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Kick-off Meeting “New Employment, New E-quality - Promoting Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the IT Sector” 20 March 2004 Thessaloniki. PART A Introduction to the project SEPVE-Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece. The framework 1/5.
Kick-off Meeting“New Employment, New E-quality -Promoting Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the IT Sector”20March 2004Thessaloniki PART AIntroduction to the project SEPVE-Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece
The framework 1/5 European societies are faced with new challenges: • enlargement of the Union • globalisation • changing employment and labour markets • technological change
The framework 2/5 These challenges are changing the role of industrial relations, as some key priorities should be promoting: • competitiveness & innovation • social cohesion and social protection • new forms of employment and of work organisation • reconciliation of work and family life Social Dialogue should be used as a vehicle to promote these priorities.
The framework 3/5 The social dialogue (SD) is recognised as: • an essential part of the European model • one of the cornerstones of democracy • a current topic in the enlargement process of the European Union For that reason, SD is one of the major priorities of the European Union
The framework 4/5 The Commission provides each year 3 specific budget lines, in order to assist players in the sectoral social dialogue in preparing measures in the field of industrial relations. • Budget Heading B3-4000 • Budget Heading B3-4002 • Budget Heading B3-4003
The framework 5/5 • Budget Heading B3-4000 • Its aims: to promote development of the social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level • It funds: consultations, meetings, negotiations, measures to develop expertise and to exchange information in European level.
The concept of the project Due to: • the importance of social dialogue as new practise in industrial relations • ineffective procedures of social dialogue in Greece • the lack of collective bargaining procedures in the IT sector the idea of the project was born
Aims of the project 1/2 • to improve the Greek expertise in industrial relations in European and comparative terms in the IT sector • to promote the exchange of information among the Social Partners in the IT sector
Aims of the project 2/2 • to institute negotiation and agreements between social partners in order to modernise the organisation of work, including flexible working arrangements, in the Greek IT sector • to assist Greek social partners to promote their social dialogue in the European Dialogue activities
Partners involved in the project Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece Deutscher Multimedia Verband - dmmv e.V. Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft - Ver.di Asociacon Española de Empresas de Multimedia - ASEDEM Greek Federation of Private Employees - OIYE
Content of the project 1/2 • Studying and analysing the structure of the IT sector • Studying the existing forms of employment& the industrial relations in the companies of the IT sector • Exchanging knowledge, information and experiences with other social partners in Europe
Content of the project 2/2 • Examining the possibilities of and presenting proposals for starting a social dialogue in Greece both at sector and company level • Analysing and promoting measures for the application of the European Framework Agreements on part-time work, fixed-term contracts and telework at the sector level
Actions of the project 1/2 • Elaboration of national reports (D & E) from the transnational partners (VERDI, dmmv, ASEDEM) • Elaboration of a Greek study by SEPVE in co-operation with OIYE • Elaboration of a comparative and synthesis study for Greece, Germany and Spain by SEPVE
Actions of the project 2/2 • Organisation of workshop in each participant country (Greece, Germany, Spain) • Organisation of a closing transnational conference (Greece) • Publication of a book with material and conclusions from the project – send to agents, organizations and companies in Greece & Europe
Expected results 1/2 • Advancement in the knowledge of the problems in industrial relations in the Greek IT sector • Promotion of preconditions which are necessary for SD procedures (consultation, negotiation, collective bargaining, etc.) in order to resolve problems in industrial relations in the Greek IT Sector
Expected results 2/2 • Spreading the sectoral industrial relations at Northern Greece and South Eastern Europe • Promotion measures for better organisation with e-quality • Set of proposals for the further development of the Social Dialogue at the European and national level