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Informed Voter Project

Informed Voter Project. Change will not come if we wait for another person or another time. WE ARE the change we seek. WE ARE the people we’ve been waiting for . - OBAMA. Essence of Existence

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Informed Voter Project

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  1. Informed Voter Project

  2. Change will not come if we wait for another person or another time. WE ARE the change we seek.WE ARE the people we’ve been waiting for. - OBAMA

  3. Essence of Existence • An age of Informed Engagement in public life to spawn a progressive democracy that seeks to maximize civic happiness – measurably. • to maximize Civic Happiness

  4. Mission (Phase 5): Creation of tools and establishment of platforms to spawn a evolved democracy that enables: - INFORMED TRACKING: relentless scrutiny of promise versus performance of elected representatives through rigorously researched, objectively analyzed, and efficiently communicated information - INFORMED EDUCATION: galvanizing of society with catalytic information related to rights, responsibilities, and processes of intervention available to all stakeholders in democracy - INFORMED PRESSURE: a high calibre of information-based engagement between elected representatives and citizens to realize the collective aspirations of society

  5. INFORMED VOTER PROJECT Model Engagement Platforms Happiness through Progressive Democracy


  7. but rather….

  8. Portal – Existing Features

  9. Fixing the Active Citizenship Ecosystem Journalists Media: Narrow & Opportunistic IVP: Neutral Elected Reps IVP: 360 degree Media: Fleeting NGOs: Sterile Quant. Data IVP: Perm. Database & Tool IVP: Action Info. Civil Society

  10. Informed Education: Features, Content, Tools & Platforms Roadmap

  11. Informed Tracking: Features, Content, Tools & Platforms Roadmap

  12. Informed Engagement: Features, Content, Tools & Platforms Roadmap

  13. Program Expansion Roadmap

  14. Achievements – MumbaiVotes • Database • Tracking 2521 politicians with 733 Video Interviews and 6343 articles related to MPs, MLAs and Municipal Councilors. • Website Stats • 2,62,741 unique visitors since Mar 2009 • 62.85% traffic to MumbaiVotes through Search Engines • Impact on 2012 BMC Elections • Direct – 53,259 unique visitors from Jan 01 to Feb 17 • State Coordinator/Partner of National Election Watch (Association for Democratic Reform) • Indirect – Reach via Radio (Jaago Mumbai 90.8)/ Print Media • Implemented IVR system

  15. Academic Partner Institutions Mumbai University – Masters In Communication & Journalism (MCJ) Programme Ruia College – Bachelors In Mass Media (BMM) Programme KC College – Bachelors In Mass Media (BMM) Programme Nmims – Masters In Business Administration (MBA) Programme Xaviers College – Social Improvement Programme (SIP)

  16. Supporting Civic Institutions

  17. Expert Panel & Trustees VivekGilani (Founder Trustee) Environmental Engineer , Co-Founder - The NO2CO2 Project, Founder, MD – Climatemiles Pvt. Ltd. (part of the Climatenomics Platform), Member Secretary – The Green Signal (Ecolabel Program) Dr. AlokeThakore (Expert Panel, Trustee) Member - The Media Foundation (India), Co-Founder – Journalism Mentor Foundation, Columnist & Media Consultant Dr. UttaraSahasrabuddhe (Expert Panel, Trustee) Reader - Department of Civics & Politics, Mumbai University

  18. Informed Voter Project as a Not-for-Profit Organization Informed Voter Project is entirely insulated from any commercial or political interests. It has been active since January 2004. It is part of the ‘Informed Voter Project’ which is registered as a non-profit institution under the Bombay Public Trusts Act (1950) with Registration Number: E-27959 (Mumbai)

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