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Recognition Day Class 2016. Purpose: To provide and overview of the events taking place on Recognition Day Class 2016. Situation . Weather: Average High- 73 degrees, Low-59 degrees (www.weather.com) Sports Medicine will monitor and advise on heat conditions and activity levels
Recognition Day Class 2016 Purpose: To provide and overview of the events taking place on Recognition Day Class 2016
Situation Weather: Average High- 73 degrees, Low-59 degrees (www.weather.com) • Sports Medicine will monitor and advise on heat conditions and activity levels • All training will be conducted IAW the SOP for Heat Prevention of Injuries
Mission The Corps of Cadets will conduct Recognition Day activities for the class of 2016 on April 13, 2013 from 0540-until 1700 on The Citadel campus and Marion Square. The objective is to successfully transition the 4th class cadets from knobs to upper-class cadets.
Execution Commander’s Intent: To provide a rewarding and challenging day, to instill pride in achievement and a sense of camaraderie within the 4th classmen through a safe and meaningful Recognition Day process. Concept of Operations: Phase1: Morning P.T. Phase2: Leadership Training Phase 3: “The Gauntlet” Phase 4: Knob Recognition Phase 5: March To Marion Square
Risk Assessment Phase 1: Morning P.T. • Sports Medicine • First Responder Cadets • Company supply staff with water jugs Phase 2: Leadership Training • Minimal risk Phase 3: “The Gauntlet” • Sports Medicine • First Responder Cadets • Company supply staff with water jugs Phase 4: Knob Recognition • Sports Medicine • First Responder Cadets • Company supply staff with water jugs Phase 5: March to Marion Square • First Responder Cadets • Safety Vehicles
Medical Procedures • There will be 10 first responder cadets along with sports medicine posted on both fields. • There will be 2 golf carts 1 on each field for transporting injured cadets • In case of an emergency find sports medicine • first responder will assist in taking cadets to sports medicine (designated by blue PT shirts in ACU Pants). • Sports medicine will assess the situation and take necessary procedures to ensure cadets safety.
Medical Procedures Cont. • If a knob is taken to the infirmary ensure that they are appropriately accounted for. • An ambulance will be stationed next to the parade field during the gauntlet.
Heat Injuries • This will be a physically demanding day and we must ensure the safety of all. • Commanders, Sgts., Plt. Sgts., and Squad Sgts. need to monitor the 4th classmen as well as each other during the day. • Ensure that all personnel both upperclassmen and knobs are hydrating properly. • Supply Sgts. need to ensure that all water coolers remained filled throughout the day. • Knobs with prior heat injuries need to be identified with a pt belt across the body • All commanders and 1st Sgts. Will be given a heat injury card to help identify cadets suffering from heat injuries
Heat Injuries • Heat exhaustion: This condition often occurs when people exercise (work or play) in a hot, humid place and body fluids are lost through sweating, causing dehydration and overheating of the body. The person's temperature may be elevated, but not above 104 F (40 C). • Heat exhaustionsymptoms • Often pale with cool, moist skin • Sweating profusely • Muscle cramps or pains • Feels faint or dizzy • May complain of headache, weakness, thirst, and nausea Core (rectal) temperature elevated-usually more than 100 F (37.7 C) and the pulse rate increased
Heat Injuries • Heat stroke: Heat stroke, also referred to as heatstroke or sun stroke, is a life-threatening medical condition. The person's cooling system, which is controlled by the brain, stops working and the internal body temperature rises to the point at which brain damage or damage to other internal organs may result (temperature may reach 105 F or greater [40.5 C or greater]). • Heat stroke symptoms • Unconscious or has a markedly abnormal mental status (dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, or coma) • Flushed, hot, and dry skin (although it may be moist initially from previous sweating or from attempts to cool the person with water) • May have slightly elevated blood pressure at first that falls later • May be hyperventilating • Rectal (core) temperature of 105 F (40.5 C) or more
Accountability • Strict accountability needs to be taken throughout the day. • At each event all 4th classmen must be accounted for. • Each Sgt. needs to account for their squad. • The Sgts. will give this information to the Plt. Sgt. who will pass it on to their Plt. Leader. • A two man detail will be posted at the infirmary starting at 0540 and go till the end of the Gauntlet, in order to keep account of how many knobs are currently being treated. KNOW WHERE YOUR PEOPLE ARE AT ALL TIMES
Phase 1: Morning PT 0540-0650: Morning PT (Yellow shirts worn by Cadre Only) • 0540- First Call • 0550- Assembly/March to Parade Field (Gates are to remain closed until 0550) • 0600-0625 Corps Stationary PT IAW White Book • 0625-0630 form up for battalion run • 0630-0650- Battalion run led by the current Battalion Commanders • 0650- Return to barracks for hygiene
Phase 1: Procedures[1 of 3] • Cadre will run the PT with supervision by Commanders and Athletic officers. • Participating upper-class cadets will be at the rear of the formation and must complete every exercise or leave the field • Uniform for knobs will be summer PT’s, reflective belts, and camelbacks. • Camelback will be taken off during stationary pt. Company armors will be responsible for the camelbacks during stationary pt. • Supply Sgts. will make sure that company water coolers are filled and present for this event. • Company athletic officers will leave the battalions early and move to their companies designated PT spot on the parade field in-order to help guide their companies to their designated PT area. • Only cadre and those cadets that arrived early are allowed to participate in morning pt.
Phase 1: Procedure[2 of 3] Authorized Exercises IAW The White Book: • Side straddle hops • push-ups [wide, regular, and narrow grips] • Lunges • Crunches • Sit-ups [individual, partnered, and group] • flutter kicks • Human tunnel • Mountain climbers Before any exercises are conducted knobs will stretch. Each exercise is to be conducted, with a maximum of 20 repetitions. Exercises can be repeated. All exercises will be monitored by the company athletic officer NO SATELITES, SPRINTS, OR RELAYS
Company PT Field Layout A E I N P BD B F K O V C A N N O N S C G L T PB D H M R S Bleachers Bleachers
Phase 1: Battalion Run[3 of 3] • The run portion of morning PT will be a battalion run lead by the current Battalion Commander. • The running pace is to be kept at an airborne shuffle • The allotted time for the run is 20 min. • The run route is designated and does NOT include Indian Hill, guards will be posted. • Battalions are only allowed to run on the designated route. • Formations must be tight and controlled with a four man front, cadence caller on the left hand side, and all extra upper-class cadets to the rear of the formation. NO SATELITES, RELAYS, OR SPRINTS
Phase 2: Leadership Training [1 of 2] 0800-0900: “The Citadel Experience” (uniform will be ACUs/Camelback) • 0800 Knobs form up for march to BN classroom. • 0805- “The Citadel Experience” class commences from BN classroom • 0855- “The Citadel experience” ends and Knobs move to Co. classrooms 0900-1000- “Leadership” • 0900- “Leadership” class commences from assigned classrooms (see training schedule) • 1000- “Leadership” ends and Knobs move to barracks 1000-1015-Break (no activities during this time. Hydration period)
Phase 2: Procedures[2 of 2] • Allow Knobs to hydrate during the two periods of instruction to ensure they are properly hydrated. • After returning to the Bn. Knobs will drop ACU blouse and cover, fill camelbacks, make head calls, fill water sources, and prepare for “The Gauntlet” • NO ACTIVITY (PT, DRIVING STAIRS, SWEEP DETAILS, ETC) • Commanders, First SGTs., Cadre Plt. Leaders, Cadre Plt. Sgts., and Cadre Sgts. will monitor movement to ensure no extra activities are being performed. • Any extra time during this period needs to be used for hydration purposes. • OPNs. Officer along with Commander and First SGTs. will ensure this period is executed correctly.
Phase 3: “The Gauntlet”[1 of 5] 1030-1150- “The Gauntlet” • 1015-1020- Formation for “The Gauntlet” • 1020- Movement to designated are for “The Gauntlet” • 1030- Commence “The Gauntlet” • 1145- “The Gauntlet ends”, battalions start to form up for regimental run
Phase 3: Procedures[2 of 5] • Companies will move from their Battalions to the assigned fields in a formation at double time NOT SPRINTINGformation must stay together. • Each company will go to designated starting station, and then rotate to the next station every 8 minutes . • Rotation will be designated by air horn. Time clocks will be posted at both locations to allow time checks. • Cadet leadership is encouraged to support knobs and participate in the event, but will not direct Knobs through events.
Phase 3: Layout [3 of 5] Station 1 A Station 2 B Station 3 C Station 4 D Station 5 E Parade Field Station 11 O Sports Medicine Station 10 N Station 9 BD Station 8 H Station 7 G Station 6 F Stands Stands
Phase 3: Layout [4 of 5] Station 1 I Station 2 K Station 3 L Station 4 M Station 5 P WLI FIELD Station 11 Sports Medicine Station 10 V Station 9 S Station 8 PB Station 7 R Station 6 T Bleachers Bleachers Bleachers Bleachers
Phase 3: Procedures[5 of 5 ] • Each station will have a designated athletic officer to help direction each event and ensure that each company moves to and from events in a timely manner. • Each company will designate one cadet to take photos. No other cadets will be authorized to take photos or be in possession of a camera or cell phone during the Gauntlet. • Names of designated cadets will be sent by each company to the Regimental Operations Officer. Designated Cadets are required to wear ACU covers. • Those knobs that are ex-PT will stay with their company and help support their classmates during the gauntlet. • DIFFERENT 4C Leaders will be designated for each station. The list will be submitted to Regimental Operations NLT Wednesday, April 11.
Station 1: Tire Flips There will be two tires. The 4C leader will split the Knobs into two teams and will compete in a relay. 4 knobs from each team will conduct a 25m tire flip then roll the tire back to the start position. After all members of the team have performed the tire flip members of the team will perform 20 decline pushups in groups of 4. after the pushups are completed the team will sprint to the 25m cone and back. Any remaining time will be spent hydrating and stretching. (NO EXTRA PT)
Station 2: Ammo Can Relay • Knobs will be divided into 4 teams by their 4C leader. • Every knob in each team will complete a 50m farmers walk to a 25 meter cone and back. • Every knob will then complete a 50m lunge to the 25m cone and back.
Station 3: Wheelbarrows & Fireman Carry • Knobs will pair up and conduct 50m fireman carries to the 25m cone and back. • After the fireman carry knobs will perform 50m wheelbarrows to the 25m cone and back. • This will be repeated for the full duration of the 8 minutes.
Wheelbarrows & Fireman Carry Wheelbarrows Fireman carry
Station 4: Team 500 workout • Knobs will divide into teams of 2 or 3. teams of 2 for 1st half of gauntlet, teams of 3 for 2nd half. • Knobs will complete the prescribed 500 rep workout to include: 75 pushups 75 crunches 75 flutter kicks 50 Side straddle hop 50 squats 50 lunges 50 Burpees The goal is to complete the workout as a team. Each knob is not responsible for the entire workout. Division of labor and teamwork are the only way to successfully complete the exercise.
Team 500 workout Pushups Flutter kicks Crunches lunges Squats Side Straddle hop Burpees
Station 5: Log PT • Knobs will be distributed evenly among 3 logs by the 4C leader. • Knobs will complete 2 minutes of overhead presses, bicep curls, and sit ups
Log Pt Bicep curls Sit ups Overhead Presses
Station 6: Buddy Sprints • Knobs will get put into teams of 2. • One knob will sprint to the 5 yard and back, the 10 yard line and back, 15 yard line and back, and the 20 yard line an back. • The other knob will be in the plank position while his partner sprints. • Once the first knob finishes their sprints the second knob will sprint and the previous sprinter will go into the plank position. • The two teams that complete the full exercise first will get the next round off.
Buddy Sprints Plank Position
Station 7: Plyometric station • Knobs will perform the exercises individually • Knobs will perform 2 minutes each of long jumps, star burst jumps, clapping pushups, and knee to chest jumps. • The 4C leader will motivate the Knobs.
Plyometric Clapping pushups Star burst jumps Long jump Knee to chest Jump
Station 8: Crawl • The 4C leader will line up the Knobs shoulder to shoulder on one side of the station and perform as many 25m crawls as they can in 8 minutes with a short 20 second rest period between crawls. • crawls include: bear crawls crab walks low crawls high knees
Crawls Bear Crawl Crab walk Low Crawl High knees
Station 9: Cross fit Station • Knobs will perform this station individually and the 4C leader will motivate their classmates. • For the entire 8 minutes knobs will continuously perform a cycle of 25m exercises. The cycle will include: alligator push ups squat long jumps jog inch worms high knee skips jog
Cross fit Alligator push ups Squat long jump High knees skip Inch worm
Station 10: Sand Bag Barrier Build • Knobs will be instructed to build a barrier on the opposite side of the station from where the bags are currently staged. After the first barrier is completed knobs will then move the sand bags back to the opposite side and construct a semi-circular machine gun nest. • The 4C leader will lead his/her team during this event.
Station 11: Sleds • The Knobs will be broken down into groups. The knobs will push the sleds 25 yards down the field and back. Once they return to the group the next person will go. • The sleds will have different weights on them for smaller and larger knobs. One sled will have a 25lbs weight, the other will have a 45lbs weight.
Phase 4: Knob Recognition • 1145- Form for Victory Lap and return to respective BNs upon completion of run • 1200- Knobs begin class set after all BNs have reported all companies present • 1210- “Home Sweet Home” bag piped over PA system • 1215- Address by Regimental Commander • 1220- 4th class system ends • 1220-1230- Knob Recognition • 1230-1400- Regimental Cookout • 1400-1440- Personal Hygiene time
Inclement Weather Plan • In the event of rain the gauntlet will continue. • If lighting is reported, the gauntlet will stop and all companies will return to battalions and remain on the first division galleries until the lightening has ended. The gauntlet will continue from the point it was stopped however, it will end at 1150, as per the schedule. No extra time will be given in the event of inclement weather.
Phase 4: Procedures • The Victory Lap will be lead by the Reg. Co. • The pace will be an AIRBORNE SHUFFLE .Everyone must stay in formation with a four man front and a cadence caller on the left side. • Everyone will return to their Bns. as they come to the sally port of their Bn. • As soon as the companies have returned to their Bns. the class set will begin. • Bn. Ops. will report when all companies have finished their class sets. • Once all companies have finished the class sets then the regimental commander will address the knobs. • Cadets are not allowed to hang from the sally port gates.
Phase 4: Contingency Plan • Operations Officers will report if there is a failure with the P.A. system in their Bn. • In case of P.A. failure all BNs will form up and march out to their parade spots on Summerall Field. • The Regimental Commander will then address the knob class on the parade deck.