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Prediction of Chloroplast Transit Peptides and Developmental Expression Pattern of BASS Genes

This study predicts chloroplast transit peptides (cTPs) of BASS genes using the ChloroP algorithm and visualizes developmental expression patterns using the AtGenExpress Visualization Tool.

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Prediction of Chloroplast Transit Peptides and Developmental Expression Pattern of BASS Genes

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  1. A B Supplementary Fig. S1. Predicted cTP and developmental expression pattern of BASS genes. (A) The cTPs of BASSs were predicted using ChloroP algorithm (http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/ChloroP/). AA, the length of the peptide; Score, the higher score indicates that the sequence contains a cTP (Emanuelsson et al. 1999); cTP, Y means that ChloroP predicts the presence of cTP based on the score; cTP length, the length of predicted cTP. (B) The expression patterns of BASS genes in developmental stages. The figure was illustrated by AtGenExpress Visualization Tool (http://jsp.weigelworld.org/expviz/expviz.jsp).

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