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Inside a Cooperative: [Association Name]'s Method

Explore how [Association Name] operates as a cooperative, focusing on user ownership, benefits, and democratic control. Learn about cooperative types, benefits, challenges, and organizational structure.

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Inside a Cooperative: [Association Name]'s Method

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Built to Serve An Inside Look at a Cooperative [insert your name and cooperative here] Paste Your Logo Here

  2. Key Concept Cooperatives are based on the concept of cooperating to achieve a common goal.

  3. What makes a cooperative unique? 1 User-Owned User-Benefitted User-Controlled Democratic Member Control Voluntary and Open Membership Education, Training and Information Autonomy and Independence Cooperation Among Cooperatives Member Economic Participation Concern for Community

  4. Types of Cooperatives Cooperative coverage/location Local vs. Multifunctional Regional Cooperative Governance system/Membership structure Centralized, Federated or Mixed Function or service provided i.e. Financing, Energy, Agricultural Inputs, Telephone, etc.

  5. Benefits Challenges • Access to quality services and supplies • Increase clout in marketplace • Share in earnings (Patronage Refund) • Political action • Local economy enhanced and protected • Number of people involved • Complexity of decision making • Cultural perceptions • Costs to buy-in

  6. Structure: Governance, Leadership, Operations Insert Your Org Chart Here

  7. Built to Serve An Inside Look at a Cooperative [insert your name and cooperative here] Paste Your Logo Here

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