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S ETH Q UOTES V OLUME 1 www.createyourownreality.co.uk S ETH Q UOTES V OLUME 1 Seth Quotes Volume 1 is a collection of quotes taken from the Seth material for the benefit of participants and enquirers of the exclusive Nature of Reality Course.
SETH QUOTES VOLUME 1 www.createyourownreality.co.uk
SETH QUOTES VOLUME 1 Seth Quotes Volume 1 is a collection of quotes taken from the Seth material for the benefit of participants and enquirers of the exclusive Nature of Reality Course. These 30 quotes provide a powerful and insightful source of wisdom, helpful for today’s living, for you to contemplate time and again. They are illustrated throughout by inspiring images; professional, top class photography specially selected to portray the concepts. The Seth material was channeled from Seth via Jane Roberts during the latter half of the 20th century. It has over 7 million readers worldwide. The complete works of Seth can be found at Yale University and is the second most read works.
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Nature of Illness and How To Stay Well’. DIRECTING ENERGY "In all instances of ill health, the psychic inner forces are being misdirected. The aim of medicine should then be to aid the inner self to direct it's own energy along other lines." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘Understanding Belief and the Power of Thought’. EXPECTATION "If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Real Law of Karma. Reincarnation and the Simultaneous Nature of Time’. CHOICE "All probable worlds exist now, all probable variations on the most minute aspect in any reality exist now. You weave in and out of probabilities constantly, picking and choosing as you go along." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘How We Perceive Reality; The Limitation of the Five Senses’. CAMOUFLAGUE PATTERNS "The outer senses are only dependable in terms of the definite plane for which they were constructed. Their purpose of course is to enable the conscious personality to recognise as valid, camouflage patterns which are only valid under certain conditions." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Power of the Present Moment; Changing the Past and Future’. READINESS "Just as the walls of your house are experienced by your outer senses, and serve to protect you against other camouflage materialisations such as wind and rain and cold, so do the walls of past, present and future, erected by you as a different kind of camouflage pattern, protect you from inner forces and realities with which you are not as yet equipped to deal." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘Understanding Belief and the Power of Thought’. EFFECTS OF THOUGHT "A mans thoughts are far more reaching than he knows. They exist in more dimensions, they affect worlds of which he is unaware. They are as concrete, in effect, as any building." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘Understanding Belief and the Power of Thought’. IDEAS AND BELIEFS "You cannot separate your beliefs about reality from the reality that you experience. Your beliefs about reality form it. Your ideas about what is possible and what is not possible are reflected in all areas." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Magical Approach. HEALTH SPAN "The physical symptoms of old age are the physical manifestations of fear in the tissues. There is no reason why you, or any man, should not be strong and vital until death." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘How We Perceive Reality; The Limitation of the Five Senses’. INNER SENSES "As individual reliance upon the outer senses develops, the personality to a large degree relies upon them, and gradually loses the habit of relying upon the more familiar inner senses utilised mainly in infancy and childhood. This is usually a matter of practicality. " The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Nature of Illness and How To Stay Well’. INSIGHT "In cases of illness where the symptom itself is interior, as in ulcers, this is a sign that the personality is not yet willing to face the problem and the symptom itself is shielded from physical sight. The relative observability of a symptom is, therefore, a clue to the personality's attitude toward its problem." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘How We Perceive Reality; The Limitation of the Five Senses’. PERCEPTION "The purpose of our five senses is to enable the conscious personality to recognize as valid, camouflage patterns that are only valid under certain conditions." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Nature of Dreams and Making Better Use of Our Dream Time. INTUITION "To interpret your dreams is not as important as you may think, since oftentimes you act with more wisdom automatically, and the conscious mind is extremely slow to assimilate knowledge that the intuitions know by heart." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. ‘Taken from The Magical Approach’. THE SENSES "In order to perceive other realities, you must therefore switch from your outer senses to the inner senses, for the inner senses are clearer, and are equipped to perceive action and reality as it exists independently of the distortions given it by the physical senses." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. ‘Taken from The Magical Approach’. CHANGE "And that which you have constructed, you then respond to through the outer senses, and you react to what you subconsciously created. It is important that these matters be understood when you are concerned with how to change or alter a physical condition, for the change will come from within, or it will not come." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. ‘Taken from The Magical Approach’. THE SELF AND THE ENVIRONMENT "Actually it can be said that since the self creates its environment, then the environment is an extension of the self. The division between the subject who creates the environment, and the object environment which is created, is an artificial but necessary development. This development is necessary upon our plane because of the training in the manipulation of energy which is required here." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘How We Perceive Reality; The Limitation of the Five Senses’. ITS YOUR CONSTRUCT "We construct our reality so effectively that once the play begins the actors are so completely immersed in their roles that they forget that they themselves wrote the play, constructed the sets, or are even acting. The reason for this is rather apparent. If you know that a situation is imaginary you are not going to bother trying to solve it." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Power of the Present Moment; Changing the Past and Future’. THE POINT OF POWER "We each create our own personal reality and the point of power is the present moment." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Individual's Role in Mass Events; The Nature of Good and Evil’. LETTING GO "There is no sin, only error. It's not that you have to be good, just stop believing you are bad." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Individual's Role in Mass Events; The Nature of Good and Evil’. TRUST "From our point of reference it is often difficult to perceive that all events work toward creativity, or to trust in the spontaneous creativity of our own natures. We need to realize that all elements of experience are used for a greater good, whether or not we can perceive the way in which so called 'evil' is transmuted into creativity." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Individual's Role in Mass Events; The Nature of Good and Evil’. THE NATURE OF GOOD AND EVIL "Many of our ideas about good and evil are highly distortive, and shadow all understanding we have about the nature of reality. We should realize that he who hates an evil merely creates another one." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Individual's Role in Mass Events; The Nature of Good and Evil’. EMOTIONAL ENERGY "Wars are poorly controlled emotional energy. In many cases you have been saved from wars by such things as earthquakes, tornadoes of a vast nature, and other physical catastrophes." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Individual's Role in Mass Events; The Nature of Good and Evil’. EMOTIONAL CYCLES "Weather goes in cycles, not because cycles are inherent in weather patterns, but because emotional cycles are inherent in individuals." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Nature of Dreams and Making Better Use of Our Dream Time’. DREAM PERSPECTIVES "The dream world is more closely connected with un-camouflaged experience in the spacious present, but it still is in a camouflage perspective, dealing with recognizable projections of material reality. Because of it's relative freedom, however, the self, returning from the dream world, can impart to the individual, knowledge of much the physical self could not ordinarily be aware. Much of this knowledge, then, resides in the subconscious while the ego goes on its way." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Nature of Dreams and Making Better Use of Our Dream Time’. THE SOURCE OF DREAMS "As an individual creates his 'physical' image and environment according to his abilities and defects, and inline with his expectations and subconscious and inner needs, so does he create his dreams; and these interact with the outer environment which he has created." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Nature of Illness and How To Stay Well’. THE PERSONALITY’S LOGIC "All illness is almost always the result of another action that cannot be followed through. However, the thwarted action may be one with disastrous consequences which the illness may prevent. The personality has it's own logic." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Multi-Dimensional Self’. SELF AWARENESS "The physical organism itself then, even as you know it, exists and moves and reacts and influences, and is influenced by, many fields or planes of actuality; and it's existence as you know it in your universe is determined by and dependent upon it's existence within other fields, of which man is still intellectually ignorant. It is because you conceive of the body as existing within one field only that you have not had more success in dealing with human illness." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Real Law of Karma. Reincarnation and the Simultaneous Nature of Time’. UNDERSTANDING "You cannot justify or rationalize present circumstances by saying, 'This is because of something I did in a past life', for within yourself now is the ability to change negative influences. You may have brought negative influences into your life for a given reason, but the reason always has to do with understanding, and understanding removes those influences." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Nature of Dreams and Making Better Use of Our Dream Time’. DREAMS "Dreams, or the dream universe, exist even while you wake, and you only become aware of certain portions of it while you sleep." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘The Power of the Present Moment; Changing the Past and Future’. FREE WILL "No event is predestined. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after it's occurrence. An individual's future actions are not dependent upon a concrete finished past, for such a past never existed." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
The Seth Material. Taken from ‘Understanding Belief and the Power of Thought’. INTENT " A mans intent is subconsciously sensed by everyone with whom he comes in contact." The Nature of Reality - An Exclusive Course Bridging Science and Spirit. www.createyourownreality.co.uk
THE NATURE OF REALITY For more information about the Nature of Reality course... Log on to the course website at: www.createyourownreality.co.uk Or call us at the Hitchin Natural Therapy Centre on 01462 459 020.