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Welcome. Parents: Please do the following before my presentation begins. Have your child show you around the classroom.
Welcome Parents: Please do the following before my presentation begins. • Have your child show you around the classroom. • If you haven’t paid for your child’s assignment book, please deposit $3.00 for one book or $5.00 for two books, which you’ll need. Please keep your envelope taped to the desk. I will collect the envelopes at the end of the evening. Thanks. • (Presentations will begin at 6:45 and 7:25)
Tonight’s agenda • Introduction • Curriculum • Homework • Rules and Consequences • Partnership in Education
Our District’s Mission Statement “Learning today for a successful tomorrow” In room 11, students will work cooperatively and collaboratively to strive for excellence in the standards set forth for third graders in the state of Illinois. My hope along the way is to instill lifelong learners in each and every student in my class.
Common Core State Standards *District 123 is implementing the literacy standards for the second year. *The literacy standards and the math standards aim to provide clear, consistent benchmarks with higher academic standards for learning. *Weekly newsletter states monthly literacy standards.
Standards Based Grading Standards based grading will continue again this year in literacy. This Standards Based Model shows academic growth over time. (Trimester 1-3) ELA will be reported with the standards based report card (1-4 rating, like last year). Letter grades will be administered for math, science, and social studies yet this year.
Literacy Block The following reading strategies will be modeled and practiced throughout the year. *monitor comprehension *activate and connect *summarize and *ask questions synthesize *infer meaning *determine importance
Strategies and skills are introduced and practiced through whole group and small group instruction. When I am working with a small group, your child will be engaged in a variety of activities which include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, and work on word work.
Words Their Way *Pretest given to determine placement. *Program will start once levels are determined *Day 2-Introduce sort *Students will have 2 weeks to practice the sort and show application before the test. Please keep in mind the test/Day 5 may not be a Friday like traditional spelling tests. Also, the third grade team will change classes for this subject.
Writing- 6 Traits +1 *voice *ideas *organization *word choice *sentence fluency *conventions *presentation
Math *Transitioning from Everyday Math to the Common Core State Standards for math. The first trimester is CCSS expectations. *Partial usage of Everyday Math program- supplemented with lessons/activities will take place later in the year. *The major change in our district is the gradual change from the spiraling math curriculum to a deeper understanding of specific grade level standards that are built upon, but not repeated throughout the year.
Grading in Math *Math homework is graded B (Beginning level of understanding), D (Developing level), and S (Secure level)- For ex. D/S *Frequently, an exit slip is given to assess the students’ understanding of a skill and to guide my instruction and check for understanding.
To help your child at home in math, you can try the following activities. *Practice counting forward and backward by 2, 3, 5, and 10’s. *Engage your child in a conversation about their homework. *Assist your child with their homework if he or she is struggling.
Science The program we use is inquiry based and hands-on. The four units we’ll cover are • Sun, moon, and stars • Water • Matter • Food Chains and Webs Students take notes to study for the I-Checks (tests).
Social Studies Topics Covered • Native Americans • Colonial and Revolutionary Periods • The New Nation
Technology *Students in third grade now have the advantage of 1:1 netbook use. *Each student is assigned a netbook to use during the day. *Netbooks are used during morning literacy instruction as well as in the afternoon. *Netbooks are used in a variety of ways. -skill enhancement and practice -research projects -shared writing -word processing -fluency practice -design opportunities -much, much, more!
Homework *There will be homework daily, but not on most weekends. *Homework will consist of 15 minutes of reading, math work, word sorting, and any studying of upcoming tests. *Homework must be done neatly and with 100% effort *Parent signature is required daily on assign.book
Rules • Raise your hand • Follow the directions the first time • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself • Treat others respectfully Consequences Green-Warning (slip sent home stating infraction) Yellow-10 minutes from recess supervised by Mrs. Rizzo Blue-Loss of entire recess Red-After school detention
Fun Friday I will provide a 10 minute free time on Friday afternoon, if your child maintained positive behavior (not moving to level 2, yellow,or beyond, and not having 3 or more green levels in a week) and not accumulating more than 1 late assignment for the week.
How can you help your child succeed? *Show interest in your child’s day and support their learning. *Provide the necessary supplies at home and the proper place and time to do homework. *Make sure homework is done and sign off on necessary items. A parent signature is also required on math calendars once effective. *Encourage a good night’s rest and a healthy breakfast. *Check out my teacher web page for additional information and web sites to foster learning at home. *Encourage your daughter or son to be and do their best!
Let’s check out my teacher web page. Thank you for coming this evening. I’m looking forward to a year full of learning and fun.