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AWWA Conference

Explore a $30 million project near Bellingham completed in 2010. Review key issues, team structure, creative ideas, and cost validations. Significantly enhance project value.

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AWWA Conference

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  1. AWWA Conference Middle Fork Nooksack River Passage Project Charrette/Value Engineering Study Overview Peter E. Jobs, CVS(Life), FSAVE PEJobs@Comcast.net

  2. Outline • Scope of Charrette/VE Study • Photos and Site Plan • Key Issues • The Study Team and Job Plan • Added Value Recommendations • Summary

  3. Scope of Charrette/Value Engineering Study • Review Preliminary Engineering Drawings, Design Report, Estimate and Schedule • Conduct Site Visits • Incorporate a design Charrette/VE process • Achieve consensus on design with Partnering Agreement, Design Narratives, cost and Schedule Validation, Risk Assessment

  4. Photos - $30,000,000 project, 20 miles E. of Bellingham, planned completion December 2010 Area of Proposed Left Abutment and Penstock Tunnel Intake Spillway

  5. Site Plan- Existing Dam, Spillway and Water Intake Structure

  6. Key Issues • Dam or No Dam • Funding/Cost • Stakeholder “Buy-In” • Water Supply to City • Fish Passage • Constructability/Schedule • Power

  7. The Charrette/VE Study Team • Independent • Multi-disciplined • Ten full-time and six part-time members • No ownership in previous analyses • Fresh set of eyes - highly experienced professional civil and structural engineers - specialists in VE, dams, fish passage, hydraulics, o and m, power transmission, construction/scheduling, estimating

  8. The Study Job Plan 1. INFORMATION Understand Project & Issues 2. FUNCTION ANALYSIS Understand Purpose of Project Parts 3. CREATIVE Generate Ideas to Improve Value 4. EVALUATION Select the Best Ideas 5. DEVELOPMENT Expand Ideas & Rationale, Document 6. PRESENTATION Present VE Recommendations

  9. Creative Idea List(56 Brainstormed Ideas) Following is a list of ideas and comments for project improvement from the Design Charrette/VE study sorted by Geotechnical, Civil, Struct, Elect, Fish/Passage/Hydraulics, CM Idea No.: Idea numbers assigned to creative ideas generated during the creative phase. Score: The ideas were scored as follows to prioritize them for further development and documentation. Resp.: Team member responsible for documentation. Wkbk #: The number assigned to an idea which serves as a key to the Value Improvement Matrix (1.1).

  10. Workbook Examples Following are examples of three workbooks Typical Format: Baseline Proposed Alternative Justification Advantages/Disadvantages Recommendation/Result Cost Summary Sketch of baseline Sketch of Proposed Alternative

  11. Workbook 2.1.4 Excavate Less Rock and Reduce Concrete in North Abutment

  12. Workbook 2.1.4Less Rock 1,125 cy, Less Concrete 1,125cy, Add Rock Bolts = Save $1,099,000

  13. Workbook 2.1.4 Baseline Sketch (No Rock Bolts)

  14. Workbook 2.1.4Proposed with Rock Bolts and Less Rock Excavation and Less Concrete

  15. Workbook 2.5.1Reduce Slope: Zig Zag Pool or Lengthen Grade Control

  16. Workbook 2.5.1Lengthen Grade Control, Reduce Slope, Add Fill and Boulders = Added $707,000 Cost

  17. Workbook 2.5.1Baseline Sketch: Limit 16%-18% Grade Control Structure to Upstream of Dam

  18. Workbook 2.5.1Proposed with Extended Structure Downstream of Dam and 12% Grade

  19. Workbook 2.5.2 Reduce Large Boulders: Use Grout, Filter Layer, Armor Layer and Reduce Slope

  20. Workbook 2.5.2Add Boulder Armor Layer 9,960cy, Add Grout 2,000cy, Construct New Fishway =Add $2,323,000 Cost

  21. Workbook 2.5.2Baseline Sketch: Limit 16%-18%Grade Control Structure to Upstream of Dam

  22. Workbook 2.5.2Proposed with Backfill, Filter, Grout, Armor Boulder Layer and 12% Slope

  23. Value Matrix (39 Workbooks Prepared)

  24. Additional Added ValuePartnering Agreement Cost and Schedule Validation Design Narratives Risk Assessment

  25. Partnering Agreement (Over 20 Stakeholders) As a result of the Charrette/VE Study we, the key stakeholders for the Middle Fork Nooksack River Passage Project, have reviewed the design narratives, drawings, planning and estimate done to date. We confirm our commitment to the success of the project and will apply our best efforts to ensure a timely completion on schedule and within budget. The signatures below are from those individuals who support working together and the project team.

  26. Cost and Schedule Validation Cost: The May 2006 preliminary cost estimate for the Artificial Constriction and Permanent Scour Pool Intake was $16,700,000. The validated construction costs escalated to 2008 is $30,500,000. Schedule: The validated schedule requires two in-water work Seasons and is forecast to be completed by December, 2010.

  27. Design Narratives – Geotechnical Design • Geology and Subsurface Conditions • Colluvium • Alluvium • Recession Glaciolacustrine Deposits • Lodgment Till • Elbow Lake Bedrock Units • Dewatering

  28. Design Narratives – Electrical Design • The Electrical Design Narrative Addressed: • The facility design - portable or permanent power. • 2. The public utility - provide the distribution service, thus eliminating O&M costs associated with owning a 7.2 KV line and equipment. • 3. Reduce the electrical demand of the facility. 

  29. Design Narratives – Fish Passage and Hydraulics Design Structures • This Design Narrative Addressed: • Functions • Design Issues/Constraints • 1. Design Flows • 2. Fish Passage up steep 16% -18% Boulder Grade Control section • 3. Stability of steep Grade Control/Fish Passage structure • 4. Dewatering and In-Water Work below dam for Grade Control Structure extension • 5. Screen Size, Type • Operational Goals

  30. Design Narratives – Civil & Site Design • Change River Diversion Concept • Reduce Size of Maintenance Building • Contract Packaging • Early Site Clearing

  31. Design Narratives – Structural & Dam Repair • Maintenance Building • Loads • Materials • Structural Engineering of New Intake • Site Dewatering • Site Construction • Existing Access Bridge

  32. Risk AssessmentMitigate High Risk Issues RISK INDEX Project risks and weight factors are: Total = 39 Risk Index = 39 divided by 10 = 3.9 Under the typical or ideal circumstances, the Risk Index would average a medium three (3) or less. On this project, the Risk Index calculated to be 3.9. Since the Index was considerably higher than that for a typical project, it was an indication the City of Bellingham needed to take specific measures to mitigate the higher risk issues in the near future.

  33. Summary Results: Design Narratives – Basis for future design Cost and Schedule validation Risk Assessment Improved Project Value Partnering Agreement – Stakeholder commitment Costs: Baseline 2006 Estimate $16,700,000 Estimate Validated adjustments $13,800,000 Total Validated adjusted cost $30,500,000 Less Charrette/VE savings - $8,000,000 Total cost after Charrette/VE $22,500,000

  34. Client Response I continue to believe that the VE process was invaluable on an “unusual” project such as the Dam Removal Project. Not only did it formalize the “ingeniousness”aspect that we all strive for, but it also tended to provide a very clear, very accessible background document explaining the “how” along with the “why”. Derek Holzl, PE Project Manager City of Bellingham

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