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Rise of Dictators

Rise of Dictators. Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler (Domination, Conquer, and supreme ruling of Europe 1939-1955). Introduction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezao4SaB_94 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtlyQ0m7nns&feature=related. With partners. You will have fifteen minutes

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Rise of Dictators

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  1. Rise of Dictators Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler (Domination, Conquer, and supreme ruling of Europe 1939-1955)

  2. Introduction • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezao4SaB_94 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtlyQ0m7nns&feature=related

  3. With partners • You will have fifteen minutes • Complete the chart on the board • Write facts down in the chart about the following dictators: • Mussolini • Stalin • Hitler • NEED 5-10 facts/pieces of information per leader

  4. How did these Dictators rise to such great power? • Ending of WWI allowed for hatred, revenge, and condition of countries due to Treaty of Versailles • Leaders have new tactics: Complete control of their peoples’ minds and hearts by using massPROPAGANDA(one-sided information) • New advanced technology (High speed communication avenues, weapons, fear) • New governments: Single leader/party to rule and decide for the people: Wipe out opposition! (Totalitarian state)

  5. Mussolini • Leader in Italy • Creator of the first FACIST state (Glorification of the state!: Glory to extreme. People controlled by the government • Gained by state of Italy after WWI (Inflation, depression, unemployment, division: did not want communism) • Used Violence, suppressed opposition

  6. Mussolini Con’t • People flocked to his ideas: needed change, wanted change, will listen to anyone! • Created Secret Police: OVRA • Controlled mass media (Films, Radio, newspapers) • “MUSSOLINI IS ALWAYS RIGHT!” slogan • Used organizations to control people (Youth) Women= makers of the state • Controlled everything! (Religion, social, political, economical, etc.)

  7. Stalin • Leader of Soviet Union (Once Russia) • Upset about the leadership of Lenin, wanted change • Droughts, end of WWI, civil war allowed Stalin to gain power • Gained his power through his rise in ranks of government: by 1929 had complete power (Murdered opponent: Trotsky)

  8. Stalin Con’t • 5 year plan: Transform Russia from a Agricultural Society to an Industrial one overnight • Productions of heavy machines, etc. • Quadrupled the production of heavy machinery • Doubled the oil production • 1929-1937: Steel increased 4 million-18 million tons per year • Number of workers increased between 1932-1940 • Wages declined • Poor conditions (living and working) • Strict laws (workers forced to live in certain areas to complete certain jobs) PROPAGANDA!!!!!!! • Collectivization=govern’t owned all land!

  9. Costs to Stalin’s 5 years-plan • Didn’t create just one: but many • Famine • 10 million peasants died 1932-1933 • Strengthen own power • Created secret police: KGB • Great Purge: eliminate opposition • Family centered of Russian through Propaganda • Millions arrested, executed, sent away to Siberia (Familiar Place)

  10. Read aloud Speech

  11. Hitler: Mastermind and Genius • Leader of Germany • Believed political parties could control the mass of people through Propaganda and Mass terror • Belonged to the Nazi party • Strong feelings in racism and Anti-Semitism • Jailed for protesting in 1929 • While in Jail wrote: Mein Kampf: “My struggle”

  12. Mein Kampf • Theory of Social Darwinism : Strongest and more fittest shall rule and survive • Superior nations shall exist through expansion and take over other less equal and deserving • Nazi’s needed to take over “non-violently” and legally at first • Get the people to believe and follow

  13. Mein Kampf Handout • Read by yourself • Highlight 4 key ideas that Hitler has about propaganda (There may be more than 4, but you just need 4) • Answer the questions

  14. Hitler and power of speech • Gave the people something to believe in • NATIONAL PRIDE, HONOR, and TRADITIONAL MILITARISM slogans • People follow leadership and well-spoken individuals: Promise and follow-through • Became Chancellor in 1933 • Later became known as the “Furher” • Began to Purge/eliminate Jews from the state • Creation of the Aryan Race (Perfect Race) • Create the Third Reich (Empire of pure German descendents) • Used PROPAGANDA!!!

  15. Hitler’s first speech • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAUPt9SX2qk&feature=related


  17. Hitler Con’t • Created the SS (Secret Police) GESTOPO • Heinrich Himmler leader of SS • Nuremburg Laws(1935): Beginning of the Holocaust. • Excluded Jews from German Citizenship • Had to wear the Star of David(Labeling who is a Jew and who is not) • Carry identification cards • Kristallnacht: “Night of Broken glass” destroyed all Jewish Synagogues and places of worship and Businesses • 100 Jews were killed and 30,000 Jewish males rounded up and sent to Concentration camps

  18. Reading on Kristalnacht

  19. Hitler Con’t • After Kristallnacht: Jews forbad to use all public transportation, use of schools, hospitals, etc. • Could not own/manage/work in retail stores • Had to clean own mess from Kristallnacht • Encouraged to “Emigrate fro Germany”

  20. US Clip: Pathway to war • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtlyQ0m7nns&feature=related

  21. Assignment: • Read Chapter 19: Section 1 • Pathway to War • Take notes by creating a series of boxes that show a path way to how WWII to began • See handout (Much like the Napoleon Handout)

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