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IEEE Standards University Initiative Proposal

The IEEE Standards University is a comprehensive three-year initiative aimed at expanding standards education content and resources, emphasizing the impact of standards in engineering and technology, and enhancing knowledge of patents and conformity assessment. The objectives include modernizing delivery methods, establishing IEEE as a research center, and elevating leadership in standards education. The program offers diverse learning tracks like Learning Modules, Workshops, Publications, Standardization Research, and Web Updates. The new initiative program supports strategic projects with lasting benefits to IEEE and stakeholders, requiring significant funding for implementation.

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IEEE Standards University Initiative Proposal

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  1. IEEE Standards University Draft Proposal for New Initiative Susan Tatiner and Jennifer McClain Presented to Standards Education Committee12 December 2013

  2. New Initiative to create the IEEE Standards University • IEEE Standards University (ISU) would be: • a multi-track three-year new initiative intended to: • greatly expand IEEE’s standards education content and resources for educators, students and professionals; • spotlight the development and use of standards; • demonstrate the impact of standards on the fields of engineering, technology and business; • increase understanding of patents and standards; • increase the understanding of the role of conformity assessment.

  3. IEEE Standards University • IEEE Standards University will be designed to train, educate, and inspire! • New initiative includes: • innovative new elements; • reimagined versions of existing elements that leverage content and experience; • coordinating elements that together present a comprehensive program that is greater than the sum of its parts.

  4. IEEE Standards University • Objectives: • make standards education a viable reality at the university level by providing a critical mass of materials; • modernize delivery methods for educators, students, and professionals; • establish IEEE as a center of IEEE standardization research; • bring IEEE standards education efforts to the next level; • establish continued leadership in this area for IEEE.

  5. Learning Tracks • Learning Modules Track • Includes video interview series, guest lecture series, live courses, eLearning modules, standards education grants, professional training • Workshop Track • Includes face-to-face training workshops for students, faculty and/or professionals aimed at greatly increasing attendees knowledge of standards • Publication Track • Includes the IEEE Standards Education e-Magazine • Publication of research articles in existing IEEE journals and other publications

  6. Learning Tracks (Continued) • Standardization Research Track • Relatively new field of study where IEEE is positioned to become a center of excellence in standardization research, using the IEEE Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (IEEE-SIIT) Conference as springboard • Web Track • Upgrade, update and coordinate the IEEE Standards Education-related websites (TryStandards.org, Standards Education eZine, Standards Student Application Papers and main site StandardsEducation.org/)

  7. Current Status • SA and EA Staff have completed a first draft to get us started. • Yatin Trivedi has reviewed the early draft and is listed as the Volunteer Champion of the project. • Looking for an SEC ad-hoc to help with the draft development. • Need to circulate to interested parties within the SA and EA and IEEE for input. • And to socialize within NIC.

  8. IEEE New Initiative Program • PURPOSE: The new initiative program is designed to support potential new programs, products, or services that will provide significant benefit to IEEE members, the public, the technical community, and customers, or which could have lasting impact on the IEEE or its business processes. Initiatives must be of strategic importance to IEEE. • The IEEE new initiative process allows for new initiative evaluation at any time during the year via a two-phased proposal submission process. • Typical new initiatives are expected to require US$100,000 or more for a 12-month period. However, any project proposed to the New Initiative Committee with a total budget exceeding US$40,000 will be considered a New Initiative. Multi-year funding is allowable, with a maximum of up to three 12-month periods. • More details are available on the New Initiative website athttp://www.ieee.org/about/corporate/initiatives/rsp.html

  9. Thank you

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