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Public participation and CCS in Italy: Lessons learned from Porto Tolle

This document discusses the implementation of the EU CO2 Storage Directive in Italy, focusing on Enel's CCS project in Porto Tolle. It covers the technological and legislative aspects of CCS, public acceptance, and the permitting process. Lessons learned emphasize the importance of early public engagement and raising awareness about CCS technology to foster dialogue and acceptance. Effective communication strategies involving various stakeholders are crucial in promoting understanding and addressing public concerns regarding CCS projects.

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Public participation and CCS in Italy: Lessons learned from Porto Tolle

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  1. Public participation and CCS in Italy: Lessons learned from Porto Tolle • Implementing the EU CO2 Storage Directive: Challenges and Opportunities • UCL FACULTY OF LAWS • CARBON CAPTURE LEGAL PROGRAMME • Fabrizio Iaccarino • London - November, 7th, 2011

  2. 3 Enel’s Group Overview2010 results Overall installed capacity (march 2010) 0 – 500 MW 500 – 1000 MW 1000 – 2000 MW 2000 – 10000 MW > 10000 MW • 40 Countries • 97 GW of installed capacity • 61 million customers • 17.5 bn € EBITA • 7.1 bn € investments • 78k employees • 290 TWh produced • 309 TWh sold • 431 TWh distributed 2

  3. Agenda • Status of CCS in Italy: • Technology • Legislative framework • Public acceptance environment • The Porto Tolle case • Lessons learned • Concluding remarks

  4. Brindisi CO2 capturepilotplant Pilot Stage – Brindisi CO2 Capture Pilot Plant

  5. Porto Tolle Power plant 100 km COAL UNIT 2 STRIPPERS REBOILER STORAGE TANKS FUEL GAS DESULFURIZATION ABSORBER CO2 storage area (light-blue) ZEPT- Zero Emission Porto Tolle The Enel’s CCS demo project Porto Tolle power plant

  6. ZEPT- Zero Emission Porto TolleOne of the six EEPR projects Total EEPR funding: 1 b€ IGCC Off-shore gas field Post-combustion On shore saline aq. Oxy-fuel and post-combustion On shore storage Post-combustion Off-shore gas field Porto Tolle Post-combustion Off-shore saline aq. Oxy-fuel CFB On shore saline aq.

  7. Legislative framework Implementation of the Directive 2009/31/EC • Parliamentary path lasted several months. • Implementation decree was approved by Council of Ministers on July 28th last. • Implementation decree was published on the Official Journal on October 4th last (D.Lgs. September 14th 2011, n. 162).

  8. Have you ever heard of CO2 capture and storage, also known as carbon capture and storage or carbon capture and sequestration (CCS)? Yes, I Know

  9. People informed about CCS consider it effective. While the general public requires deeper explanations of the CCS impact in the fight against climate change, particularly in the North East In your opinion, could you tell me whether you think CCS could be effective or not to fight climate change? Sì

  10. Have you ever heard of the Porto Tolle CCS project? Yes, I know One Italian out of two, who are informed about CCS, knows Porto Tolle.The North West region is the most informed about the project

  11. If CCS or carbon capture and storage technology was used in your region, do you think that you would benefit from it or not? No Benefits

  12. …But little acceptance of coal when compared to other energy sources L Italy is much more critical on coal than other countries Little difference between coal and nuclear Favorability of energy sources – Source EU Eurobarometer

  13. Enel’s project in Porto Tolle What we know from qualitative research PLUS MINUS + Coalgives a senseofreturn to the past Occupationforlocal people - Positive inductioneffectsforsurroundingcommunities High costsofreconversion + - Local media have a more positive informationalattitude Desire for greater involvement from local population + - Project gives a senseof vision for a better future Fearoflackofcontrol/ oversightforimportant business - +

  14. Porto Tolle - Background Environmental Compatibility Decree issued by Ministry of Environment for TPP conversion Appeal by environomental Association Favorable ruling of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court; New appeal by NGO’s Building permit issued for the base Power Plant Council of State voids ECD; Stakeholders demonstrate against decision; Region/ Govmt./ Enel start emergency taskforce Veneto Regional Council approves amendment to the Delta Po Law; Italian Budget Law confirms priority of national legislation for EIA July 2011 October 2010 January 2011 May 2011 July 2009 November 2009

  15. Public participation in favor of the Porto Tolle project

  16. Communication strategy: 2011 Action Plan

  17. Concluding Remarks Scenario for public acceptance of CCS projects • Lessons learned from Porto Tolle permitting process is that early public engagement is essential (engagement starts with employees) • Without developing public’s understanding of the technology, there is no possibility of dialogue and public acceptance • Engagement means also raising awareness for the basic issues: fossil fuels will remain necessary and CCS technologies offer the opportunity to realize climate neutral coal-fired power plants in the transition to a greener society

  18. Concluding Remarks Communicate CCS projects • An effective public engagement activity on CCS requires working with a wide range of stakeholders including government institutions, scientific institutions, research councils, public and private associations, media, communication specialists • A key role of the communication is to disseminate the scientific community findings to government and other interested parties in order to address public concerns and communicate value of the technology • Legislation on public engagement and participation will surely play a key role in the future authorization process.

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