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AAKF - ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION New Karate System for young people Rules for young competitors in Karate Sport FURSTENFELD - AUSTRIA 2003, January 17th AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Art. 1. GENERAL AIMS The principals aims of the AAKF are the followings:

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  1. AAKF - ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION New Karate System for young people Rules for young competitors in Karate Sport FURSTENFELD - AUSTRIA 2003, January 17th

  2. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Art. 1. GENERAL AIMS The principals aims of the AAKF are the followings: • To promote the discipline of the Karate Sport among young people that live in the Nations and in the Regions belonging to the Alpe Adria community and affiliated to National or Regional Federations or to Promotional Organizations recognized by their National Olympic Committee or by their National or Regional Government;

  3. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • AAKF must be a FREE, OPEN and PROMOTIONAL ORGANIZATION where it is possible TO PROMOTE KARATE SPORT in friendship • AAKF it is not an alternative Federation to EKF - WKF • AAKF recognized official karate federations EKF and WKF and it will support these organization to promote Karate Sport for young people that live in Alpe Adria Community • AAKF is a no “bureaucrat “ organization

  4. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Karate People living in Alpe Adria Community Regional or National Organizations of guest countries Regional Fed.s other Promotional Organizations National Fed.s

  5. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • To experiment new technical programs and to elaborate rules with particular reference to the young students of the Karate Sport with inclusive in the age between 5 and the 14 years;

  6. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • To introduce with gradualness the sporting Karate practice and to encourage the competitive practice of the karate among young people in according to the technical rules of the European Karate Federation EKF, World Karate federation WKF and in the respect of the National or Regional Federations or Organizations of their affiliation;

  7. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • To organize promotional sporting events finalized to the reach the aims above mentioned. • - Official Alpe Adria Championship (every year) • - Promotional international tournament (Cup, Trophy ….) “recommended” by AAKF

  8. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Why it is necessary to propose a new rule for the young people?

  9. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION SOME CONSIDERATIONS… • Karate Sport it is very technical and difficult discipline (kata) • In Karate Sport we have injury problems (kumite) • In Karate Sport we can find 2 different sport disciplines • Kata is a “composite” sport as artistic skate, syncronized swimming … • Kumite is “situational” sport, it is a fight discipline as sword, boxing… • WKF rule problems: it supports a technical program that is valid for mature competitors

  10. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION SOME SOLUTIONS FOR KUMITE SPORT… • To elaborate a program with a limited and gradual technician obligation • to use no so many techniques (only 5) • to choose those techniques thatmostly competitors use in competition • to reduce competition area • to reduce the duration of the fights • to guarantee a greater safety to the athletes reducing the possibility of contact and increasing the personal protection devices

  11. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION SOME SOLUTIONS FOR KATA SPORT… • To elaborate a program with a limited and gradual technician obligation (run circuit and free kata) • to stimulate the imagination of the young athletes (free kata) • to introduce new elements of aggregation (sound karate or a different number of competitors composing a team)

  12. N. CATEG. CODE YEARS 2004 2005 0 BABIES BA 5°-6° 99-98 00-99 1 CHILDREN CH 7°-8° 97-96 98-97 2 BOYS/GIRLS BG 9°-10° 95-94 96-95 3 NOVICES NO 11°-12° 93-92 94-93 4 MINICADETS MC 13°-14° 91-90 92-91 AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Art. 2 – GROUPS OF AGE The AAKF activity will follow the solar year (from January to December) and the athletes will be divided according to the following group of age:

  13. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Art. 3. TECHNICAL PROGRAMS • Technical specialties are divided in propaedeutic games for the Kata (form) and Kumite (fight). • All the competitions, with exclusion of the Run Circuit, are developing according to the WKF method (direct elimination with recovery and judges evaluation through flags of red and blue color).

  14. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • In the specialty of the kata and the kumite the levels of difficulty are forseen step by step, to allow a gradual introduction of the WKF rule. • The athletes can participate in the different kinds of competitions according to their age and to the acquired experience in the practice of the karate.

  15. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION RUN CIRCUIT • The Run Circuit will be composed by 10 stations, of limited appointment (jumps, dives, upside-down, leaps..), whose aim is to encourage the development of the principal body abilities in the young athletes. • Every exercise must be performed in the correct way as illustrated by the Judges to the beginning of the competition.

  16. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • The Run Circuit won't follow a fixed scheme and it can be changed in every competition. • Judges will show the Run Circuit to the Athletes that have the possibility to try the exercise before the beginning of the competition.

  17. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • The classification will be worded on the base of the run-time. • If the Judge has to notice a non correct execution, he will stop the athlete and will make him to repeat the exercise of the station. • To the Run Circuit can participate the belonging athletes to the Babies categories (5 and 6 years old), Children (7 and 8 years old) and Boys/Girls (9 and 10 years old) in separate groups.


  19. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION KATA Technical specialties are the followings: • individual competitions: • traditional style kata (ITK) • personal free composition kata (PFK) • teams competitions (composed by 3, 4 or 5 athletes) • traditional style kata (TTK) • sound free composition kata (TSK)

  20. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION These are the principal rules, in derogation to the WKF rule, to make easier participation to the kata competitions: • In the traditional Katas style, athletes can freely choose the katas from the official list of the WKF. • The athletes in possession of the white, yellow, orange and green belt degree can also repeat the same kata in the final. The athletes in possession of blue, brown or black belt degree will have to perform in final a different kata. -         

  21. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • In the competitions of kata of free composition the same kata can be repeated in all the eliminatory phases and in final. • In the free composition katas (individual and sound karate teams) the duration will be between the 45 and the 60 seconds • In the teams competitions, in the final phase, competitors won't be necessary perform Bunkai.

  22. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • The teams can be composed from 3,4 or 5 athletes and they can be mixed (males and females together) • In the teams competition it is allowed to insert 1 or 2 athletes of the younger category, if the team is respectively composed by 3 or 4/5 athletes. • All the individual categories will be mixed (males and females together) with exclusion of the categories Boys/Girls, Novices and Minicadets in the specialty traditional kata style where the male athletes and females will compete in two separate groups.

  23. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • In the individual competitions the two athletes will compete at the same time. • In the teams competitions the first team will perform kata with the red belt and then the team with the blue belt according to the WKF meth • In all the competitions the evaluation will be expressed with the majority system (flags method) using 3 or 5 judges. • In all competitions it is foreseen redrawing in according to the WKF method.

  24. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • In the Sound Karate team competition the members of team will must follow the rhythm of the musical passage. • Teams can choose freely your musical basis. • In the competitions of individual traditional kata style athletes will be divided in diversified groups according to their degree.

  25. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION The groups will be so divided: • white and yellow belts Group; • belts orange and green Group; • belts blue and brown (and black if you introduce) Group

  26. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • In the kata of free composition in the exercise must be present at least the followings technical actions (minumun contents): • 2 techniques of direct arms (minimun 1 right and 1 left) • 2 techniques of circular arms (minimun 1 right and 1 left) • 2 techniques of direct kicks (minimun 1 right and 1 left) • 2 techniques of circular kicks (minimun 1 right and 1 left) • 2 acrobatic phases (excluded the Boys/Girls category)

  27. CATEG YEARS CODE INDIVIDUAL TRADITIONAL KATA TEAM TRADITIONAL KATA (3-5 comp.) PERSONAL FREE KATA TEAM SOUND KARATE (3-5 comp.) BABIES 5°-6° BA M+F All degrees NO NO NO CHILDREN 7°-8° CH M+F All degrees NO NO BOYS/GIRLS 9°-10° BG M and separated F - White Yellow Group - Orange Green Group - Brown Blue Group M+F All degrees M+F All degrees NOVICES 11°-12° NO M and separated F - White Yellow Group - Orange Green Group - Brown Blue Group M+F All degrees M+F All degrees MINICADETS 13°-14° MC M and separated F - White Yellow Group - Orange Green Group - Brown Blue Group M+F All degrees AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION -   

  28. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION -   KUMITE The fight competitions can be individual or for teams. In all the competitions only the followings 5 techniques will be admitted: • chudan mawashigeri • chudan yakuzuchi • jodan urakenuchi • jodan mawashigeri • jodan uramawashigeri

  29. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • Techniques of projection, sweeps and direct techniques to the face are not admitted. • The back is a protected area where it is not allowed to throw any technique. • Any kind of contact is not admitted to the jodan area. • In all the competitions the evaluation will be expressed with the flags system. • It is foreseen the redrawing in according to the known method. • The areas of competition must have a measure of 6x6 meters. • It is not foreseen any subdivision for different groups of graduation.

  30. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION In the individual fight we can find the followings 4 different levels of increasing difficulty:

  31. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION 1 - Technical balls game: Athletes will contemporarily be compared using 2 couples of coaxial balls (one to chudan area and other to jodan area). The duration of the test is 40 sec. without interruption and athletes can freely bring, without contact, the allowed techniques. In case of contact Referee will stop the match and will give a penalty of category C1 to the athlete according to the WKF method without give any score to the adversary.


  33. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION 2 - Demonstrative free fight (couples): In this specialty 2 couples of athletes will contemporarily be compared (a couple with red belt the other with the blue one). The duration of the fight is of 60 sec. and the athletes can freely make the allowed techniques. Referee will stop the match only in case of penalty. Contact penalties or forbidden actions will be attributed to the couple using the WKF method without giving any score to the other couple. The athletes must be provided, at least, of the protective gloves.

  34. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION 3 -Limited Individual free fight without interruption: The athletes are individually compared using only the 5 allowed techniques. The duration of the fight is of 80 sec. The Referee will stop the match in case of penalty C1 or C2. Penalties of contact or forbidden actions will be give using WKF method without attributing any score to the adversary. The final evaluation is global and there isn’t any extension of the match (hencho-sen). The athletes will have to wear the following protections: gloves (red or blu colored), tooths protection, shin bone protection, instep protection (red or blue colored), abdominal protective bodice (inside to the karategi), protection to the genital area (for masculine category).

  35. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION 4 - Advanced limited individual free fight: You will use the system WKF but the athletes can use only the 5 established techniques that will be rewarded in the following way: • uraken jodan or yakuzuchi chudan 1 point • chudan mawashigeri 2 points • mawashi geri or uramawashigeri 3 points The duration of the fight is him 120 seconds.


  37. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION • If the athletes of the Novices category participate in the level 1 they can also participate in the level 2 but not in the level 3. • The athletes of the Minicadets category are able to participate in the level 3 or 4 but not in both. • In the competitions of level 3 or 4 the number of the athletes that compose a team has been fixed in 3 elements (minimum 2 maximum 5). • The athletes will be coupled between them according to their weight and their stature by the Referee, before the beginning of the competition. • In the teams competitions of level 3 or 4 it is possible to insert 1 athlete belonging, to the lower age category.

  38. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Explanation It is possible to participate in the different levels in the same age group. This system gives to the responsible teacher opportunity to insert his/her own athlete in a precise technical level according to the technical maturity acquired by the same. The aim is to pass gradually from "quantity" to "quality" of technique, so it is possible, in a promotional competition, to choose two levels (technical balls game – level 1 - and couples demonstrative fight – level 2) or to only one level (individual fight without interruption – level 3- or individual fight advanced – level 4).

  39. LEVEL CATEGORIES AGE GROUP TECHNICAL ABILITIES AREA COORDINATE EXPRESSIVE ABILITIES AREA CONDITIONAL ABILITIES AREA TOTAL = good form rhythm correct use of the strength posture Balance power corrected execution fundamental technique general coordination ability to fix the techniques (kime) knowledge of the practiced style virtuosity synchronism (for the teams) as amended use of the respiraton creativeness (only free forms) concentration 1 BABIES 30% 60% 10% 100% 2 CHILDREN 3 BOYS/GIRLS 40% 40% 20% 100% 4 NOVICES 50% 20% 30% 100% 5 MINICADETS AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION

  40. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Penalty': it is applied in the following cases: • -          loss of balance (BAL) • -          hesitation (HES), • -          loss of synchronization (test teams) (SYN) The penalties will be suitable according to their gravity (- 5% if type light, -10% if evident) and escaped by the total score. Disqualification: it is applied in the following cases: • -      to stop the performance or ti skip a part of it; • -      to perform a different kata from what declared; • -   perform the exercice without the minimun of technical contents (free form).


  42. AAKF ALPE ADRIA KARATE FEDERATION Art. 5. CATEGORIES • The specialties and the categories are divided and encoded according to the scheme under suitable. • The competition code will obligatorily be used and it must be reported on entry registration form . Entry form should be sent by computer way. • The code is composed by 4 figures and it allows to quickly identify the specialty (0=run circuit, 1=kata, 2=kumite) and the age group (0=Babies 1=Children, 2=Boys/Girls, 3=Novices, 4=Minicadets).

  43. information Vladi Vardiero EKF/WKF kumite Referee “A” categ. Kata Judge “A” categ. Karate Master 6th dan Tel. +39 335 8121349 Fax +39 041 4433655 vladi.vardiero@karateproject.org www.karateproject.org

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