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Welcome to The Monsoon where our restaurant is located in the heart of the vibrant Brick Lane in London. Traditional Bangladeshi cooking is a culinary art form, an amazing blend of wonderful and fragrant spices and this keeps our clients coming back for more.
THEMONSOONRESTAURANT Welcome ľo The Monsoonwhere our resľauranľ is locaľed in ľhe hearľ of ľhe vibranľ Brick Lane in London. Tradiľional Bangladeshi cooking is a culinary arľ form, an amazingblendofwonderfulandfragranľspicesandľhiskeepsourclienľscomingback formore. Ourchefsuseľhebesľandfreshesľingredienľsľocreaľeawiderangeofsľimulaľing dishes for you all ľo enjoy in ľhe comforľ of your own home. Founded in 2001, ľhe deliciouscookingandunparalleledserviceofTheMonsoonconľinuesaľľracľingfood lovers from across London. We hope you will have a moľivaľing and inspiring experienceandwewouldlikeľoľhankyouforyourcusľom.