1. Victimization Theories Victim Precipitation
Life Style
3. Fewer Men, More Crimes Low sex ratio makes men reluctant to marry and invest in children
If they did marry, they were at high risk for divorce or separation
These factors help to destabilize the conventional family structure and result in births to unwed mothers
4. Fewer Men, More Crimes Mothers-teenagers are lacking parenting skills
Their sons tend to be more crime prone than sons of two-parent families
5. Victimology The scientific study of victimization, including the relationships between victims and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice system -- that is, the police and courts, and corrections officials -- and the connections between victims and other societal groups and institutions, such as the media, businesses, and social movements
6. “Crime Victim” The term "crime victim" generally refers to any person or group who has suffered injury or loss due to illegal activity
The harm can be physical, psychological, or economic
7. Robbery Robbery is a form of theft, distinguished from larceny by the use of threat or force or at least the possibility of force
Robbery victims experience recurrent and intrusive thoughts and dreams of the incident
Changes in eating and sleeping habits are common
4% of robbery victims seek mental health treatment
Each robbery victim is different; they heal at their own pace
8. The law enforcement advice Remain calm! Obey the commands of the robber and do exactly as you are told. Inform the robber of any moves you intend to take which the robber may not anticipate and could mistake as an aggressive action on your part. It is not recommended to resist the robbery. Do try to get the very best description of the robber as possible. Try to remember everything you can about the robber, including mannerisms, clothing, etc. As soon as the robber departs, immediately dial 9-1-1. Protect the scene and try not to touch anything until the police arrive. Ask any witnesses to remain to talk with police about what they might have seen
9. Victimization Theories What makes someone a victim? Look at criminal-victim dyad
Victim as agent provocateur
Victim characteristics contribute to victimization
Situational context
Spatial characteristics
Can we decrease our chances of being victimized?
10. Victimization and situational setting Individual behavior is a product of an interaction between the person and the setting
Most criminological theories pay attention only to the first, asking why certain people might be more criminally inclined or less so
This neglects the important features of social setting
11. Benjamin Mendelsohn (1956) Father of victimology – coined term victimology
Discovered strong relationship between victimization and social setting
Classification based on legal considerations of the degree of the victim’s blame
1. completely innocent (being in the wrong place at the wrong time)
2. victims with minor guilt/due to ignorance
3. victim as guilty as offender/voluntary victim
12. Victim Precipitation The degree to which victim is responsible for own victimization
Wolfgang (1958):
Investigated homicides in Philly from 1948-1952
Common factors:
Often victim and offender know each other
Alcohol plays role
Incident often escalates from minor altercation to murder
13. Victim Precipitation 60% of cases where women killed their husbands as victim precipitated
9% of incidents where men killed their wives as victim precipitated
14. Wolfgang’s Study Victim was “the first to slap, punch, stab..”
The prevalence of victim precipitation in murder and assault is contrary to the popular image victims as totally innocent
15. Victim Precipitation and Homicide Interpersonal dispute is a dominant characteristic of many homicides
Five stages of escalation for typical homicide
1. Victim makes a direct offensive verbal attack against the offender (40 % of victims initiate the homicide drama by verbal threat)
16. Victim Precipitation and Homicide 2. The offender interprets the victim’s words and deeds as offensive
3. The offender makes the opening to “pay back” the victim for the previous insult
4. The eventual victim “stands up” to the offender’s opening, responding with increased hostility
17. 5. Commitment to battles ensues, the victim is left dead or dying (35% of offenders carry gun or knives, and nearly 65% leave the crime scene to obtain weapons)
Victim Precipitation and Homicide
18. Amir’s analysis of rape Police records on rape incidents in Philly from 1958-1960
19% of all forcible rapes were victim-precipitated
Factors: alcohol, seductive actions by victim, wearing revealing clothing, using risque language, bad reputation
Offender’s interpretation of actions is what is important – not what victim actually does
19. Provocative dress - active precipitation
20. Passive Precipitation Occurs when the victim exhibits some personal characteristic that either threaten or encourages the attacker
Related to power
Group of immigrants arriving to the community and compete for job
Love interest, promotion
21. Problems with Victim Precipitation Assumption that behavior of victim can explain criminal act
Responsibility Placed on Victim
Creates Culturally Legitimate Victim
Excuses Offenders Behavior
22. Victimology Today Aim to search for the causes of victimization
Concerned with:
How victims are defined
How definitions are applied – by victim by social scientists, by community
How victims react to experience
How society responds to victims – systems for dealing with victims
23. Lifestyle Theory Victimization is the function of the victim’s lifestyle
Going out in public places late at night, living in urban areas
High-risk lifestyles: drinking, taking drugs, getting involved in crimes, leaving household for a long time, etc
Do WSU students have high-risk
24. Lifestyles Theory Micro-level theory
Variations in lifestyle affect # situations with high victimization risks that an individual may experience
People associate with
Working outside of the home
Leisure activities
Someone who has drug dealer as friend is more likely to be victimized than someone with prosocial friends
25. Empirical Tests General findings: homes that are well-guarded are less likely to be burglarized
People who stay out late and drink heavily are more likely to be crime victims
26. Empirical tests Schwartz and Pitts (1995): study of college women at Ohio University
Most likely to be victim:
Number of nights go out drinking (suitable target/absence of guardianship)
Whether have friends who get women drunk for purpose of having sex (motivated offender)
Experiencing uncomfortable advances in bar (suitable target, motivated offenders, absence of capable guardianship)
27. Dangerous Times Nighttime and weekends are the peak times for most violent crimes, property offenses, and public order violations
Darkness is a criminogenic condition (fewer people are around, higher rates of drug and alcohol use, greater anonymity)
28. Dangerous places Dangerousness of particular physical locations changes according to crimes
Victims’ homes (homicide, assault, sexual offenses)
Streets around victim’s homes and deserted areas near parking lots and entertainment establishments (muggers and auto thieves)
29. Dangerous Times and Places for Homicide and Aggravate Assault Homicide
Evening hours (6pm-6a.m) (70%)
Weekends (39%)
Home/residence (35%)
Street/alley (39%)
Vehicle (10%)
Commercial places (6%) Aggravated Assault
Evening hours (6p.m. –midnight) (49%)
Within 1 mile of residence (54%)
Streets/parking lots (34%)
In or near victim’s home (28%)
Schools (5%)
Home of friend/relative/neighbor (9%)
30. Victim profile in homicide and aggravated assault Homicide victims
Male (76%)
White (50%); African american(48%)
13-24 years old (32%)
Same race of victim and offender (89%)
Single and never married (54%)
Urban resident (54%)
Employed (56%)
High risk occupations:
1. Taxicab driver and Chauffeurs
2. Police/Law enforcement officials
3. Hotel clerks
4. Garage & service station employee
5. Stock handlers and baggers
31. Sociodemographic Characteristics of Offenders Overrepresented for Each Crime Type
32. Time and Place Elements of Crime Profiles
33. Situational Elements of Crime Profiles
34. Routine Activity Theory Cohen, Felson (195…)
“Opportunity makes the thief”
RAT argues that when a crime occurs, three things happen at the same time and in the same space:
1. a suitable target is available
2. there is the lack of a suitable guardian to prevent the crime from happening
3. motivated offender is present
35. Routine Activity Theory
36. A Suitable Target The first condition for crime is that a suitable target must be available
There are three major categories of target:
a person
an object
a place
37. Potential Targets Four things make a target suitable to an offender and these use the acronym VIVA:
Value. The offenders value the target for what they gain or value the effect they have on it
For example, a burglary might occur because the burglar wants the stolen items or wants the money made from selling them
Offender might damage a bus stop, because he/she gets satisfaction (value)
38. Potential Targets Inertia. The size or weight of an item can effect how suitable it is. For example, items such as CDs and watches are suitable targets for shoplifters because they are small and portable.
Visibility. How visible a target is can affect its suitability. For example, items left in view of a window or someone counting money near a cash point machine are visible targets.
Access. If a target is easy to get to, this increases its suitability. So, goods displayed outside shops, or someone walking through a deserted street alone at night are accessible.
39. Absence of a Capable Guardian A capable guardian is anything, either a person or thing, that discourages crime from taking place
Police patrols, security guards, Neighbourhood Watch schemes, locks, fences, barriers, lighting, alarm systems, vigilant staff and co-workers, friends
A guardian can be present, but ineffective. For example a CCTV camera is not a capable guardian if it is set up or sited wrongly
Staff might be present in a shop, but may not have sufficient training or awareness to be an effective deterrent
40. Likely Offenders Gain/Need: poverty, to feed a drug habit, greed.
Society/Experience/Environment: living in a culture where crime is acceptable, because of peer pressure, coercion, lack of education, poor employment prospects, envy, as a rebellion against authority.
Beliefs: a belief that crime in general or particular crimes aren’t wrong, as a protest on a matter of principle, prejudice against certain minority/ethnic groups.
41. The offender profile in burglary Male (88%)
White (68%), African American (30%)
<25 years old (64%)
Prior arrest record (79%)
Prior felony arrest record (68%)
Little offense specialization
42. The victim profile in household burglary Highest
<19 years old head of household
African American/Latino
Urban resident
Six or more people in households
Resident for less than 6 months
Multifamily unit Lowest
65 or older head of household
Income >$75,000
Live alone
Residents for more than 5years
Single-family unit
43. Household burglary
44. Benett and Wright (1984) Found that burglars use a variety of cues in selecting targets (empirical test of RAT)
“Surveillability” refers to the extent to which a house is overseen by neighbors or passerby
45. How to chose a target “Signs of occupancy” (internal lightening, cars in a garage, seeing resident in the house, noise, voices)
“Accessibility” refers to easy of entry without detection (alarms, window and door bars, security entrances, etc)
46. Empirical Validity of RAT Sherman (1989) “hot spots” study
He focused on “criminology of place” and used Minneapolis police “call data”
Most crime reports (calls) came from only 3% of all locations in the city
Those places attracted offenders (absence of guardians)
47. Evaluation of RAT RAT is not a theory of criminal behavior, it is a theory of criminal victimization
Theory does not explain why some persons are motivated to commit crime
Does not explain why informal/formal control exercised to prevent crime
It just assumes that informal/formal guardians are not present or able to prevent crime, then crime will occur
Theory of common sense (Akers, 2000)
Sit at home, watch television, decrease chance of being victimized
48. Policy Implications Situational Crime Prevention: stop crime by preventing the intersection in time and space of offenders and targets that lack guardianship
Make target less attractive and offenders will choose not to commit crime