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Pituitary. Pituitary. These are the most common disorders of the pituitary and includeHypopituitarismHyperpituitarism Local compression of brain tissue by expanding tumor masses. . Anterior Pituitary Disorders. Hypopituitarism. Etiology and risk factorsInvasion- pituitary tumors, CNS tumors, carotid aneurysm?most commonInfarction-postpartum necrosis (Sheehan's syndrome), pituitary apoplexyInfiltration-sarcoidosis, hemochromatosisInjury-head trauma, child abuseImmunologic-lymphocytic hyp14
1. Pituitary Hypophysis = Pituitary
3. Pituitary
4. Anterior Pituitary Disorders
5. Hypopituitarism Etiology and risk factors
Invasion- pituitary tumors, CNS tumors, carotid aneurysm?most common
Infarction-postpartum necrosis (Sheehans syndrome), pituitary apoplexy
Infiltration-sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis
Injury-head trauma, child abuse
Immunologic-lymphocytic hypophysitis
Iatrogenic-surgery, radiation therapy
Infectious-mycoses, tuberculosis, syphilis
Isolated-deficiency of an anterior pituitary hormone (eg. GH, LH, FSH, TSH, ACTH-LPH, prolactin
6. Hypopituitarism Pathophysiology-
deficiency of one or more of the hormones produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary
Clinical manifestations
Short stature
Sexual and reproductive disorders
Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency
Prolactin insufficiency
Medical management-
Treatment of choice= removal of causative factor and permanent replacement of the target hormones
Nursing management-
focus on care of target organ
7. Hyperpituitary Syndromes associated
Cushings Syndrome
Hypergonadism (males)
8. Cushings Syndrome
9. Acromegaly
10. Gigantism
11. Hyperpituitary/hyperprolactinemia Etiology and risk factors
Overproduction of porlactin and growth hormone by the adenomas
Clinical manifestations
Abnormal growth patterns, galactorrhea
Medical management-surgery
Nursing management-
emotional support, comfort throughout preoperative period, physical and neurological assessment
12. Hyperpituitarism Treatment of choice
14. TranssphenoidalHypophysectomy Frequent oral hygeine is needed- no toothbrushing for 2 wks- use lubricant on lips
Avoid coughing, sneezing, or activities that cause a rise in intracranial pressure-monitor ICP
15. TranssphenoidalHypophysectomy Monitor UOP for signs of Diabetes Insipidus: UOP greater than 200 ml/hr with SG less than 1.005-monitor for hormonal insufficiencies
Monitor nasal drainage for CSF leakage-may discern by testing with dipstick for presence of glucose (should be negative if nasal drainage)
16. Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy Monitor for meningitis
Temperature elevation
Severe headache
Nuchal rigidity
17. Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy Monitor for adrenal insufficiency/
acute adrenal insufficiency/Addisonian Crisis
18. Other Disorders Posterior lobe (neurophyseal disorders)
ADH deficiency aka diabetes insipidus
Excess ADH = SIADH or syndrome of inappropriate ADH
SIADH seen with lung cancer, head injuries, cranial surgery, pituitary tumors, encephalitis, poliomyelitis, myxedema
19. Posterior lobe (neurophyseal disorders) Sexual disturbances
excess secretion of LH/FSH from pituitary tumors can produce sexual precocity in children
Amenorrhea or galactorrhea in women
Bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist, inhibits prolactin secretion
20. Gondal disorders
Testicular dysfunction (secondary to a disorder of hypothalamic-pituitary function- a gonadatropin deficiency, Kallmanns syndrome, abnormal maturation with midline defects: cleft lip/palate, color blindness, anosmia, ataxia)
21. References Ackley, B. & Ladewig, G. (2006). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: A
Guide to Planning Care, (7th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby
Black, J. & Hawks, J (2005). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical
Management for Positive Outcomes, (7th ed.), Philadelphia: W.B.
Hockenberry, M. (2003). Whaley & Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and
Children, (7th ed)., St. Louis: Mosby
Karch, A. (2006). Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (3rd ed.).,
Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams, S. & Schlenker, E. (2003). Essentials of Nutrition and Diet
Therapy, (8th ed.), St. Louis: Mosby