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John Adams: President #2

John Adams: President #2. Refresher: What were the positives and negatives of Adam’s presidency?. Washington’s Farewell Address. When Washington left office he gave a famous farewell speech. He warned the country about two things:

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John Adams: President #2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. John Adams: President #2 • Refresher: • What were the positives and negatives of Adam’s presidency?

  2. Washington’s Farewell Address • When Washington left office he gave a famous farewell speech. • He warned the country about two things: • The USA should mind its own business. Leave other countries alone! • Don’t form rival political parties!

  3. President Washington’s Cabinet • Alexander Hamilton: • Secretary of Treasury • He deals with USA’s economy, banks, and businesses • He thinks the federal government should have more power. • Thomas Jefferson: • Secretary of State • He’s supposed to deal with other countries • He thinks the states should have more power.

  4. First Political Parties (p.7-8) Federalists • Alexander Hamilton: • They think the federal government should have more power. Democratic-Republicans • Thomas Jefferson: • They think the states should have more power.

  5. Alien & Sedition Acts • Sedition Act: made it illegal to criticize the government when at war. • Think: What rights does this violate? • Alien Act: President can deport (kick out of USA) any troublesome foreigners. • The Alien & Sedition Acts make Adams very unpopular…why?

  6. Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions • Kentucky & Virginia passed laws which said Alien & Sedition laws were unconstitutional • Do the states have the power to declare laws unconstitutional? • States claimed power to “nullify,” or erase, laws that went against the Constitution

  7. Judiciary Acts • Laws passed while Adams was president • Established Supreme Court • Made it powerful

  8. XYZ Affair • France and Britain went to war. The USA wanted to keep trading with both countries. • France attacked U.S. ships heading to Britain • Adams tries to avoid war with France and sends people to cut a deal. • (continued)

  9. XYZ Affair • Three French officials known as “X, Y, & Z” demanded bribes for peace. • Many in USA wanted war • Adams avoided war with France • Think: Could the USA win that war?

  10. Where do I fall on the Federalism Spectrum?

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