3872
Zone B – EAOS eligible 10594, Total Applications - 4082
When submitting a PTS based on Sailor’s PRD CCC must check “Within 12 mos of PRD” on PTS application*.
All CCC’s must have access to PTS. CCC’s must also contact PTS desk when they transfer to a new command to ensure their UIC is updated. CCCs, CMCs, Cos….what does this tell us?? We must pay better attention to our Sailors!CCCs, CMCs, Cos….what does this tell us?? We must pay better attention to our Sailors!
15. 15 PTS decision is final.
Fully qualifiy Fleet RIDE for rates they are requesting conversion.
If Sailor fails to complete “A” School they will be processed for separation within 60 days. (MPM 1440-060). PTS Lessons Learned
16. PTS WAY-AHEAD AC to RC affiliation option (Sept 09)
PTS / Fleet Ride Interface (est Apr-Jun 2010)
RC to AC affiliation option ( est Jul-Sep 2010)
17. PTS Future Enhancements/Discussion Topics Enhancements
PRD auto up date for 12 month window (Sept 09)
ASVAB auto populated on the application. (Sept 09)
Frocked status auto update to applications (Sept 09)
Year Group Rack and Stack (PTS/Fleet RIDE merger)
Discussion Topics
Modification to Algorithm to include other criteria (i.e. Final Mulitple scores, Warefare designator, NJP, PFA, Awards etc)
Change the PTS processing timeline from 12-6 to 15-9 (to align better with Detailing window)
Base zone and applicaition submission on EAOS as extended (SEAOS). Still allowing for applications at EAOS or PRD based on certian criteria.
Preloaded applications pushed to the CCC’s
18. 18 CREO Current Status
ECM’s are evaluating their rating manning level (est completion 19 June09)
Future modifications
WEB based, Monthly updated Excel spreadsheet (Career Opportunity Matrix (CARMAT)
20. 20 Mr. Joe Kelly, COMM: 901-874-2826/DSN 882
Email: joseph.e.kelly@navy.mil
PSCS(SW/AW) Ron Miller, COMM: (901) 874-2950/DSN 882
Email: ron.e.miller@navy.mil
PS1 Ken Holifield, COMM: (901) 874-3472/DSN 882
Email: kenneth.holifield@navy.mil
PTS Help Desk, COMM: (901) 874-2102/DSN 882
Email: pts_help_desk.fct@navy.mil PTS Contacts
21. 21 PTS
22. Stacking Algorithm (Defining Quality)