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Introduction to Title I, Part A. Coordinators’ Academy 2019 Presented By: Latonia Anderson, Tiffany Frierson, Mary Beth Libby, and Shyla Vesitis. Disclaimer:.
Introduction to Title I, Part A Coordinators’ Academy 2019 Presented By: Latonia Anderson, Tiffany Frierson, Mary Beth Libby, and Shyla Vesitis
Disclaimer: The academy was planned under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education (USED). However, the content does not necessarily represent the policy of the USED, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.
Introductions • Latonia Anderson – Title I/V, Specialist: regions 1, 3, 6 • Tiffany Frierson – Title I, A/D, Specialist: regions 4 & 5 • Mary Beth Libby – Title I, A/C, Specialist: regions 2, 7, 8 • Shyla Vesitis – Title I Coordinator
“Ask me about” or “I need assistance with” Networking Activity • If you have been a Title I Coordinator for one year or more, think of one topic you really understand. Write, “Ask me about (topic)” on the back of your name tag. • If you have been a Title I Coordinator for a year or less, think of one topic with which you need assistance. Write, “I need assistance with (topic)” on the back of your name tag.
Networking Activity Continued • Make sure your topic is visible to others. • Move about the room and try to match your “Ask me about” or “I need assistance with” to one or more people in the room. • Once you’ve located that person or those people, introduce yourselves and remain in that location until further instruction is given.
Title I Defined What is Title I? • Federal law intended to improve basic programs in low income schools • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended • Federal funding source
Purpose of Title I, Part A The purpose of Title I, Part A, is to: provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.
Eligibility for Title I Funding Title I eligibility is based on student poverty. • Federal allocation is made to VDOE based on poverty data from the U.S. Census. • VDOE awards subgrants to divisions based upon federal allocation and other adjustments. • Divisions make school level allocations using a per pupil formula for low-income students.
Use of Title I Funds Title I funds are to be used to directly impact student achievement by: • Providing additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time; • Providing students with an enriched and accelerated academic program; • Significantly elevating the quality of instruction; and • Affording parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
July Submit application in OMEGA by July 1. Ensure that division and school level parent and family engagement policies have been reviewed and revised in preparation for the 2019-2020 school year.
Application Information • Applications are due July 1, 2019, in the Online Management of Education Grant Awards (OMEGA) application through Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS) portal. • Changes are revisions until the application has been programmatically approved. • Changes to approved application are amendments. • Budget Transfer Requests (BTR) follow amendments.
Accessing the Applications The applications can be accessed via a Sharepoint Site. Sign in: Funds@virginiadoe.onmicrosoft.com Password: Education2019 Contact your Title I Specialist for further information on how to download the applications.
Technical Assistance Documents Available on Sharepoint • Original PowerPoint released with the application • PowerPoint from Application Training sessions in Richmond and Roanoke • Application checklist for the individual application • Application checklist for the consolidated application
Review and Update Parent and Family Engagement Policies • Sample District Wide Parent Involvement Policy • Sample School Parent Involvement Policy • Be sure to involve, and document the participation of, parents in the review process. • When planning parent and family engagement events for the year, take into consideration parent feedback on how parent and family engagement funds should be used.
August Check OMEGA to determine if your application needs revisions. Check Superintendent’s Memos for the release of 2019 allocations. Conduct annual Title I Parent Meeting. Attend to required parent notifications.
If the application is not programmatically approved the first time it is submitted and your Title I Specialist has asked for revisions. Revisions are Required:
Amendments are Required: • If/when the allocation is revised • When a programmatic or budgetary change is made that impacts the application • Before a budget transfer request is submitted
Amendments, Continued • Once the final allocations have been released, the application must be amended. • The application can only be amended once it has been programmatically approved. • A budget transfer request should be submitted with an amendment if funds are being moved from one object code to another.
Release of Allocations The initial allocation should be released in August via Supt’s Memo.
Annual Title I Meeting Convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title I and to explain the requirements of Title I, and the right of the parents to be involved.
Annual Title I Meeting Documentation Retain an agenda and/or PowerPoint presentation from the meeting as well as documentation of parental attendance.
Annual School Quality Profiles • Parents must be provided with a copy (or information on how to obtain a copy) of the school’s School Quality Profile. • A link should also be placed on each Title I school’s webpage. • Information must be provided to parents of all students attending schools receiving Title I funding. • Information must be provided on an annual basis. • School Quality Profiles are available on the VDOE website.
Assessment Opt Out Policies • Parents in schools supported by Title I funds must be notified that that they may request information about any state or division policy regarding student participation in required assessments. • Notification must be provided: • To parents of all students attending schools that receive Title I funding. • On an annual basis. • Via letter or included in a student handbook.
Teacher Qualifications(Right to Know Letter) • Parents in schools supported by Title I funds must be notified that they have the right to inquire about the qualifications of their child’s teacher. • Notification must be provided: • To parents of all students attending schools that receive Title I funding. • On an annual basis. • Via letter or included in a student handbook.
Notice of Non-highly Qualified Teachers (4 Week Letter) • If a child is taught for four or more weeks by any teacher lacking proper qualifications (licensure/endorsement) in a Title I school, a letter of notification must be sent home to parents. • Examples: • Teachers with provisional licenses who have not passed Praxis II • Long-term substitutes who are not highly qualified • Teachers of record teaching out of their area(s) of endorsement • Refer to IPAL report.
English Learner Parental Notification Letter • School divisions are required to inform parents annually regarding their child's placement in a language instruction education program within 30 days after the beginning of the school year, or within two weeks of the child's placement within a program. • Keep a copy of the notification with all eight required components on record as well as evidence of when the letters were sent to parents.
Effective Outreach to Parents of ELs Title I of the ESEA, as amended by ESSA, now requires LEAs to conduct effective outreach to parents of ELs, including regular meetings [see Section 1112(e)(3)(c)] For more information, review Chapter 10 of the English Learner Tool Kit: Ensuring Meaningful Communication with Limited English Proficient Parents.
Title I, Part A, and Title III Part A, Collaboration “Title I, Part A, and Title III, Part A, Working Together for English Learners” Tuesday 1:45 – 3:00 p.m. Louise Marks, Shyla Vesitis
Check for a Supt’s Memo regarding divisions undergoing federal program monitoring during the 2019-2020 school year. Ensure that 2017 funds are 100 percent encumbered and 2018 funds are 85 percent encumbered. September
Federal Program Monitoring Check the Federal Program Monitoring Three Year Schedule to see if your division is being monitored during the 2019-2020 school year.
Federal Program Monitoring “Title I, Part, A, Monitoring Preparation ” Tuesday 3:15-4:30 p.m. Tiffany Frierson “Title I, Part A, Panel: Preparing for Title I, Part A, Federal Program Monitoring” Wednesday 10:55 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Division Level Title I Coordinators
Carryover Timeline for FFY 2017 Funds Total Grant Award Period: July 1, 2017 to September 30, 2019 Deadline to Obligate 85% of Award: September 30, 2018 Deadline to obligate 100% of Award: September 30, 2019 Deadline to Request Reimbursement for ALL Funds: November 15, 2019
Carryover Timeline for FFY 2018 Funds Total Grant Award Period: July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2020 Deadline to Obligate 85% of Award: September 30, 2019 Deadline to obligate 100% of Award: September 30, 2020 Deadline to Request Reimbursement for ALL Funds: November 15, 2020
Carryover Timeline for FFY 2019 Funds Total Grant Award Period: July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2021 Deadline to Obligate 85% of Award: September 30, 2020 Deadline to obligate 100% of Award: September 30, 2021 Deadline to Request Reimbursement for ALL Funds: November 15, 2021
Spending Progress Report To check spending progress for encumbering 100 percent of 2017 funds and 85 percent of 2018 funds, access the Spending Progress Report in OMEGA.
October Submit an application amendment and budget transfer request. Look for a Supt’s Email regarding Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018 Carryover Limitations and Reallocation Procedures.
Title I, Part A, Amendments Amendments should include the following: • The amendment number, date, and description of changes on the cover page of the application • Modifications to the application such as: • Program narrative • Detailed budget description • Object code budget • Budget summary
Budget Transfers • A budget transfer request must follow any application amendment that includes budget changes. • Write a clear and concise justification. • Work with your budget office to ensure accuracy.
Budget Transfer Requests Use “View my reimbursement/budgets” in (OMEGA) to review all budget transfer requests processed within the grant award period.
Certification of Obligation • Your division may receive a Supt’s Email entitled, “Title I, Part A, Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018 Carryover Limitations and Reallocation Procedures,” if your division potentially did not meet the requirement to obligate 85 percent of their FFY 2018 Title I, Part A, funds by September 30, 2019, based on fiscal records in OMEGA. • Each school division that receives the email will be asked to complete a certification of obligation form to indicate whether the division obligated 85 percent of their FFY 2018 Title I, Part A, funds by September 30, 2019 and return the form to the Office of ESEA Programs by mid-November.
Ensure that all reimbursements for 2017 funds are submitted prior to November 15. November
Reimbursements • Submit reimbursements on a regular basis (quarterly or monthly). • Submit reimbursements for “older funds” prior to accessing “newer funds” when possible. • Review OMEGA requests regularly to ensure created requests are submitted and approved through local approval queue by all parties.
Reimbursement Request Tips • Ensure reimbursement requests are explicitly stated in the grant and that the amount budgeted matches the amount expended. • Ensure the item or activity is clearly described in the reimbursement request description line. • Upon requesting reimbursement for food for parent and family engagement, include the number of people in attendance and the date of the event. • Include the beginning and ending dates for online subscriptions and site licenses. • Local travel for school employees should include the mileage and the name of the traveler.
Reimbursement Requests Use “View my reimbursement/budgets” in (OMEGA) to review reimbursement requests processed within the grant award period.
Check Superintendent’s Memos for revisions to the 2018 allocations and the Comparability Report memo. December
Title I, Part A, Comparability • A school division may receive Title I, Part A, funds only if it uses state and local funds to provide services in Title I schools that are at least comparable to services provided in non-Title I schools. • Demonstrating comparability is required to receive Title I, Part A, funds. • Refer to Superintendent’s Memo #346-18: 2018-2019 Title I, Part A, Comparability Report, for additional information.